You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# code was reference to mmcv
import os
import cv2
import numpy as np
from .builder import PREPROCESS
class LoadImageFromFile(object):
"""Load image from file.
key (str): Keys in datas to find corresponding path. Default: 'image'.
flag (str): Loading flag for images. Default: -1.
to_rgb (str): Convert img to 'rgb' format. Default: True.
backend (str): io backend where images are store. Default: None.
save_original_img (bool): If True, maintain a copy of the image in
`datas` dict with name of `f'ori_{key}'`. Default: False.
kwargs (dict): Args for file client.
def __init__(self,
self.key = key
self.flag = flag
self.to_rgb = to_rgb
self.backend = backend
self.save_original_img = save_original_img
self.kwargs = kwargs
def __call__(self, datas):
"""Call function.
datas (dict): A dict containing the necessary information and
data for augmentation.
dict: A dict containing the processed data and information.
filepath = str(datas[f'{self.key}_path'])
#TODO: use file client to manage io backend
# such as opencv, pil, imdb
img = cv2.imread(filepath, self.flag)
if self.to_rgb:
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
datas[self.key] = img
datas[f'{self.key}_path'] = filepath
datas[f'{self.key}_ori_shape'] = img.shape
if self.save_original_img:
datas[f'ori_{self.key}'] = img.copy()
return datas
class ReadImageSequence(LoadImageFromFile):
"""Read image sequence.
It accepts a list of path and read each frame from each path. A list
of frames will be returned.
key (str): Keys in datas to find corresponding path. Default: 'gt'.
flag (str): Loading flag for images. Default: 'color'.
to_rgb (str): Convert img to 'rgb' format. Default: True.
save_original_img (bool): If True, maintain a copy of the image in
`datas` dict with name of `f'ori_{key}'`. Default: False.
kwargs (dict): Args for file client.
def __call__(self, datas):
"""Call function.
datas (dict): A dict containing the necessary information and
data for augmentation.
dict: A dict containing the processed data and information.
filepaths = datas[f'{self.key}_path']
if not isinstance(filepaths, list):
raise TypeError(
f'filepath should be list, but got {type(filepaths)}')
filepaths = [str(v) for v in filepaths]
imgs = []
shapes = []
if self.save_original_img:
ori_imgs = []
for filepath in filepaths:
img = cv2.imread(filepath, self.flag)
if self.to_rgb:
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
if img.ndim == 2:
img = np.expand_dims(img, axis=2)
if self.save_original_img:
datas[self.key] = imgs
datas[f'{self.key}_path'] = filepaths
datas[f'{self.key}_ori_shape'] = shapes
if self.save_original_img:
datas[f'ori_{self.key}'] = ori_imgs
return datas
class GetNeighboringFramesIdx:
"""Get neighboring frame indices for a video. It also performs temporal
augmention with random interval.
interval_list (list[int]): Interval list for temporal augmentation.
It will randomly pick an interval from interval_list and sample
frame index with the interval.
start_idx (int): The index corresponds to the first frame in the
sequence. Default: 0.
filename_tmpl (str): Template for file name. Default: '{:08d}.png'.
def __init__(self, interval_list, start_idx=0, filename_tmpl='{:08d}.png'):
self.interval_list = interval_list
self.filename_tmpl = filename_tmpl
self.start_idx = start_idx
def __call__(self, datas):
"""Call function.
datas (dict): A dict containing the necessary information and
data for augmentation.
dict: A dict containing the processed data and information.
clip_name = datas['key']
interval = np.random.choice(self.interval_list)
self.sequence_length = datas['sequence_length']
num_frames = datas.get('num_frames', self.sequence_length)
if self.sequence_length - num_frames * interval < 0:
raise ValueError('The input sequence is not long enough to '
'support the current choice of [interval] or '
start_frame_idx = np.random.randint(
0, self.sequence_length - num_frames * interval + 1)
end_frame_idx = start_frame_idx + num_frames * interval
neighbor_list = list(range(start_frame_idx, end_frame_idx, interval))
neighbor_list = [v + self.start_idx for v in neighbor_list]
lq_path_root = datas['lq_path']
gt_path_root = datas['gt_path']
lq_path = [
os.path.join(lq_path_root, clip_name, self.filename_tmpl.format(v))
for v in neighbor_list
gt_path = [
os.path.join(gt_path_root, clip_name, self.filename_tmpl.format(v))
for v in neighbor_list
datas['lq_path'] = lq_path
datas['gt_path'] = gt_path
datas['interval'] = interval
return datas