grpc 第三方依赖 就是grpc的 third_party 文件夹
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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13 KiB

// Copyright 2020 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
import "google/api/field_behavior.proto";
import "google/api/resource.proto";
import "google/cloud/dataqna/v1alpha/annotated_string.proto";
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "google/rpc/status.proto";
option csharp_namespace = "Google.Cloud.DataQnA.V1Alpha";
option go_package = ";dataqna";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_outer_classname = "QuestionProto";
option java_package = "";
option php_namespace = "Google\\Cloud\\DataQnA\\V1alpha";
option ruby_package = "Google::Cloud::DataQnA::V1alpha";
// The question resource represents a natural language query, its settings,
// understanding generated by the system, and answer retrieval status.
// A question cannot be modified.
message Question {
option (google.api.resource) = {
type: ""
pattern: "projects/{project}/locations/{location}/questions/{question}"
// Output only. Immutable. The unique identifier for the Question. The ID is server-generated.
// Example: `projects/foo/locations/bar/questions/123`
string name = 1 [
(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY,
(google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE
// Required. Immutable. Scopes to be used for the question. A scope defines the relevant data set
// scope. It can be a reference to a specific data source or a collection of
// data sources. Currently, support is limited to a single BigQuery table.
// There must be exactly one `scopes` element.
// Example:
// `//`
repeated string scopes = 2 [
(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED,
(google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE
// Required. Immutable. The query in natural language.
string query = 3 [
(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED,
(google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE
// A list of annotations to use instead of the default annotation of a data
// source (set in the data source reference resource). There must not be
// more than one annotation with the same data source reference.
repeated string data_source_annotations = 4;
// An error field explaining why interpretation failed. This is only populated
// if the interpretation failed.
// Note: This is different from getting a status error on the request itself.
// This is not a client or server error and the Question resource is still
// persisted, but the service could not interpret the question. Clients should
// present the error to the user so the user can rephrase the question.
InterpretError interpret_error = 5;
// A list of interpretations for this question.
repeated Interpretation interpretations = 6;
// Time when the question was created.
google.protobuf.Timestamp create_time = 7;
// Output only. The e-mail address of the user that created this question.
string user_email = 8 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY];
// Input only. Immutable. Flags to request additional information for debugging purposes.
DebugFlags debug_flags = 9 [
(google.api.field_behavior) = IMMUTABLE,
(google.api.field_behavior) = INPUT_ONLY
// Top level debug information.
// This will be stored as the type DebugInformation.
// Using Any so clients don't need to pull in anything
// inside the debug message.
google.protobuf.Any debug_info = 10;
// Details on the failure to interpret the question.
message InterpretError {
// Details on interpretation failure.
message InterpretErrorDetails {
// Populated if parts of the query are unsupported.
InterpretUnsupportedDetails unsupported_details = 1;
// Populated if the query is incomplete.
InterpretIncompleteQueryDetails incomplete_query_details = 2;
// Populated if the query was too ambiguous.
InterpretAmbiguityDetails ambiguity_details = 3;
// Details about unsupported parts in a query.
message InterpretUnsupportedDetails {
// Unsupported operators. For example: median.
repeated string operators = 1;
// Unsupported intents.
repeated string intent = 2;
// Details about an incomplete query.
message InterpretIncompleteQueryDetails {
// List of missing interpret entities.
repeated InterpretEntity entities = 1;
// Details about a query that was too ambiguous. Currently, the message
// has no fields and its presence signals that there was ambiguity.
message InterpretAmbiguityDetails {
// The interpret error code provides an error category why the interpretation
// failed.
enum InterpretErrorCode {
// No interpret error code was specified.
// The query is not valid.
// The interpreter failed to understand the question. For example, because
// it was too ambiguous.
// The interpreter could understand the question, but was not able to arrive
// at an answer. For example, because a requested operation is not
// supported.
// Error message explaining why this question could not be interpreted.
string message = 1;
// The code for the error category why the interpretation failed.
InterpretErrorCode code = 2;
// Details on interpretation failure.
InterpretErrorDetails details = 3;
// Information about the backend status (such as BigQuery) of the execution.
message ExecutionInfo {
// Enum of possible job execution statuses.
enum JobExecutionState {
// No job execution was specified.
// No job execution was requested, yet.
// The job is running.
// The job completed successfully.
// The job completed unsuccessfully.
// Status returned by the backend when the job was created.
google.rpc.Status job_creation_status = 1;
// Status of the job execution.
JobExecutionState job_execution_state = 2;
// Time when the execution was triggered.
google.protobuf.Timestamp create_time = 3;
// BigQuery job information.
