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Releasing PGV Java components

These steps are for releasing the Java components of PGV:

  • pgv-java-stub
  • pgv-java-grpc
  • pgv-artifacts

Releasing using CI

Releasing from main is fully automated by CI:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"build_parameters": {
    "CIRCLE_JOB": "javabuild", 
    "RELEASE": "<release-version>",
    "NEXT": "<next-version>-SNAPSHOT",
    "GIT_USER_EMAIL": "",
    "GIT_USER_NAME": "Via CircleCI"
}}' "<my-token>"

Releasing from versioned tags is similar. To release version vX.Y.Z, first create a Git tag called vX.Y.Z (preferably through the GitHub release flow), then run the following to kick off a release build:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"build_parameters": {
    "CIRCLE_JOB": "javabuild",
    "GIT_USER_EMAIL": "",
    "GIT_USER_NAME": "Via CircleCI"
}}' "<my-token>"

The javabuild CI flow will use the version number from the tag to deploy to the Maven repository.

Manually releasing from git history

Manually releasing from git history is a more involved process, but allows you to release from any point in the history.

  1. Create a new release/x.y.z branch at the point you want to release.
  2. Copy .circleci\settings.xml to a scratch location.
  3. Fill out the parameters in settings.xml. You will need a published GPG key for code signing and the EnvoyReleaseBot sonatype username and password.
  4. Execute the release command, substituting the path to settings.xml, the releaseVersion, and the next developmentVersion (-SNAPSHOT).
  5. Merge the release branch back into master.
mvn -B -s /path/to/settings.xml clean release:prepare release:perform -Darguments="-s /path/to/settings.xml" -DreleaseVersion=x.y.z -DdevelopmentVersion=x.y.z-SNAPSHOT -DscmCommentPrefix="java release: "