# Synergy Binaries ## About [Synergy](https://github.com/symless/synergy-core) is a keyboard and mouse sharing tool for devices connected over a network. This repository maintains Synergy binaries to download, including convenience tools and documentation for building the Synergy application. ## ⚠️ This Project is No Longer Maintained Please note, Synergy was officially forked into the [Deskflow](https://github.com/deskflow/deskflow) project. This fork now offers continuous integration builds for Deskflow, which is freely available directly on their [releases page](https://github.com/deskflow/deskflow/releases). Now that Deskflow maintainers offer official binaries to download, the current project _Synergy Binaries_ has become obsolete and is no longer maintained. I would like to thank everyone taking part in offering support/suggestions to this project. ## Download Binaries are available for the following platforms (64-bit only, unless stated otherwise): * macOS: `.dmg` * Linux: `.deb`, `.rpm`, portable `.AppImage` * Windows: `.msi`, portable `.zip` See [Releases](https://github.com/DEAKSoftware/Synergy-Binaries/releases) for additional versions. This project focuses mostly on stable releases. If a particular version is missing, [create a new issue](https://github.com/DEAKSoftware/Synergy-Binaries/issues/new/choose) to request new binaries. If you can't locate a binary package for your particular distribution, you might want to try building the project yourself. Alternatively, consider supporting the official Synergy developers by [purchasing a copy](https://symless.com/synergy/purchase). ## Building The build system in this project where hacked together from information presented on the official Synergy Core [wiki pages](https://github.com/symless/synergy-core/wiki/), and from the Azure Pipeline [configuration files](https://github.com/symless/synergy-core/tree/master/CI/), found in the sources. Anyone attempting to build Synergy should consult the official wiki pages first, or use Azure Pipelines to generate all packages (if appropriate). Otherwise, you can try using the build scripts in this project. 1. Official Documentation * [Compiling](https://github.com/symless/synergy-core/wiki/Compiling), and [Compiling Synergy Core](https://github.com/symless/synergy-core/wiki/Compiling-Synergy-Core) * [Building the Windows MSI Package](https://github.com/symless/synergy-core/wiki/Building-the-Windows-MSI-Package) 2. Building the Binaries * [Getting Started](./Documentation/GettingStarted.md) * [Building on macOS](./Documentation/BuildingOnDarwin.md) * [Building on Linux Mint / Ubuntu](./Documentation/BuildingOnLinux.md) * [Building on Windows](./Documentation/BuildingOnWindows.md) ## Disclaimers and Legal DEAK Software is not the maintainer of Synergy, nor is affiliated with Symless in any way. Bugs or issues related to the application should be reported directly on the [official Synergy GitHub page](https://github.com/symless/synergy-core). This project is released under the [MIT License](./license.md).