load(":envoy_http_archive.bzl", "udpa_http_archive") load(":repository_locations.bzl", "REPOSITORY_LOCATIONS") # Make all contents of an external repository accessible under a filegroup. Used for external HTTP # archives, e.g. cares. BUILD_ALL_CONTENT = """filegroup(name = "all", srcs = glob(["**"]), visibility = ["//visibility:public"])""" def udpa_api_dependencies(): udpa_http_archive( "bazel_gazelle", locations = REPOSITORY_LOCATIONS, ) udpa_http_archive( "bazel_skylib", locations = REPOSITORY_LOCATIONS, ) udpa_http_archive( "com_envoyproxy_protoc_gen_validate", locations = REPOSITORY_LOCATIONS, ) udpa_http_archive( name = "com_github_grpc_grpc", locations = REPOSITORY_LOCATIONS, ) udpa_http_archive( name = "com_google_googleapis", locations = REPOSITORY_LOCATIONS, ) udpa_http_archive( "com_google_protobuf", locations = REPOSITORY_LOCATIONS, # The patch includes # https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/pull/6333 and also uses # foreign_cc build for zlib as its dependency. # TODO(asraa): remove this when > protobuf 3.8.0 is released. patch_args = ["-p1"], patches = ["//bazel:protobuf.patch"], ) udpa_http_archive( "io_bazel_rules_go", locations = REPOSITORY_LOCATIONS, ) udpa_http_archive( name = "rules_foreign_cc", locations = REPOSITORY_LOCATIONS, ) udpa_http_archive( name = "rules_proto", locations = REPOSITORY_LOCATIONS, ) udpa_http_archive( name = "net_zlib", build_file_content = BUILD_ALL_CONTENT, locations = REPOSITORY_LOCATIONS, ) udpa_http_archive( name = "six_archive", build_file = "@com_google_protobuf//:six.BUILD", locations = REPOSITORY_LOCATIONS, ) # Misc. rebinds native.bind( name = "six", actual = "@six_archive//:six", ) native.bind( name = "zlib", actual = "//bazel/foreign_cc:zlib", )