import math import os import platform import time from contextlib import contextmanager from copy import deepcopy from pathlib import Path import thop import torch import torch.distributed as dist import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from torch.nn.parallel import DistributedDataParallel as DDP import ultralytics from ultralytics.yolo.utils import LOGGER from ultralytics.yolo.utils.checks import git_describe from .checks import check_version LOCAL_RANK = int(os.getenv('LOCAL_RANK', -1)) # RANK = int(os.getenv('RANK', -1)) WORLD_SIZE = int(os.getenv('WORLD_SIZE', 1)) @contextmanager def torch_distributed_zero_first(local_rank: int): # Decorator to make all processes in distributed training wait for each local_master to do something if local_rank not in [-1, 0]: dist.barrier(device_ids=[local_rank]) yield if local_rank == 0: dist.barrier(device_ids=[0]) def DDP_model(model): # Model DDP creation with checks assert not check_version(torch.__version__, '1.12.0', pinned=True), \ 'torch==1.12.0 torchvision==0.13.0 DDP training is not supported due to a known issue. ' \ 'Please upgrade or downgrade torch to use DDP. See' if check_version(torch.__version__, '1.11.0'): return DDP(model, device_ids=[LOCAL_RANK], output_device=LOCAL_RANK, static_graph=True) else: return DDP(model, device_ids=[LOCAL_RANK], output_device=LOCAL_RANK) def select_device(device='', batch_size=0, newline=True): # device = None or 'cpu' or 0 or '0' or '0,1,2,3' ver = git_describe() or ultralytics.__version__ # git commit or pip package version s = f'Ultralytics YOLO 🚀 {ver} Python-{platform.python_version()} torch-{torch.__version__} ' device = str(device).strip().lower().replace('cuda:', '').replace('none', '') # to string, 'cuda:0' to '0' cpu = device == 'cpu' mps = device == 'mps' # Apple Metal Performance Shaders (MPS) if cpu or mps: os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '-1' # force torch.cuda.is_available() = False elif device: # non-cpu device requested os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = device # set environment variable - must be before assert is_available() assert torch.cuda.is_available() and torch.cuda.device_count() >= len(device.replace(',', '')), \ f"Invalid CUDA '--device {device}' requested, use '--device cpu' or pass valid CUDA device(s)" if not cpu and not mps and torch.cuda.is_available(): # prefer GPU if available devices = device.split(',') if device else '0' # range(torch.cuda.device_count()) # i.e. 0,1,6,7 n = len(devices) # device count if n > 1 and batch_size > 0: # check batch_size is divisible by device_count assert batch_size % n == 0, f'batch-size {batch_size} not multiple of GPU count {n}' space = ' ' * (len(s) + 1) for i, d in enumerate(devices): p = torch.cuda.get_device_properties(i) s += f"{'' if i == 0 else space}CUDA:{d} ({}, {p.total_memory / (1 << 20):.0f}MiB)\n" # bytes to MB arg = 'cuda:0' elif mps and getattr(torch, 'has_mps', False) and torch.backends.mps.is_available(): # prefer MPS if available s += 'MPS\n' arg = 'mps' else: # revert to CPU s += 'CPU\n' arg = 'cpu' if not newline: s = s.rstrip() return torch.device(arg) def time_sync(): # PyTorch-accurate time if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.synchronize() return time.time() def fuse_conv_and_bn(conv, bn): # Fuse Conv2d() and BatchNorm2d() layers fusedconv = nn.Conv2d(conv.in_channels, conv.out_channels, kernel_size=conv.kernel_size, stride=conv.stride, padding=conv.padding, dilation=conv.dilation, groups=conv.groups, bias=True).requires_grad_(False).to(conv.weight.device) # Prepare filters w_conv = conv.weight.clone().view(conv.out_channels, -1) w_bn = torch.diag(bn.weight.div(torch.sqrt(bn.eps + bn.running_var))) fusedconv.weight.copy_(, w_conv).view(fusedconv.weight.shape)) # Prepare spatial bias b_conv = torch.zeros(conv.weight.size(0), device=conv.weight.device) if conv.bias is None else conv.bias b_bn = bn.bias - bn.weight.mul(bn.running_mean).div(torch.sqrt(bn.running_var + bn.eps)) fusedconv.bias.copy_(, b_conv.reshape(-1, 1)).reshape(-1) + b_bn) return fusedconv def model_info(model, verbose=False, imgsz=640): # Model information. img_size may be int or list, i.e. img_size=640 or