# Awesome Free ChatGPT
🚀 List of free ChatGPT(< https: / / chat . openai . com / > ) mirror sites, continuously updated.
The websites listed here are from the internet, please do not enter any personal sensitive information on these websites.
Of course, we greatly appreciate their excellent work. If you find it useful, you can consider donating or tipping them.
🌈 Welcome Contributions
Feel free to submit issues and PRs to add new websites or report website failures. If you find this project useful, don't forget to star ⭐. Your support is my motivation to move forward.
## 📖 List
> Note
> - in no particular order
> - [ 🆓 ] use without restriction
> - [ 🔐 ] limited use, need to enter API key or login
> - [ 🔔 ] GPT4 available
> - [ 📚 ] more than ChatGPT
> - [ 🚧 ] Under construction
### Similar to the official website style
- [ 🆓🔔 ] [https://gpt4.gravityengine.cc/ ](https://gpt4.gravityengine.cc/ ) - 2023-05-16
- [ 🆓 ] [https://chatbot.theb.ai ](https://chatbot.theb.ai/ )
- [ 🆓 ] [https://www.aitianhu.com ](https://www.aitianhu.com/ )
- [ 🔐🔔 ] [https://fastgpt.app ](https://fastgpt.app/ ) from < https: // github . com / yuezk / chatgpt-mirror >
- [ 🔐 ] [https://freegpt.cc ](https://freegpt.cc )
- [ 🆓🔔 ] [https://freechatgpt.chat ](https://freechatgpt.chat/ ) from < https: // github . com / ztjhz / ChatGPTFreeApp >
- [ 🆓 ] [https://dev.yqcloud.top ](https://dev.yqcloud.top )
- [ 🔐 ] [https://94gpt.com ](https://94gpt.com )
- [ 🔐 ] [https://chat.forchange.cn ](https://chat.forchange.cn/ )
- [ 🆓🔔 ] [https://ai117.com ](https://ai117.com )
- [ 🔐🔔 ] [https://www.typingmind.com ](https://www.typingmind.com/ )
- [ 🔐 ] [https://ai.yiios.com ](https://ai.yiios.com/ )
- [ 🔐 ] [https://www.chat2ai.cn ](https://www.chat2ai.cn/ )
- [ 🔐 ] [https://aigcfun.com ](https://aigcfun.com/ )
- [ 🔐 ] [https://chatmindai.com ](https://chatmindai.com/#/chat )
- [ 🔐🌎🔔 ] [https://chat.bumo.ai ](https://chat.bumo.ai/ )
- [ 🆓 ] [https://chat.gpt.bz ](https://chat.gpt.bz/ )
- [ 🔐 ] [https://gpt6.fun/ ](https://gpt6.fun/ )
- [ 🆓 ] [https://heimoshuiyu.github.io/chatgpt-api-web/?key=fakekey&api=https%3A%2F%2F3lio5ooiekcn3gxx6du2jf5wzq0mudmm.lambda-url.us-east-1.on.aws%2F&mode=fetch ](https://heimoshuiyu.github.io/chatgpt-api-web/?key=fakekey&api=https%3A%2F%2F3lio5ooiekcn3gxx6du2jf5wzq0mudmm.lambda-url.us-east-1.on.aws%2F&mode=fetch ) from < https: // github . com / heimoshuiyu / chatgpt-api-web >
- [ 🆓 ] [https://mirrorchat.extkj.cn ](https://mirrorchat.extkj.cn/ )
- [ 🆓 ] [http://www.msai.fun ](http://www.msai.fun/ )
- [ 🆓 ] [https://chat.gptplus.one ](https://chat.gptplus.one )
