You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

165 lines
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# Copyright (c) ByteDance, Inc. and its affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import json
import os
import re
import sys
from tap import Tap
import dist
line_sep = f'\n{"=" * 80}\n'
class Args(Tap):
# environment
local_rank: int # useless
exp_name: str
data_path: str
exp_dir: str
log_txt_name: str = '/some/path/like/this/log.txt'
resume: str = ''
seed: int = 1
device: str = 'cpu'
# key MIM hp
mask: float = 0.6
mask2: float = -1
uni: bool = False
pe: bool = False
pn: int = 1
py: int = 4
# other MIM hp
den: bool = False
loss_l2: bool = True
en_de_norm: str = 'bn'
en_de_lin: bool = True
# encoder
model: str = 'res50'
model_alias: str = 'res50'
input_size: int = 224
sbn: bool = True
# decoder
dec_dim: int = 512 # [could be changed in ``]
double: bool = True
hea: str = '0_1'
cmid: int = 0
# pre-training hyperparameters
glb_batch_size: int = 0
batch_size: int = 0 # batch size per GPU
dp: float = 0.0
base_lr: float = 2e-4
lr: float = None
wd: float = 0.04
wde: float = 0.2
ep: int = 1600
wp_ep: int = 40
clip: int = 5.
opt: str = ''
ada: float = 0.
# data hyperparameters
data_set: str = 'imn'
rrc: float = 0.67
bs: int = 4096
num_workers: int = 8
# would be added during runtime
cmd: str = ''
commit_id: str = ''
commit_msg: str = ''
last_loss = 1e9 # [would be changed in ``]
cur_phase: str = '' # [would be changed in ``]
cur_ep: str = '' # [would be changed in ``]
remain_time: str = '' # [would be changed in ``]
finish_time: str = '' # [would be changed in ``]
first_logging: bool = True
def is_convnext(self):
return 'convnext' in self.model or 'cnx' in self.model
def is_resnet(self):
return 'res' in self.model or 'res' in self.model_alias
def __str__(self):
return re.sub(r"(\[LE-FT\]:\s*)('\s+')?", r'\1', super(Args, self).__str__())
def log_epoch(self):
if not dist.is_local_master():
if self.first_logging:
self.first_logging = False
with open(self.log_txt_name, 'w') as fp:
'name': self.exp_name, 'cmd': self.cmd, 'commit_id': self.commit_id,
'model': self.model, 'opt': self.opt,
}, fp)
print('', end='\n', file=fp)
with open(self.log_txt_name, 'a') as fp:
'cur': self.cur_phase, 'cur_ep': self.cur_ep,
'last_L': self.last_loss,
'rema': self.remain_time, 'fini': self.finish_time,
}, fp)
def init_dist_and_get_args():
from utils import misc
from models import model_alias_to_fullname, model_fullname_to_alias
# initialize
args = Args(explicit_bool=True).parse_args()
args.exp_dir = ''.join(ch if ch.isalnum() else '_' for ch in args.exp_dir)
# update args
args.cmd = ' '.join(sys.argv[1:])
args.commit_id = os.popen(f'git rev-parse HEAD').read().strip()
args.commit_msg = os.popen(f'git log -1').read().strip().splitlines()[-1].strip()
if args.model in model_alias_to_fullname.keys():
args.model = model_alias_to_fullname[args.model]
args.model_alias = model_fullname_to_alias[args.model]
args.device = dist.get_device()
args.batch_size = // dist.get_world_size()
args.glb_batch_size = args.batch_size * dist.get_world_size()
if args.is_resnet:
args.opt = args.opt or 'lamb'
args.ada = args.ada or 0.95
if args.is_convnext:
args.opt = args.opt or 'lamb'
args.ada = args.ada or 0.999
args.en_de_norm = 'ln'
args.opt = args.opt.lower() = args.base_lr * args.glb_batch_size / 256
args.wde = args.wde or args.wd
if args.mask2 < 0:
args.mask2 = args.mask
args.mask, args.mask2 = min(args.mask, args.mask2), max(args.mask, args.mask2)
if <= 0: = 1
args.hea = list(map(int, args.hea.split('_')))
args.log_txt_name = os.path.join(args.exp_dir, 'log.txt')
return args