@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ class AutoBackend(nn.Module): |
fp16 &= pt or jit or onnx or engine or nn_module # FP16 |
nhwc = coreml or saved_model or pb or tflite or edgetpu # BHWC formats (vs torch BCWH) |
stride = 32 # default stride |
model = None # TODO: resolves ONNX inference, verify effect on other backends |
model, metadata = None, None |
cuda = torch.cuda.is_available() and device.type != 'cpu' # use CUDA |
if not (pt or triton or nn_module): |
w = attempt_download_asset(w) # download if not local |
@ -105,10 +105,7 @@ class AutoBackend(nn.Module): |
model = torch.jit.load(w, _extra_files=extra_files, map_location=device) |
model.half() if fp16 else model.float() |
if extra_files['config.txt']: # load metadata dict |
d = json.loads(extra_files['config.txt'], |
object_hook=lambda d: {int(k) if k.isdigit() else k: v |
for k, v in d.items()}) |
stride, names = int(d['stride']), d['names'] |
metadata = json.loads(extra_files['config.txt'], object_hook=lambda x: dict(x.items())) |
elif dnn: # ONNX OpenCV DNN |
LOGGER.info(f'Loading {w} for ONNX OpenCV DNN inference...') |
check_requirements('opencv-python>=4.5.4') |
@ -120,23 +117,23 @@ class AutoBackend(nn.Module): |
providers = ['CUDAExecutionProvider', 'CPUExecutionProvider'] if cuda else ['CPUExecutionProvider'] |
session = onnxruntime.InferenceSession(w, providers=providers) |
output_names = [x.name for x in session.get_outputs()] |
meta = session.get_modelmeta().custom_metadata_map # metadata |
if 'stride' in meta: |
stride, names = int(meta['stride']), eval(meta['names']) |
metadata = session.get_modelmeta().custom_metadata_map # metadata |
elif xml: # OpenVINO |
LOGGER.info(f'Loading {w} for OpenVINO inference...') |
check_requirements('openvino') # requires openvino-dev: https://pypi.org/project/openvino-dev/ |
from openvino.runtime import Core, Layout, get_batch # noqa |
ie = Core() |
if not Path(w).is_file(): # if not *.xml |
w = next(Path(w).glob('*.xml')) # get *.xml file from *_openvino_model dir |
network = ie.read_model(model=w, weights=Path(w).with_suffix('.bin')) |
w = Path(w) |
if not w.is_file(): # if not *.xml |
w = next(w.glob('*.xml')) # get *.xml file from *_openvino_model dir |
network = ie.read_model(model=str(w), weights=w.with_suffix('.bin')) |
if network.get_parameters()[0].get_layout().empty: |
network.get_parameters()[0].set_layout(Layout('NCHW')) |
batch_dim = get_batch(network) |
if batch_dim.is_static: |
batch_size = batch_dim.get_length() |
executable_network = ie.compile_model(network, device_name='CPU') # device_name="MYRIAD" for NCS2 |
metadata = w.parent / 'metadata.yaml' |
elif engine: # TensorRT |
LOGGER.info(f'Loading {w} for TensorRT inference...') |
import tensorrt as trt # https://developer.nvidia.com/nvidia-tensorrt-download |
@ -148,7 +145,7 @@ class AutoBackend(nn.Module): |
# Read file |
with open(w, 'rb') as f, trt.Runtime(logger) as runtime: |
meta_len = int.from_bytes(f.read(4), byteorder='little') # read metadata length |
meta = json.loads(f.read(meta_len).decode('utf-8')) # read metadata |
metadata = json.loads(f.read(meta_len).decode('utf-8')) # read metadata |
model = runtime.deserialize_cuda_engine(f.read()) # read engine |
context = model.create_execution_context() |
bindings = OrderedDict() |
@ -171,18 +168,17 @@ class AutoBackend(nn.Module): |
bindings[name] = Binding(name, dtype, shape, im, int(im.data_ptr())) |