- [ 🆓📚 ] [https://chat.waixingyun.cn ](https://chat.waixingyun.cn )
- [ 🆓 ] [https://chat.xiami.one ](https://chat.xiami.one )
- [ 🆓 ] [https://www.nav4ai.com/chatgpt ](https://www.nav4ai.com/chatgpt )
- [ 🆓 ] [http://chat.cutim.top ](http://chat.cutim.top ) - 2023-04-22
- [ 🆓🌎 ][https://freegpt.one](https://freegpt.one) - 2023-04-23
- [ 🆓 ][http://chat.cutim.one](http://chat.cutim.one/) - 2023-04-24
- [ 🆓 ][https://chat.wobcw.com](https://chat.wobcw.com/) - 2023-04-24
- [ 🆓 ][https://www.promptboom.com](https://www.promptboom.com/) - 2023-04-24
- [ 🔐 ][https://chat.hehanwang.com](https://chat.hehanwang.com/) - 2023-04-25
- [ 🆓 ][https://x1.xjai.cc](https://x1.xjai.cc/) - 2023-04-27
- [ 🆓 ][https://gpt.ai8.icu](https://gpt.ai8.icu) - 2023-04-28
- [ 🔐 ][https://chat.douresources.com](https://chat.douresources.com) - 2023-04-28
- [ 🆓📚 ][https://ai-pig-fly.space](https://ai-pig-fly.space/) - 2023-04-28
- [ 🆓 ][https://chatgpt.hz-it-dev.co](https://chatgpt.hz-it-dev.com/) - 2023-04-30
- [ 🆓🌎🔐 ] [https://tubogpt.vercel.app ](https://tubogpt.vercel.app ) - 2023-05-06
- [ 🆓 ] [ ]( ) - 2023-05-06
- [ 🆓🔐 ] [https://seven-star.org ](https://seven-star.org/ ) - 2023-05-06
- [ 🆓 ] [https://ai.hxkj.vip ](https://ai.hxkj.vip ) - 2023-05-06
- [ 🔐 ] [https://gpt.opengpt88.com ](https://gpt.opengpt88.com ) - 2023-05-07
- [ 🔐 ] [https://chat.aidutu.cn ](https://chat.aidutu.cn ) - 2023-05-09
- [ 🔐 ] [https://chat.bk8787.com ](https://chat.bk8787.com ) - 2023-05-09
- [ 🆓 ] [https://chatgpt.dreamtrend.net ](https://chatgpt.dreamtrend.net/ ) - 2023-05-10
- [ 🆓 ] [ ]( ) - 2023-05-10
- [ 🔐 ] [https://chat.wenwen-ai.com ](https://chat.wenwen-ai.com ) - 2023-05-10
- [ 🆓 ] [https://chat.ok2ai.com ](https://chat.ok2ai.com/ ) - 2023-05-11
- [ 🔐 ] [https://gpt.uziai.com ](https://gpt.uziai.com/ ) - 2023-05-11
- [ 🆓 ] [http://chat1.manongzyg.one/ ](http://chat1.manongzyg.one/ ) - 2023-05-17 - add Access Code: 857857 in Setting
- [ 🆓🔔 ] [https://chataibase.com/ ](https://chataibase.com/ ) - 2023-05-18
- [ 🆓 ] [https://srgfdfsf.xiaowenzi.xyz/ ](https://srgfdfsf.xiaowenzi.xyz/ ) - 2023-05-18 - You can find the entrance from:https://gpt.lovebaby.today/
- [ 🆓 ] [https://1.nb8.ltd/ ](https://1.nb8.ltd/ ) - 2023-05-19
- [ 🆓🔓🔔 ] [https://chat.v50.ltd ](https://chat.v50.ltd ) - 2023-05-19
- [ 🔐 ] [https://www.openaicloud.cloud/ ](https://www.openaicloud.cloud/ ) - 2023-05-22
- [ 🔐 ] [https://aitxt.io/ ](https://aitxt.io/ ) - 2023-05-22
- [ 🔐 ] [https://ai.icodebug.xyz/ ](https://ai.icodebug.xyz/ ) - 2023-05-22
- [ 🔐 ] [https://gpts.dawu.world ](https://gpts.dawu.world ) - 2023-05-22
- [ 🆓 ] [https://vvanglro.eu.org/ ](https://vvanglro.eu.org ) - 2023-05-23
