// Copyright 2020 Google LLC // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. syntax = "proto3"; package google.cloud.dataproc.logging; import "google/protobuf/duration.proto"; option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/cloud/dataproc/logging;logging"; option java_multiple_files = true; option java_package = "com.google.cloud.dataproc.logging"; // The short version of cluster configuration for Cloud logging. message ClusterSize { // The number of primary workers in the cluster. int32 primary_worker_count = 1; // The number of secondary workers in the cluster. int32 secondary_worker_count = 2; } // The main proto that will be converted to JSON format and then written to // Logging. message AutoscalerLog { // The current Autoscaler status. AutoscalerStatus status = 1; // Optional. The autoscaling recommendation including its inputs, outputs, // scaling decision, and detailed explanation. AutoscalerRecommendation recommendation = 2; } // The Autoscaler state. enum AutoscalerState { AUTOSCALER_STATE_UNSPECIFIED = 0; // The Autoscaler is sleeping and waiting for the next update. COOLDOWN = 1; // The Autoscaler is in the process of calculating its recommendation on // whether to scale the cluster, and if so, how to autoscale. RECOMMENDING = 6; // The Autoscaler is scaling the cluster. SCALING = 2; // The Autoscaler has stopped. STOPPED = 3; // The Autoscaler has failed. FAILED = 4; // The Autoscaler is initializing. INITIALIZING = 5; } // The Autoscaling decision type. enum ScalingDecisionType { SCALING_DECISION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0; // Increase the number of primary and/or secondary workers. SCALE_UP = 1; // Decrease the number of primary and/or secondary workers. SCALE_DOWN = 2; // Not changing the number of primary or secondary workers. NO_SCALE = 3; // Scale the primary and secondary worker groups in different directions. MIXED = 4; } enum ConstrainingFactor { CONSTRAINING_FACTOR_UNSPECIFIED = 0; // The project does not have sufficient regional, global, and or preemptible // quota to allocate a new VM. SCALING_CAPPED_DUE_TO_LACK_OF_QUOTA = 1; // All worker groups have reached maximum size. This message will not be // issued if one group reached maximum size, but workers were able to be // allocated to another group. REACHED_MAXIMUM_CLUSTER_SIZE = 2; // All worker groups have reached minimum size. This message will not be // issued if workers were able to be removed from another group that had not // reached minimum size. REACHED_MINIMUM_CLUSTER_SIZE = 3; } // The Autoscaler's status, including its state and other details. message AutoscalerStatus { // The high-level Autoscaler state. AutoscalerState state = 1; // The detailed description of Autoscaler status. string details = 2; // The cluster update operation ID. string update_cluster_operation_id = 3; // Error message from an Autoscaler exception, if any. string error = 4; } // The inputs, outputs, and detailed explanation of the Autoscaling // recommendation. message AutoscalerRecommendation { // The input values for the Autoscaling recommendation alogirthm. message Inputs { // The metrics collected by the Dataproc agent running on the cluster. // For example, {"avg-yarn-pending-memory": "1040 MB"} map cluster_metrics = 1; // The cluster configuration before updating the cluster. ClusterSize current_cluster_size = 2; // The minimum worker counts for each instance group. ClusterSize min_worker_counts = 3; // The maximum worker counts for each instance group. ClusterSize max_worker_counts = 4; } // Autoscaler recommendations. message Outputs { // The high-level autoscaling decision, such as SCALE_UP, SCALE_DOWN, // NO_OP. ScalingDecisionType decision = 1; // The recommended cluster size. ClusterSize recommended_cluster_size = 2; // The graceful decommission timeout for downscaling operations. google.protobuf.Duration graceful_decommission_timeout = 3; // Reasons why the Autoscaler didn't add or remove more workers. repeated ConstrainingFactor constraints_reached = 4; // Less significant recommendations that are not included in the // `AutoscalerStatus.details` message. repeated string additional_recommendation_details = 5; // A unique id for this recommendation that should be included when opening // a support ticket. string recommendation_id = 6; } // The autoscaling algorithm inputs. Inputs inputs = 1; // The algorithm outputs for the recommended cluster size. Outputs outputs = 2; }