// Future versions will have different backends. Hence, clients must make sure
// they can handle it when this field is not populated.
BigQueryJob bigquery_job = 4;
// BigQuery job information. This can be used to query the BigQuery API and
// retrieve the current job's status (using
// [jobs.get](
message BigQueryJob {
// The job ID.
string job_id = 1;
// The project ID of the job.
string project_id = 2;
// The location where the job is running.
string location = 3;
// An interpretation of a natural language query.
message Interpretation {
// List of data sources used in the current understanding.
repeated string data_sources = 1;
// The level of confidence that one of the interpretations is correct. This is
// a value in the range [0, 1] where a value of 0.5 or below is to be
// considered a low confidence.
double confidence = 2;
// A list of unused phrases. Clients should display a Did You Mean (DYM)
// dialog if this is non-empty, even if this is the only interpretation.
repeated string unused_phrases = 3;
// Human readable representation of the query.
HumanReadable human_readable = 4;
// Information about the interpretation structure that helps to understand and
// visualize the response.
InterpretationStructure interpretation_structure = 5;
// Representation of the data query to be sent to the backend.
DataQuery data_query = 6;
// Information about the backend response. This is populated only if execution
// of an interpretation was requested.
ExecutionInfo execution_info = 7;
// Representation of the data query for the backend.
// This is provided for informational purposes only. Clients should not use
// it to send it to the backend directly, but rather use the `execute` RPC
// to trigger the execution. Using the `execute` RPC is needed in order to
// track the state of a question and report on it correctly to the data
// administrators.
message DataQuery {
// The generated SQL query to be sent to the backend.
string sql = 1;
// Human readable interpretation.
message HumanReadable {
// Generated query explaining the interpretation.
AnnotatedString generated_interpretation = 1;
// Annotations on the original query.
AnnotatedString original_question = 2;
// Information about the interpretation structure that helps to understand and
// visualize the response.
message InterpretationStructure {
// Information about a column.
message ColumnInfo {
// The alias of the output column as used by the backend. For example, the
// field name in the schema provided in the query response in BigQuery.
string output_alias = 1;
// Human readable name of the output column.
string display_name = 2;
// Enumeration of visualzation types to use for query response data.
enum VisualizationType {
// No visualization type was specified.
// Show a table.
TABLE = 1;
// Show a [bar
// chart](
// Show a [column
// chart](
// Show a
// [timeline](
// Show a [scatter
// plot](
// Show a [pie
// chart](
// Show a [line
// chart](
// Show an [area
// chart](
// Show a [combo
// chart](
// Show a
// [histogram](
// This denotes queries when the user has not specified the particular type
// of chart and has mentioned only a generic chart name such as "Chart",
// "Plot", "Graph", etc. This will differentiate it from specific charting
// terms such as "Bar chart", "Pie chart", etc.
// The user tried to specify a chart type, but the interpreter could not
// understand the type. The client should display a generic chart and may
// give a hint to the user that the requested type was not understood.
// List of possible visualization types to apply for this interpretation. The
// order has no relevance.
repeated VisualizationType visualization_types = 1;
// Information about the output columns, that is, the columns that will be
// returned by the backend.
repeated ColumnInfo column_info = 2;
// Configuriation of debug flags.
message DebugFlags {
// Whether to include the original VAQuery.
bool include_va_query = 1;
// Whether to include the original nested VAQuery.
bool include_nested_va_query = 2;
// Whether to include the original human interpretation strings generated
// by Analyza.
bool include_human_interpretation = 3;
// Whether to include the Aqua debug response.
bool include_aqua_debug_response = 4;
// The time in milliseconds from Unix epoch to be used
// to process the query. This is useful for testing
// the queries at different time period.
// If not set or time_override <= 0, then the current
// time is used.
int64 time_override = 5;
// Set to true if request is initiated by an internal Google user.
bool is_internal_google_user = 6;
// Determines whether cache needs to be ignored. If set to
// true, cache won't be queried and updated.
bool ignore_cache = 7;
// Whether to include the request/response pair from the call to the
// EntityIndex for SearchEntities.
bool include_search_entities_rpc = 8;
// Whether to include the request/response pair from the call to the
// Annotations service for ListColumnAnnotations.
bool include_list_column_annotations_rpc = 9;
// Whether to include the entity list passed to Analyza.
bool include_virtual_analyst_entities = 10;
// Whether to include the table list.
bool include_table_list = 11;
// Whether to include the domain list.
bool include_domain_list = 12;
// Query entities of an interpretation.
enum InterpretEntity {
// No interpret entity was specified.
// A dimenstion entity.
// A metric entity.