- [ 🆓 ] [https://1chat.c3r.ink/ ](https://1chat.c3r.ink/ ) - 2023-05-24
- [ 🔐 ] [https://www.sweetsai.com/ ](https://www.sweetsai.com/ ) - 2023-05-24
- [ 🆓📚 ] [https://home.xiamis.xyz/ ](https://home.xiamis.xyz/ ) - 2023-05-24
### [chatgpt-demo](https://github.com/ddiu8081/chatgpt-demo) style
- [ 🆓 ] [https://index.chat.bnu120.space ](https://index.chat.bnu120.space ) - 2023-04-28
- [ 🔐 ] [https://chatforai.com ](https://chatforai.com/ )
- [ 🆓 ] [https://desk.im ](https://desk.im/ )
- [ 🆓 ] [https://ai.ls ](https://ai.ls/ )
- [ 🆓 ] [https://ai.ci ](https://ai.ci/ )
- [ 🔐 ] [https://talk.xiu.ee ](https://talk.xiu.ee/ )
- [ 🆓 ] [https://chat2.xeasy.me ](https://chat2.xeasy.me/ )
- [ 🆓 ] [https://gpt.xeasy.me ](https://gpt.xeasy.me/ )
- [ 🆓 ] [https://chat12.xeasy.me ](https://chat12.xeasy.me/ )
- [ 🆓 ] [https://chat13.xeasy.me ](https://chat13.xeasy.me/ )
- [ 🆓 ] [https://chatcat.pages.dev ](https://chatcat.pages.dev )
- [ 🆓 ] [https://www.chatgptunli.com/chatgpt/ ](https://www.chatgptunli.com/chatgpt/ )
- [ 🆓 ] [https://chat.zhulei.xyz ](https://chat.zhulei.xyz )
### Other styles
- [ 🆓 ] [askwise https://ai.heptax.com ](https://ai.heptax.com )
- [ 🆓 ] [https://ailink.icu ](https://ailink.icu/ )
- [ 🆓📚 ] [https://greengpt.app ](https://greengpt.app/ )
- [ 🔐🔔 ] [https://nat.dev ](https://nat.dev/ )
- [ 🆓 ] [https://chat2.geekr.dev ](https://chat2.geekr.dev/ ) from < https: // github . com / geekr-dev / geekchat >
- [ 🆓 ] [https://askbot.club/chatgpt ](https://askbot.club/chatgpt/ )
- [ 🆓 ] [https://gpt.getshare.net ](https://gpt.getshare.net )
- [ 🆓 ] [http://chatai.fyi ](https://gpt.getshare.net )
- [ 🆓 ] [https://chat.51buygpt.com ](https://chat.51buygpt.com )
- [ 🆓 ] [https://trychatgp.com ](https://trychatgp.com )
- [ 🔐 ] [https://chat.livepo.top ](https://chat.livepo.top )
- [ 🔐 ] [https://chat.alpaca-bi.com ](https://chat.alpaca-bi.com )
- [ 🔐 ] [https://www.bz1y.cn ](https://www.bz1y.cn )
- [ 🔐 ] [https://chat.paoying.net ](https://chat.paoying.net/ )
- [ 🔐 ] [https://account.eaten.fun ](https://account.eaten.fun/ )
- [ 🔐 ] [https://chats.wxredcover.cn ](https://chats.wxredcover.cn/ )
- [ 🔐 ] [https://askgptai.com ](https://askgptai.com/ )
- [ 🔐 ] [https://chat.zecoba.cn ](https://chat.zecoba.cn/ )
- [ 🆓🔔 ] [http://www.tdchatd.us ](http://www.tdchatd.us/ )
- [ 🆓 ] [https://ai-toolbox.codefuture.top ](https://ai-toolbox.codefuture.top/ )
- [ 🆓 ] [https://ai.okmiku.com/chat ](https://ai.okmiku.com/chat )
- [ 🔐 ] [https://chatgpt.hoposoft.com ](https://chatgpt.hoposoft.com/#/ )
- [ 🔐 ] [https://open-gpt.app ](https://open-gpt.app/ )
