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🐛 Bug report / Bug反馈 Create a report to help us improve / 反馈Bug问题 [Bug] bug

Thanks for your bug report. To help us better solve the issue, please provide the following information:

  1. PaddleRS version: (please specify the branch as well,e.g. PaddleRS release/1.0)
  2. PaddlePaddle version: (e.g. PaddlePaddle 2.3.0)
  3. Operation system: (e.g. Linux/Windows/MacOS)
  4. Python version: (e.g. Python3.7/8)
  5. CUDA/cuDNN version: (e.g. CUDA10.2/cuDNN 7.6.5)
  6. Full codes: (if you modify any original code,please show the comparison of the codes before and after)
  7. Detailed error information and releated running log: (if you used multi-gpus,the log can be found in log/worklog.0 by default)
  8. Steps to reproduce the problem:
  9. Additional context: (add any other context about the problem)


  1. PaddleRS版本:(请提供版本号和分支信息,如PaddleRS release/1.0)
  2. PaddlePaddle版本:(如PaddlePaddle 2.3.0)
  3. 操作系统信息:(如Linux/Windows/MacOS)
  4. Python版本号:(如Python3.7/8)
  5. CUDA/cuDNN版本:( 如CUDA10.2/cuDNN 7.6.5等)
  6. 完整的代码:(若修改过原代码,请提供修改前后代码对比)
  7. 详细的错误信息与相关log:(若使用多卡,log默认保存在log/worklog.0
  8. 问题复现步骤:
  9. 其他内容: (增加其他与问题相关的内容)