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92 lines
2.6 KiB
92 lines
2.6 KiB
@echo off |
:main |
if [%vcvarsallPath] equ [] ( |
echo error: The required environment variables were not configured. |
exit 1 |
) |
call "%vcvarsallPath%" x64 || exit 1 |
call :configureCMake |
call :buildBinaries |
call :buildMSI |
call :buildZIP |
exit 0 |
:configureCMake |
cmake -S "%productRepoPath%" -B "%productBuildPath%"^ |
-G "%cmakeGenerator%"^ |
-D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="%libQtPath%"^ |
-D SYNERGY_REVISION="%productRevision%"^ |
|| exit 1 |
exit /b 0 |
:buildBinaries |
pushd "%productBuildPath%" || exit 1 |
msbuild synergy-core.sln /p:Platform="x64" /p:Configuration=Release /m || exit 1 |
popd |
exit /b 0 |
:buildMSI |
pushd "%productBuildPath%\installer" || exit 1 |
msbuild Synergy.sln /p:Configuration=Release || exit 1 |
popd |
copy "%productBuildPath%\installer\bin\Release\Synergy.msi" "%binariesPath%" || exit 1 |
del "%binariesPath%\%productPackageName%.msi" |
ren "%binariesPath%\Synergy.msi" "%productPackageName%.msi" || exit 1 |
exit /b 0 |
:buildZIP |
setlocal |
set sourcePath=%productBuildPath%\bin\Release |
set productPath=%productBuildPath%\bin\%productPackageName% |
mkdir "%productPath%" |
copy "%sourcePath%\libEGL.dll" "%productPath%" || exit 1 |
copy "%sourcePath%\libGLESv2.dll" "%productPath%" || exit 1 |
copy "%sourcePath%\Qt5Core.dll" "%productPath%" || exit 1 |
copy "%sourcePath%\Qt5Gui.dll" "%productPath%" || exit 1 |
copy "%sourcePath%\Qt5Network.dll" "%productPath%" || exit 1 |
copy "%sourcePath%\Qt5Svg.dll" "%productPath%" || exit 1 |
copy "%sourcePath%\Qt5Widgets.dll" "%productPath%" || exit 1 |
copy "%sourcePath%\synergy.exe" "%productPath%" || exit 1 |
copy "%sourcePath%\synergyc.exe" "%productPath%" || exit 1 |
copy "%sourcePath%\synergyd.exe" "%productPath%" || exit 1 |
copy "%sourcePath%\synergys.exe" "%productPath%" || exit 1 |
copy "%sourcePath%\syntool.exe" "%productPath%" || exit 1 |
mkdir "%productPath%\Platforms" |
copy "%sourcePath%\Platforms" "%productPath%\Platforms" || exit 1 |
mkdir "%productPath%\Styles" |
copy "%sourcePath%\Styles" "%productPath%\Styles" || exit 1 |
mkdir "%productPath%\OpenSSL" |
copy "%productRepoPath%\ext\openssl\windows\x64\bin\*" "%productPath%\OpenSSL" || exit 1 |
copy "%productRepoPath%\ext\openssl\windows\x64\bin\*.dll" "%productPath%" || exit 1 |
set zipPath=%binariesPath%\ |
powershell.exe -nologo -noprofile -command "& { Compress-Archive -Force -Path '%productPath%' -DestinationPath '%zipPath%' }" || exit 1 |
endlocal |
exit /b 0