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# Ultralytics YOLO 🚀, GPL-3.0 license |
site_name: YOLOv8 Docs |
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repo_name: ultralytics/ultralytics |
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- ultralytics.nn: reference/ |
- Operations: reference/ |
- YOLOv5: |
- yolov5/ |
- Train Custom Data: yolov5/ |
- Tips for Best Training Results: yolov5/ |
- Multi-GPU Training: yolov5/ |
- PyTorch Hub: yolov5/ |
- TFLite, ONNX, CoreML, TensorRT Export: yolov5/ |
- NVIDIA Jetson Nano Deployment: yolov5/ |
- Test-Time Augmentation (TTA): yolov5/ |
- Model Ensembling: yolov5/ |
- Pruning/Sparsity Tutorial: yolov5/ |
- Hyperparameter evolution: yolov5/ |
- Transfer learning with frozen layers: yolov5/ |
- Architecture Summary: yolov5/ |
- Roboflow for Datasets, Labeling, and Active Learning: yolov5/ |
- Neural Magic's DeepSparse: yolov5/ |
- Comet Logging: yolov5/ |
- Clearml Logging: yolov5/ |
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