# YOLOv8-Segmentation-ONNXRuntime-Python Demo This repository provides a Python demo for performing segmentation with YOLOv8 using ONNX Runtime, highlighting the interoperability of YOLOv8 models without the need for the full PyTorch stack. ## Features - **Framework Agnostic**: Runs segmentation inference purely on ONNX Runtime without importing PyTorch. - **Efficient Inference**: Supports both FP32 and FP16 precision for ONNX models, catering to different computational needs. - **Ease of Use**: Utilizes simple command-line arguments for model execution. - **Broad Compatibility**: Leverages Numpy and OpenCV for image processing, ensuring broad compatibility with various environments. ## Installation Install the required packages using pip. You will need `ultralytics` for exporting YOLOv8-seg ONNX model and using some utility functions, `onnxruntime-gpu` for GPU-accelerated inference, and `opencv-python` for image processing. ```bash pip install ultralytics pip install onnxruntime-gpu # For GPU support # pip install onnxruntime # Use this instead if you don't have an NVIDIA GPU pip install numpy pip install opencv-python ``` ## Getting Started ### 1. Export the YOLOv8 ONNX Model Export the YOLOv8 segmentation model to ONNX format using the provided `ultralytics` package. ```bash yolo export model=yolov8s-seg.pt imgsz=640 format=onnx opset=12 simplify ``` ### 2. Run Inference Perform inference with the exported ONNX model on your images. ```bash python main.py --model --source ``` ### Example Output After running the command, you should see segmentation results similar to this: Segmentation Demo ## Advanced Usage For more advanced usage, including real-time video processing, please refer to the `main.py` script's command-line arguments. ## Contributing We welcome contributions to improve this demo! Please submit issues and pull requests for bug reports, feature requests, or submitting a new algorithm enhancement. ## License This project is licensed under the AGPL-3.0 License - see the [LICENSE](https://github.com/ultralytics/ultralytics/blob/main/LICENSE) file for details. ## Acknowledgments - The YOLOv8-Segmentation-ONNXRuntime-Python demo is contributed by GitHub user [jamjamjon](https://github.com/jamjamjon). - Thanks to the ONNX Runtime community for providing a robust and efficient inference engine.