empty := space := $(empty) $(empty) PACKAGE := github.com/envoyproxy/protoc-gen-validate # protoc-gen-go parameters for properly generating the import path for PGV VALIDATE_IMPORT := Mvalidate/validate.proto=${PACKAGE}/validate GO_IMPORT_SPACES := ${VALIDATE_IMPORT},\ Mgoogle/protobuf/any.proto=google.golang.org/protobuf/types/known/anypb,\ Mgoogle/protobuf/duration.proto=google.golang.org/protobuf/types/known/durationpb,\ Mgoogle/protobuf/struct.proto=google.golang.org/protobuf/types/known/structpb,\ Mgoogle/protobuf/timestamp.proto=google.golang.org/protobuf/types/known/timestamppb,\ Mgoogle/protobuf/wrappers.proto=google.golang.org/protobuf/types/known/wrapperspb,\ Mgoogle/protobuf/descriptor.proto=google.golang.org/protobuf/types/descriptorpb GO_IMPORT:=$(subst $(space),,$(GO_IMPORT_SPACES)) .PHONY: build build: validate/validate.pb.go # generates the PGV binary and installs it into $$GOPATH/bin go install . .PHONY: bazel bazel: # generate the PGV plugin with Bazel bazel build //tests/... .PHONY: build_generation_tests build_generation_tests: bazel build //tests/generation/... .PHONY: gazelle gazelle: # runs gazelle against the codebase to generate Bazel BUILD files bazel run //:gazelle -- update-repos -from_file=go.mod -prune -to_macro=dependencies.bzl%go_third_party bazel run //:gazelle .PHONY: lint lint: bin/golint bin/shadow # lints the package for common code smells test -z "$(gofmt -d -s ./*.go)" || (gofmt -d -s ./*.go && exit 1) # golint -set_exit_status # check for variable shadowing go vet -vettool=$(shell pwd)/bin/shadow ./... # lints the python code for style enforcement flake8 --config=python/setup.cfg python/protoc_gen_validate/validator.py isort --check-only python/protoc_gen_validate/validator.py bin/shadow: GOBIN=$(shell pwd)/bin go install golang.org/x/tools/go/analysis/passes/shadow/cmd/shadow bin/golint: GOBIN=$(shell pwd)/bin go install golang.org/x/lint/golint bin/protoc-gen-go: GOBIN=$(shell pwd)/bin go install google.golang.org/protobuf/cmd/protoc-gen-go bin/harness: cd tests && go build -o ../bin/harness ./harness/executor .PHONY: harness harness: testcases tests/harness/go/harness.pb.go tests/harness/go/main/go-harness tests/harness/cc/cc-harness bin/harness # runs the test harness, validating a series of test cases in all supported languages ./bin/harness -go -cc .PHONY: bazel-tests bazel-tests: # Runs all tests with Bazel bazel test //tests/... --test_output=errors .PHONY: example-workspace example-workspace: # Run all tests in the example workspace cd example-workspace && bazel test //... --test_output=errors .PHONY: testcases testcases: bin/protoc-gen-go # generate the test harness case protos rm -r tests/harness/cases/go || true mkdir tests/harness/cases/go rm -r tests/harness/cases/other_package/go || true mkdir tests/harness/cases/other_package/go # protoc-gen-go makes us go a package at a time cd tests/harness/cases/other_package && \ protoc \ -I . \ -I ../../../.. \ --go_out="module=${PACKAGE}/tests/harness/cases/other_package/go,${GO_IMPORT}:./go" \ --plugin=protoc-gen-go=$(shell pwd)/bin/protoc-gen-go \ --validate_out="module=${PACKAGE}/tests/harness/cases/other_package/go,lang=go:./go" \ ./*.proto cd tests/harness/cases && \ protoc \ -I . \ -I ../../.. \ --go_out="module=${PACKAGE}/tests/harness/cases/go,Mtests/harness/cases/other_package/embed.proto=${PACKAGE}/tests/harness/cases/other_package/go,${GO_IMPORT}:./go" \ --plugin=protoc-gen-go=$(shell pwd)/bin/protoc-gen-go \ --validate_out="module=${PACKAGE}/tests/harness/cases/go,lang=go,Mtests/harness/cases/other_package/embed.proto=${PACKAGE}/tests/harness/cases/other_package/go:./go" \ ./*.proto validate/validate.pb.go: bin/protoc-gen-go validate/validate.proto protoc -I . \ --plugin=protoc-gen-go=$(shell pwd)/bin/protoc-gen-go \ --go_opt=paths=source_relative \ --go_out="${GO_IMPORT}:." validate/validate.proto tests/harness/go/harness.pb.go: bin/protoc-gen-go tests/harness/harness.proto # generates the test harness protos cd tests/harness && protoc -I . \ --plugin=protoc-gen-go=$(shell pwd)/bin/protoc-gen-go \ --go_out="module=${PACKAGE}/tests/harness/go,${GO_IMPORT}:./go" harness.proto tests/harness/go/main/go-harness: # generates the go-specific test harness cd tests && go build -o ./harness/go/main/go-harness ./harness/go/main tests/harness/cc/cc-harness: tests/harness/cc/harness.cc # generates the C++-specific test harness # use bazel which knows how to pull in the C++ common proto libraries bazel build //tests/harness/cc:cc-harness cp bazel-bin/tests/harness/cc/cc-harness $@ chmod 0755 $@ tests/harness/java/java-harness: # generates the Java-specific test harness mvn -q -f java/pom.xml clean package -DskipTests .PHONY: prepare-python-release prepare-python-release: cp validate/validate.proto python/ cp LICENSE python/ .PHONY: python-release python-release: prepare-python-release rm -rf python/dist python3.8 -m build --no-isolation --sdist python # the below command should be identical to `python3.8 -m build --wheel` # however that returns mysterious `error: could not create 'build': File exists`. # setuptools copies source and data files to a temporary build directory, # but why there's a collision or why setuptools stopped respecting the `build_lib` flag is unclear. # As a workaround, we build a source distribution and then separately build a wheel from it. python3.8 -m pip wheel --wheel-dir python/dist --no-deps python/dist/* python3.8 -m twine upload --verbose --skip-existing --repository ${PYPI_REPO} --username "__token__" --password ${PGV_PYPI_TOKEN} python/dist/* # Run during CI; this checks that the checked-in generated code matches the generated version. .PHONY: check-generated check-generated: for f in validate/validate.pb.go ; do \ mv $$f $$f.original ; \ make $$f ; \ mv $$f $$f.generated ; \ cp $$f.original $$f ; \ diff $$f.original $$f.generated ; \ done .PHONY: ci ci: lint bazel testcases bazel-tests build_generation_tests example-workspace check-generated .PHONY: clean clean: (which bazel && bazel clean) || true rm -f \ bin/protoc-gen-go \ bin/harness \ tests/harness/cc/cc-harness \ tests/harness/go/main/go-harness \ tests/harness/go/harness.pb.go rm -rf \ tests/harness/cases/go \ tests/harness/cases/other_package/go rm -rf \ python/dist \ python/*.egg-info