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Awesome Free ChatGPT
🚀 List of free ChatGPT(https://chat.openai.com/) mirror sites, continuously updated.
The websites listed here are from the internet, please do not enter any personal sensitive information on these websites.
Of course, we greatly appreciate their excellent work. If you find it useful, you can consider donating or tipping them.
🌈 Welcome Contributions
Feel free to submit issues and PRs to add new websites or report website failures. If you find this project useful, don't forget to star ⭐. Your support is my motivation to move forward.
📖 List
in no particular order
[ 🆓 ] use without restriction
[ 🔐 ] limited use, need to enter API key or login
[ 🔔 ] GPT4 available
[ 📚 ] more than ChatGPT
[ 🚧 ] Under construction
Similar to the official website style
[ 🆓 ] https://chatbot.theb.ai from https://github.com/Chanzhaoyu/chatgpt-web
[ 🔐🔔 ] https://fastgpt.app from https://github.com/yuezk/chatgpt-mirror
[ 🔐 ] https://freegpt.cc
[ 🆓 ] https://freegpt.one
[ 🆓🔔 ] https://freechatgpt.chat from https://github.com/ztjhz/ChatGPTFreeApp
[ 🆓 ] https://dev.yqcloud.top
[ 🆓 ] https://ai.bo-e.com
[ 🔐 ] https://94gpt.com
[ 🆓🔔 ] https://ai117.com
[ 🔐🔔 ] https://www.typingmind.com
[ 🔐 ] https://ai.yiios.com
[ 🔐 ] https://www.chat2ai.cn
[ 🔐 ] https://aigcfun.com
[ 🔐 ] https://chatmindai.com
[ 🔐 ] https://chat.bumo.to
chatgpt-demo style
[ 🆓 ] https://qachat.vercel.app from https://github.com/yesmore/QA
[ 🔐 ] https://chatforai.com
[ 🆓 ] https://desk.im
[ 🆓 ] https://ai.ls
[ 🆓 ] https://ai.ci
[ 🆓 ] https://talk.xiu.ee
[ 🆓 ] https://gpt.xeasy.me
Other styles
[ 🆓🔔 ] https://nat.dev
[ 🆓 ] https://chat2.geekr.dev from https://github.com/geekr-dev/geekchat
[ 🆓 ] https://gpt.getshare.net
[ 🆓 ] http://chatai.fyi
[ 🆓 ] https://trychatgp.com
[ 🔐 ] https://chat.livepo.top
[ 🔐 ] https://www.bz1y.cn
[ 🔐 ] https://chat.paoying.net
[ 🔐 ] https://askgptai.com
[ 🔐 ] https://chat.zecoba.cn
[ 🔐 ] https://www.tdchat.com
[ 🔐 ] https://open-gpt.app
[ 🔐 ] https://chat8.io
[ 🔐 ] https://ai.cheapy.top
[ 🔐 ] https://www.chatbotui.com from https://github.com/mckaywrigley/chatbot-ui
[ 🆓 ] https://www.askme.mom
[ 🔐🌎🔔📚 ] https://poe.com
[ 🔐🌎🔔 ] Bing Chat
[ 🚧📚 ] Google Bard
[ 🚧📚 ] Anthropic Claude
[ 🚧📚 ] Baidu ERNIE Bot
[ 🚧📚 ] Open Assistant
- [ 🆓🔔 ] Cursor
🚫 Invalid
https://chatgpt.ddiu.me from https://github.com/ddiu8081/chatgpt-demo -
https://www.aitoolgpt.com & https://www.chatsverse.xyz from https://github.com/ourongxing/chatgpt-vercel -
https://chat.ninvfeng.xyz from https://github.com/ninvfeng/chatgpt
🤟 Have Fun!