--- comments: true --- # Datasets Overview Ultralytics provides support for various datasets to facilitate computer vision tasks such as detection, instance segmentation, pose estimation, classification, and multi-object tracking. Below is a list of the main Ultralytics datasets, followed by a summary of each computer vision task and the respective datasets. ## [Detection Datasets](detect/index.md) Bounding box object detection is a computer vision technique that involves detecting and localizing objects in an image by drawing a bounding box around each object. * [Argoverse](detect/argoverse.md): A dataset containing 3D tracking and motion forecasting data from urban environments with rich annotations. * [COCO](detect/coco.md): A large-scale dataset designed for object detection, segmentation, and captioning with over 200K labeled images. * [COCO8](detect/coco8.md): Contains the first 4 images from COCO train and COCO val, suitable for quick tests. * [Global Wheat 2020](detect/globalwheat2020.md): A dataset of wheat head images collected from around the world for object detection and localization tasks. * [Objects365](detect/objects365.md): A high-quality, large-scale dataset for object detection with 365 object categories and over 600K annotated images. * [SKU-110K](detect/sku-110k.md): A dataset featuring dense object detection in retail environments with over 11K images and 1.7 million bounding boxes. * [VisDrone](detect/visdrone.md): A dataset containing object detection and multi-object tracking data from drone-captured imagery with over 10K images and video sequences. * [VOC](detect/voc.md): The Pascal Visual Object Classes (VOC) dataset for object detection and segmentation with 20 object classes and over 11K images. * [xView](detect/xview.md): A dataset for object detection in overhead imagery with 60 object categories and over 1 million annotated objects. ## [Instance Segmentation Datasets](segment/index.md) Instance segmentation is a computer vision technique that involves identifying and localizing objects in an image at the pixel level. * [COCO](segment/coco.md): A large-scale dataset designed for object detection, segmentation, and captioning tasks with over 200K labeled images. * [COCO8-seg](segment/coco8-seg.md): A smaller dataset for instance segmentation tasks, containing a subset of 8 COCO images with segmentation annotations. ## [Pose Estimation](pose/index.md) Pose estimation is a technique used to determine the pose of the object relative to the camera or the world coordinate system. * [COCO](pose/coco.md): A large-scale dataset with human pose annotations designed for pose estimation tasks. * [COCO8-pose](pose/coco8-pose.md): A smaller dataset for pose estimation tasks, containing a subset of 8 COCO images with human pose annotations. ## [Classification](classify/index.md) Image classification is a computer vision task that involves categorizing an image into one or more predefined classes or categories based on its visual content. * [Caltech 101](classify/caltech101.md): A dataset containing images of 101 object categories for image classification tasks. * [Caltech 256](classify/caltech256.md): An extended version of Caltech 101 with 256 object categories and more challenging images. * [CIFAR-10](classify/cifar10.md): A dataset of 60K 32x32 color images in 10 classes, with 6K images per class. * [CIFAR-100](classify/cifar100.md): An extended version of CIFAR-10 with 100 object categories and 600 images per class. * [Fashion-MNIST](classify/fashion-mnist.md): A dataset consisting of 70,000 grayscale images of 10 fashion categories for image classification tasks. * [ImageNet](classify/imagenet.md): A large-scale dataset for object detection and image classification with over 14 million images and 20,000 categories. * [ImageNet-10](classify/imagenet10.md): A smaller subset of ImageNet with 10 categories for faster experimentation and testing. * [Imagenette](classify/imagenette.md): A smaller subset of ImageNet that contains 10 easily distinguishable classes for quicker training and testing. * [Imagewoof](classify/imagewoof.md): A more challenging subset of ImageNet containing 10 dog breed categories for image classification tasks. * [MNIST](classify/mnist.md): A dataset of 70,000 grayscale images of handwritten digits for image classification tasks. ## [Multi-Object Tracking](track/index.md) Multi-object tracking is a computer vision technique that involves detecting and tracking multiple objects over time in a video sequence. * [Argoverse](detect/argoverse.md): A dataset containing 3D tracking and motion forecasting data from urban environments with rich annotations for multi-object tracking tasks. * [VisDrone](detect/visdrone.md): A dataset containing object detection and multi-object tracking data from drone-captured imagery with over 10K images and video sequences.