@ -32,4 +32,12 @@ Describe what actually happened after completing the steps above.
### Additional Notes
Provide additional information, such as references to related problems, workarounds, or log text formatted inside a [code quoting block](https://docs.github.com/en/github/writing-on-github/basic-writing-and-formatting-syntax#quoting-code).
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<details><summary>Log info (click to expand)</summary>
Binaries are available for the following platforms:
Binaries are available for the following platforms (64-bit only, unless stated otherwise):
* macOS 11.4 Big Sur: `.dmg`
* Linux Mint 20 Ulyana: `.deb`, `.rpm`, portable `.AppImage`
* Windows 10: `.msi`, portable `.zip`
* macOS: `.dmg`
* Linux: `.deb`, `.rpm`, portable `.AppImage`
* Windows: `.msi`, portable `.zip`
See [Releases](https://github.com/DEAKSoftware/Synergy-Binaries/releases) for additional versions, such as release candidates, patches, etc. If a particular version is missing, [create a new issue](https://github.com/DEAKSoftware/Synergy-Binaries/issues/new/choose) to request new binaries. If you can't locate a binary package for your particular distribution, you might want to try building the project yourself.