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Dominik Deák bf170ff771
Merge branch 'master' of
5 years ago
.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE Updated issue templates. 5 years ago
Binaries Work on build script. 5 years ago
Synergy-Core@c579858dd2 Work on build script. 5 years ago
Tools Work on script and added Tools dir. 5 years ago
.gitignore Work on script and added Tools dir. 5 years ago
.gitmodules Added git ignore and submodules. 5 years ago Changed script persmissions. 5 years ago Added readme and license docs. 5 years ago Readme edits. 5 years ago

Synergy Binaries

Synergy is a keyboard and mouse sharing tool for devices connected over a network. Up until version 1.8.8, binaries were freely available to download from the official project website. Since then, Synergy maintainers have decided to publish binaries behind a pay wall. However, Synergy is an open source project, and therefore anyone can build the application on their system.

This repository provides some convenience tools and documentation for building Synergy. Alternatively, one can also download the pre-compiled binaries.

Information presented here is based on the official wiki pages. Anyone attempting to build Synergy should consult the official wiki pages first.

Download Binaries

The following binaries available in the Releases section:

  • Linux AppImage, deb packages
  • Windows MSI installer
  • macOS dmg packages

If you can't locate a binary package for your particular distribution, try building the project yourself.

Project Structure

The following files or directories should be of interest:

File / Directory Description
Binaries Output location for the build binaries.
Synergy-Core The official Synergy Core submodule.
Tools Temporary location for build tools. Shell script for building binaries in Linux Mint or Ubuntu.

Cloning the Repository

Before you begin building Synergy, you need to recursively clone this project and its submodules:

  1. Clone the repository:

     git clone
  2. Update all submodules:

     cd Synergy-Binaries
     git submodule update --init --remote --recursive

Linux Mint / Ubuntu


Install the following packages:

sudo apt-get install qtcreator qtbase5-dev qttools5-dev cmake make g++ xorg-dev libssl-dev libx11-dev libsodium-dev libgl1-mesa-glx libegl1-mesa libcurl4-openssl-dev libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev qtdeclarative5-dev libqt5svg5-dev libsystemd-dev

For building Debian packages:

sudo apt-get install devscripts build-essential lintian

Alternatively, consult the official wiki for installing dependencies.


Run the shell script with --all to build all packages. For other options, run with the --help switch.

Alternatively, you can opt to build the binaries only, as detailed below. We're assuming the current path is in the Synergy-Binaries project root.

  1. Create a build subdirectory in the Synergy-Core submodule:

     cd Synergy-Core
     mkdir build
     cd build
  2. Configure the project:

  3. Build the project:

     cmake --build . --parallel 8
  4. Optional, install the application:

     sudo cmake --install .

Launching Automatically

In Linux Mint we can launch synergy client automatically via System Settings → Startup Applications, then add an entry with the command:

/usr/bin/synergyc --name ClientName --daemon #.#.#.#

Substitute the ClientName with the local machine name, and the Synergy server IP #.#.#.# with whatever appropriate for your set-up.

DEAK Software is not the maintainer of Synergy, nor is affiliated with Symless in anyway way. Bugs or issues related to the application should be reported directly on the official Synergy GitHub page.

This project is released under the MIT License.