binding_addrs = OrderedDict((n, d.ptr) for n, d in bindings.items()) |
batch_size = bindings['images'].shape[0] # if dynamic, this is instead max batch size |
stride, names = int(meta['stride']), meta['names'] |
elif coreml: # CoreML |
LOGGER.info(f'Loading {w} for CoreML inference...') |
import coremltools as ct |
model = ct.models.MLModel(w) |
names, stride, task = (model.user_defined_metadata.get(k) for k in ('names', 'stride', 'task')) |
names, stride = eval(names), int(stride) |
metadata = model.user_defined_metadata |
elif saved_model: # TF SavedModel |
LOGGER.info(f'Loading {w} for TensorFlow SavedModel inference...') |
import tensorflow as tf |
keras = False # assume TF1 saved_model |
model = tf.keras.models.load_model(w) if keras else tf.saved_model.load(w) |
metadata = Path(w) / 'metadata.yaml' |
elif pb: # GraphDef https://www.tensorflow.org/guide/migrate#a_graphpb_or_graphpbtxt |
LOGGER.info(f'Loading {w} for TensorFlow GraphDef inference...') |
import tensorflow as tf |
@ -221,23 +217,23 @@ class AutoBackend(nn.Module): |
with contextlib.suppress(zipfile.BadZipFile): |
with zipfile.ZipFile(w, 'r') as model: |
meta_file = model.namelist()[0] |
meta = ast.literal_eval(model.read(meta_file).decode('utf-8')) |
stride, names = int(meta['stride']), meta['names'] |
metadata = ast.literal_eval(model.read(meta_file).decode('utf-8')) |
elif tfjs: # TF.js |
raise NotImplementedError('YOLOv8 TF.js inference is not supported') |
elif paddle: # PaddlePaddle |
LOGGER.info(f'Loading {w} for PaddlePaddle inference...') |
check_requirements('paddlepaddle-gpu' if cuda else 'paddlepaddle') |
import paddle.inference as pdi |
if not Path(w).is_file(): # if not *.pdmodel |
w = next(Path(w).rglob('*.pdmodel')) # get *.pdmodel file from *_paddle_model dir |
weights = Path(w).with_suffix('.pdiparams') |
config = pdi.Config(str(w), str(weights)) |
w = Path(w) |
if not w.is_file(): # if not *.pdmodel |
w = next(w.rglob('*.pdmodel')) # get *.pdmodel file from *_paddle_model dir |
config = pdi.Config(str(w), str(w.with_suffix('.pdiparams'))) |
if cuda: |
config.enable_use_gpu(memory_pool_init_size_mb=2048, device_id=0) |
predictor = pdi.create_predictor(config) |
input_handle = predictor.get_input_handle(predictor.get_input_names()[0]) |
output_names = predictor.get_output_names() |
metadata = w.parents[1] / 'metadata.yaml' |
elif triton: # NVIDIA Triton Inference Server |
LOGGER.info('Triton Inference Server not supported...') |
''' |
@ -254,14 +250,16 @@ class AutoBackend(nn.Module): |
# Load external metadata YAML |
w = Path(w) |
if xml or saved_model or paddle: |
metadata = (w if saved_model else w.parents[1] if paddle else w.parent) / 'metadata.yaml' |
if metadata.exists(): |
metadata = yaml_load(metadata) |
stride, names = int(metadata['stride']), metadata['names'] # load metadata |
else: |
LOGGER.warning(f"WARNING ⚠️ Metadata not found at '{metadata}'") |
if isinstance(metadata, (str, Path)) and Path(metadata).exists(): |
metadata = yaml_load(metadata) |
if metadata: |
stride = int(metadata['stride']) |
task = metadata['task'] |
batch = int(metadata['batch']) |
imgsz = eval(metadata['imgsz']) if isinstance(metadata['imgsz'], str) else metadata['imgsz'] |
names = eval(metadata['names']) if isinstance(metadata['names'], str) else metadata['names'] |
elif not (pt or triton or nn_module): |
LOGGER.warning(f"WARNING ⚠️ Metadata not found for 'model={weights}'") |
# Check names |
if 'names' not in locals(): # names missing |