- [ 🔐 ] [https://chat8.io ](https://chat8.io/ )
- [ 🔐 ] [https://ai.cheapy.top ](https://ai.cheapy.top )
- [ 🔐 ] [https://www.chatbotui.com ](https://www.chatbotui.com/ ) from < https: // github . com / mckaywrigley / chatbot-ui >
- [ 🆓🔐 ] [https://chat.aicn.me ](https://chat.aicn.me )
- [ 🔐 ] [https://a.aizh.app ](https://a.aizh.app/ )
- [ 🆓 ] [https://gpt.xcbl.cc ](https://gpt.xcbl.cc )
- [ 🆓🌎 ] [https://chatgptproxy.info ](https://chatgptproxy.info )
- [ 🔐 ] [https://openmao.panchuang.net ](https://openmao.panchuang.net/ )
- [ 🔐 ] [https://www.weijiwangluo.com/talk ](https://www.weijiwangluo.com/talk )
- [ 🔐 ] [https://chat.iwoso.co ](https://chat.iwoso.co/ )
- [ 🆓🔐 ] [https://chat.8kg.co ](https://chat.8kg.co )
- [ 🆓🔐🔔 ] [https://www.vivi-chat.com/#/chat ](https://www.vivi-chat.com/#/chat ) - 2023-04-22
- [ 🔐 ] [https://www.baoteyun.com/ai ](https://www.baoteyun.com/ai ) - 2023-04-23
- [ 🆓 ][https://f1.nbai.live](https://f1.nbai.live/) - 2023-04-24
- [ 🆓 ][https://f1.52chye.cn](https://f1.52chye.cn/) - 2023-04-24
- [ 🔐🆓 ][https://pro.ai.ls/](https://pro.ai.ls/) - 2023-04-26
- [ 🔐 ][https://qxme.com](https://qxme.com) - 2023-05-04
- [ 🆓🔔 ] [http://www.tdchat.pro/ ](http://www.tdchat.pro/ ) - 2023-05-05
- [ 🆓 ][https://qa.6bbs.cn/](https://qa.6bbs.cn/) - 2023-05-05
- [ 🆓 ][https://jiehan.tech/](https://jiehan.tech/) - 2023-05-05
- [ 🔐 ][https://ai.dw3.io/](https://ai.dw3.io/) - 2023-05-05
- [ 🔐 ][https://www.freechatsgpt.com/](https://www.freechatsgpt.com/) - 2023-05-12
- [ 🔐 ][http://bamboochat.kebakeba.com](http://bamboochat.kebakeba.com/) - 2023-05-12
- [ 🔐 ][https://chat.pinkfong.cn](https://chat.pinkfong.cn) - 2023-05-18
### Alternatives
- [ 🆓 ] [https://huggingface.co/chat ](https://huggingface.co/chat ) from https://huggingface.co - 2023-04-26
- [ 🆓📚 ] [https://chat.lmsys.org ](https://chat.lmsys.org/ ) from < https: // github . com / lm-sys / FastChat >
- [ 🔐🌎🔔📚 ] [https://poe.com ](https://poe.com )
- [ 🔐🌎🔔 ] [Bing Chat ](https://www.bing.com/new )
- [ 📚 ] [Google Bard ](https://bard.google.com )
- [ 🚧📚 ] [Anthropic Claude ](https://www.anthropic.com/product )
- [ 🚧📚 ] [Baidu ERNIE Bot ](https://yiyan.baidu.com/welcome )
- [ 🆓🚧📚 ] [Open Assistant ](https://open-assistant.io/ )
- [ 🚧📚 ] [阿里 通义千问 ](https://tongyi.aliyun.com/ )
- [ 🚧📚 ] [iFLYTEK Spark ](https://xinghuo.xfyun.cn/ )
### Softwares
- [ 🆓🔔 ] [Cursor ](https://www.cursor.so/ )
### 🚫 Invalid
< details >
< summary > Click to expand< / summary >
- ~~[ 🆓 ][https://1chat.cc](https://1chat.cc)~~ - 2023-05-04 - 2023-05-24
- ~~[ 🆓🔔 ] [http://www.tdchatd.us ](http://www.tdchatd.us/ )~~ - 2023-04-20 - 2023-05-05