img_size=[640, 320] n_p = sum(x.numel() for x in model.parameters()) # number parameters n_g = sum(x.numel() for x in model.parameters() if x.requires_grad) # number gradients if verbose: print(f"{'layer':>5} {'name':>40} {'gradient':>9} {'parameters':>12} {'shape':>20} {'mu':>10} {'sigma':>10}") for i, (name, p) in enumerate(model.named_parameters()): name = name.replace('module_list.', '') print('%5g %40s %9s %12g %20s %10.3g %10.3g' % (i, name, p.requires_grad, p.numel(), list(p.shape), p.mean(), p.std())) try: # FLOPs p = next(model.parameters()) stride = max(int(model.stride.max()), 32) if hasattr(model, 'stride') else 32 # max stride im = torch.empty((1, p.shape[1], stride, stride), device=p.device) # input image in BCHW format flops = thop.profile(deepcopy(model), inputs=(im,), verbose=False)[0] / 1E9 * 2 # stride GFLOPs imgsz = imgsz if isinstance(imgsz, list) else [imgsz, imgsz] # expand if int/float fs = f', {flops * imgsz[0] / stride * imgsz[1] / stride:.1f} GFLOPs' # 640x640 GFLOPs except Exception: fs = '' name = Path(model.yaml_file).stem.replace('yolov5', 'YOLOv5') if hasattr(model, 'yaml_file') else 'Model'"{name} summary: {len(list(model.modules()))} layers, {n_p} parameters, {n_g} gradients{fs}") def initialize_weights(model): for m in model.modules(): t = type(m) if t is nn.Conv2d: pass # nn.init.kaiming_normal_(m.weight, mode='fan_out', nonlinearity='relu') elif t is nn.BatchNorm2d: m.eps = 1e-3 m.momentum = 0.03 elif t in [nn.Hardswish, nn.LeakyReLU, nn.ReLU, nn.ReLU6, nn.SiLU]: m.inplace = True def scale_img(img, ratio=1.0, same_shape=False, gs=32): # img(16,3,256,416) # Scales img(bs,3,y,x) by ratio constrained to gs-multiple if ratio == 1.0: return img h, w = img.shape[2:] s = (int(h * ratio), int(w * ratio)) # new size img = F.interpolate(img, size=s, mode='bilinear', align_corners=False) # resize if not same_shape: # pad/crop img h, w = (math.ceil(x * ratio / gs) * gs for x in (h, w)) return F.pad(img, [0, w - s[1], 0, h - s[0]], value=0.447) # value = imagenet mean def copy_attr(a, b, include=(), exclude=()): # Copy attributes from b to a, options to only include [...] and to exclude [...] for k, v in b.__dict__.items(): if (len(include) and k not in include) or k.startswith('_') or k in exclude: continue else: setattr(a, k, v) def smart_inference_mode(torch_1_9=check_version(torch.__version__, '1.9.0')): # Applies torch.inference_mode() decorator if torch>=1.9.0 else torch.no_grad() decorator def decorate(fn): return (torch.inference_mode if torch_1_9 else torch.no_grad)()(fn) return decorate def intersect_state_dicts(da, db, exclude=()): # Dictionary intersection of matching keys and shapes, omitting 'exclude' keys, using da values return {k: v for k, v in da.items() if k in db and all(x not in k for x in exclude) and v.shape == db[k].shape} def is_parallel(model): # Returns True if model is of type DP or DDP return type(model) in (nn.parallel.DataParallel, nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel) def de_parallel(model): # De-parallelize a model: returns single-GPU model if model is of type DP or DDP return model.module if is_parallel(model) else model class ModelEMA: """ Updated Exponential Moving Average (EMA) from Keeps a moving average of everything in the model state_dict (parameters and buffers) For EMA details see """ def __init__(self, model, decay=0.9999, tau=2000, updates=0): # Create EMA self.ema = deepcopy(de_parallel(model)).eval() # FP32 EMA self.updates = updates # number of EMA updates self.decay = lambda x: decay * (1 - math.exp(-x / tau)) # decay exponential ramp (to help early epochs) for p in self.ema.parameters(): p.requires_grad_(False) def update(self, model): # Update EMA parameters self.updates += 1 d = self.decay(self.updates) msd = de_parallel(model).state_dict() # model state_dict for k, v in self.ema.state_dict().items(): if v.dtype.is_floating_point: # true for FP16 and FP32 v *= d v += (1 - d) * msd[k].detach() # assert v.dtype == msd[k].dtype == torch.float32, f'{k}: EMA {v.dtype} and model {msd[k].dtype} must be FP32' def update_attr(self, model, include=(), exclude=('process_group', 'reducer')): # Update EMA attributes copy_attr(self.ema, model, include, exclude)