# Ultralytics YOLO 🚀, AGPL-3.0 license |
import requests |
from ultralytics.hub.utils import HUB_API_ROOT, HUB_WEB_ROOT, PREFIX, request_with_credentials |
from ultralytics.utils import LOGGER, SETTINGS, emojis, is_colab |
API_KEY_URL = f'{HUB_WEB_ROOT}/settings?tab=api+keys' |
class Auth: |
id_token = api_key = model_key = False |
def __init__(self, api_key='', verbose=False): |
""" |
Initialize the Auth class with an optional API key. |
Args: |
api_key (str, optional): May be an API key or a combination API key and model ID, i.e. key_id |
""" |
# Split the input API key in case it contains a combined key_model and keep only the API key part |
api_key = api_key.split('_')[0] |
# Set API key attribute as value passed or SETTINGS API key if none passed |
self.api_key = api_key or SETTINGS.get('api_key', '') |
# If an API key is provided |
if self.api_key: |
# If the provided API key matches the API key in the SETTINGS |
if self.api_key == SETTINGS.get('api_key'): |
# Log that the user is already logged in |
if verbose: |
LOGGER.info(f'{PREFIX}Authenticated ✅') |
return |
else: |
# Attempt to authenticate with the provided API key |
success = self.authenticate() |
# If the API key is not provided and the environment is a Google Colab notebook |
elif is_colab(): |
# Attempt to authenticate using browser cookies |
success = self.auth_with_cookies() |
else: |
# Request an API key |
success = self.request_api_key() |
# Update SETTINGS with the new API key after successful authentication |
if success: |
SETTINGS.update({'api_key': self.api_key}) |
# Log that the new login was successful |
if verbose: |
LOGGER.info(f'{PREFIX}New authentication successful ✅') |
elif verbose: |
LOGGER.info(f'{PREFIX}Retrieve API key from {API_KEY_URL}') |
def request_api_key(self, max_attempts=3): |
""" |
Prompt the user to input their API key. Returns the model ID. |
""" |
import getpass |
for attempts in range(max_attempts): |
LOGGER.info(f'{PREFIX}Login. Attempt {attempts + 1} of {max_attempts}') |
input_key = getpass.getpass(f'Enter API key from {API_KEY_URL} ') |
self.api_key = input_key.split('_')[0] # remove model id if present |
if self.authenticate(): |
return True |
raise ConnectionError(emojis(f'{PREFIX}Failed to authenticate ❌')) |
def authenticate(self) -> bool: |
""" |
Attempt to authenticate with the server using either id_token or API key. |
Returns: |
bool: True if authentication is successful, False otherwise. |
""" |
try: |
if header := self.get_auth_header(): |
r = requests.post(f'{HUB_API_ROOT}/v1/auth', headers=header) |
if not r.json().get('success', False): |
raise ConnectionError('Unable to authenticate.') |
return True |
raise ConnectionError('User has not authenticated locally.') |
except ConnectionError: |
self.id_token = self.api_key = False # reset invalid |
LOGGER.warning(f'{PREFIX}Invalid API key ⚠️') |
return False |
def auth_with_cookies(self) -> bool: |
""" |
Attempt to fetch authentication via cookies and set id_token. |
User must be logged in to HUB and running in a supported browser. |
Returns: |
bool: True if authentication is successful, False otherwise. |
""" |
if not is_colab(): |
return False # Currently only works with Colab |
try: |
authn = request_with_credentials(f'{HUB_API_ROOT}/v1/auth/auto') |
if authn.get('success', False): |
self.id_token = authn.get('data', {}).get('idToken', None) |
self.authenticate() |
return True |
raise ConnectionError('Unable to fetch browser authentication details.') |
except ConnectionError: |
self.id_token = False # reset invalid |
return False |
def get_auth_header(self): |
""" |
Get the authentication header for making API requests. |
Returns: |
(dict): The authentication header if id_token or API key is set, None otherwise. |
""" |
if self.id_token: |
return {'authorization': f'Bearer {self.id_token}'} |
elif self.api_key: |
return {'x-api-key': self.api_key} |
# else returns None