@ -7,11 +7,12 @@ See [INSTALL.md](https://github.com/keyu-tian/SparK/blob/main/INSTALL.md) to pre
## Pre-training on ImageNet-1k from scratch
Run [main.sh](https://github.com/keyu-tian/SparK/blob/main/pretrain/main.sh).
For pre-training, run [main.sh](https://github.com/keyu-tian/SparK/blob/main/pretrain/main.sh) with bash.
It is **required** to specify ImageNet data folder and model name to run pre-training.
Besides, you can pass arbitrary key-word arguments (like `--ep=400 --bs=2048`) to `main.sh` to specify some pre-training hyperparameters (see [utils/arg_utils.py](https://github.com/keyu-tian/SparK/blob/main/pretrain/utils/arg_utils.py) for all hyperparameters and their default values).
Note that it is **required** to specify the ImageNet data folder (`--data_path`) and model name (`--model`) to run pre-training.
For **all** other configurations/hyperparameters, their names and **default values** can be found in [utils/arg_util.py line24-47](https://github.com/keyu-tian/SparK/blob/main/pretrain/utils/arg_util.py#L24).
If you do not specify them like `--ep=800`, those default configurations would be used.
Here is an example command pre-training a ResNet50 on single machine with 8 GPUs:
```shell script
@ -19,7 +20,7 @@ $ cd /path/to/SparK/pretrain
$ bash ./main.sh <experiment_name> \
--num_nodes=1 --ngpu_per_node=8 \
--data_path=/path/to/imagenet \
--model=resnet50 --ep=1600 --bs=4096
For multiple machines, change the `num_nodes` to your count and plus these args:
@ -54,8 +55,22 @@ Add `--resume_from=path/to/<model>still_pretraining.pth` to resume from a saved
## Regarding sparse convolution
For generality, we use the masked convolution implemented in [encoder.py](https://github.com/keyu-tian/SparK/blob/main/pretrain/encoder.py) to simulate submanifold sparse convolution by default.
We do not use sparse convolutions in this pytorch implementation, due to their limited optimization on modern hardwares.
As can be found in [encoder.py](https://github.com/keyu-tian/SparK/blob/main/pretrain/encoder.py), we use masked dense convolution to simulate submanifold sparse convolution.
We also define some sparse pooling or normalization layers in [encoder.py](https://github.com/keyu-tian/SparK/blob/main/pretrain/encoder.py).
All these "sparse" layers are implemented through pytorch built-in operators.
**For anyone who might want to run SparK on another architectures**:
we recommend you to use the default masked convolution,
considering the limited optimization of sparse convolution on hardwares, and in particular the lack of efficient implementation of many modern operators like grouped conv and dilated conv.
## Some details: how we mask images and how to set the patch size
In SparK, the mask patch size **equals to** the downsample ratio of the CNN model (so there is no configuration like `--patch_size=32`).
Here is the reason: when we do mask, we:
1. first generate the binary mask for the **smallest** resolution feature map, i.e., generate the `_cur_active` or `active_b1ff` in [line86-87](https://github.com/keyu-tian/SparK/blob/main/pretrain/spark.py#L86), which is a `torch.BoolTensor` shaped as `[B, 1, fmap_size, fmap_size]`, and would be used to mask the smallest feature map.
3. then progressively upsample it (i.e., expand its 2nd and 3rd dimensions by calling `repeat_interleave(..., 2)` and `repeat_interleave(..., 3)` in [line16](https://github.com/keyu-tian/SparK/blob/main/pretrain/encoder.py#L16)), to mask those feature maps ([`x` in line21](https://github.com/keyu-tian/SparK/blob/main/pretrain/encoder.py#L21)) with larger resolutions .
So if you want a patch size of 16 or 8, you should actually define a new CNN model with a downsample ratio of 16 or 8.
Note that the `forward` function of this CNN should have an arg named `hierarchy`. You can look at https://github.com/keyu-tian/SparK/blob/main/pretrain/models/convnext.py#L78 to see what `hierarchy` means and how to handle it.
After that, you can simply run `main.sh` with `--hierarchy=3` and see if it works.