- ~~[https://gpt.gpt0.icu](https://gpt.gpt0.icu)~~ - 2023-04-28
- ~~[https://chat2.zhuleixx.top](https://chat2.zhuleixx.top/)~~ - 2023-04-21
- ~~[https://chat.ohtoai.com](https://chat.ohtoai.com/)~~ - 2023-04-20
- ~~[https://ai.zyun.vip](https://ai.zyun.vip/)~~ - 2023-04-20
- ~~[http://www.tdchat.vip](http://www.tdchat.vip/)~~ - 2023-04-20
- ~~[https://ai.bo-e.com](https://ai.bo-e.com/)~~
- ~~[https://chat.zhuleixx.top](https://chat.zhuleixx.top/)~~
- ~~[https://www.tdchat.com](https://www.tdchat.com/)~~
- ~~[https://chatgpt3.fun](https://chatgpt3.fun/)~~
- ~~[http://gitopenchina.gitee.io/gpt](http://gitopenchina.gitee.io/gpt)~~
- ~~[http://gitopenchina.gitee.io/chatgpt](http://gitopenchina.gitee.io/chatgpt)~~
- ~~[http://gitopenchina.gitee.io/freechatgpt](http://gitopenchina.gitee.io/freechatgpt)~~
- ~~[https://qachat.vercel.app](https://qachat.vercel.app) 来自 < https: // github . com / yesmore / QA > ~~
- ~~[https://qachat.cn](https://qachat.cn/) 来自 < https: // github . com / yesmore / QA > ~~
- ~~[https://www.askme.mom](https://www.askme.mom/)~~
- ~~[https://chat.tgbot.co](https://chat.tgbot.co/) from < https: // github . com / zu1k > ~~
- ~~[https://chatgpt.ddiu.me](https://chatgpt.ddiu.me) from < https: // github . com / ddiu8081 / chatgpt-demo > ~~
- ~~[https://xc.com](https://xc.com/)~~
- ~~[https://chat.yqcloud.top](https://chat.yqcloud.top/) from < https: // github . com / binjie09 > ~~
- ~~[https://www.scyu.app](https://www.scyu.app/)~~
- ~~[https://chatgpt-flutter.h7ml.cn](https://chatgpt-flutter.h7ml.cn)~~
- ~~[https://www.aitoolgpt.com](https://www.aitoolgpt.com/) & [https://www.chatsverse.xyz ](https://www.chatsverse.xyz/ ) from < https: // github . com / ourongxing / chatgpt-vercel > ~~
- ~~[https://chatapi.qload.cn](https://chatapi.qload.cn)~~
- ~~[https://chat.ninvfeng.xyz](https://chat.ninvfeng.xyz/) from < https: // github . com / ninvfeng / chatgpt > ~~
< / details >
🤟 Have Fun!
## Star History
[](https://star-history.com/#LiLittleCat/awesome-free-chatgpt& Date)
## Contributors
## ChatGPT
## ChatGPT Alternative
## 📚 More...
### 💡 Prompt
### 💿 Want to build your own ChatGPT mirror?
- https://github.com/mckaywrigley/chatbot-ui
- https://github.com/Yidadaa/ChatGPT-Next-Web
- https://github.com/Chanzhaoyu/chatgpt-web
- https://github.com/anse-app/chatgpt-demo
- https://github.com/869413421/chatgpt-web
- https://github.com/xqdoo00o/chatgpt-web
- https://github.com/ztjhz/BetterChatGPT
- https://github.com/ourongxing/chatgpt-vercel
## 🤟 Have fun
### 🌟 Star History
[](https://star-history.com/#LiLittleCat/awesome-free-chatgpt& Date)
### 💞 Contributors