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# Copyright (c) 2022 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import inspect
import numpy as np
import paddlers.transforms as T
from testing_utils import CpuCommonTest
__all__ = ['TestIndex']
'b': 'B',
'g': 'G',
'r': 'R',
're1': 'RE1',
're2': 'RE2',
're3': 'RE3',
'n': 'N',
's1': 'S1',
's2': 'S2',
't1': 'T1',
't2': 'T2'
def add_index_tests(cls):
Automatically patch testing functions for remote sensing indices.
def _make_test_func(index_name, index_class):
def __test_func(self):
bands = {}
cnt = 0
for key in inspect.signature(index_class._compute).parameters:
if key == 'self':
elif key.startswith('c'):
# key 'c*' stands for a constant
raise RuntimeError(
f"Cannot automatically process key '{key}'!")
cnt += 1
bands[key] = cnt
dummy = constr_dummy_image(cnt)
index1 = index_class(bands)(dummy)
params = constr_spyndex_params(dummy, bands)
index2 = compute_spyndex_index(index_name, params)
self.check_output(index1, index2)
return __test_func
for index_name in T.indices.__all__:
index_class = getattr(T.indices, index_name)
attr_name = 'test_' + index_name
if hasattr(cls, attr_name):
setattr(cls, attr_name, _make_test_func(index_name, index_class))
return cls
def constr_spyndex_params(image, bands, consts=None):
params = {}
for k, v in bands.items():
v = image[..., v - 1]
params[k] = v
if consts is not None:
return params
def compute_spyndex_index(name, params):
import spyndex
index = spyndex.computeIndex(index=[name], params=params)
return index
def constr_dummy_image(c):
return np.random.uniform(0, 65536, size=(256, 256, c))
class TestIndex(CpuCommonTest):
def check_output(self, result, expected_result):
mask = np.isfinite(expected_result)
diff = np.abs(result[mask] - expected_result[mask])
cnt = (diff > (1.e-2 * diff + 0.1)).sum()
self.assertLess(cnt / diff.size, 0.005)
def test_ARVI(self):
dummy = constr_dummy_image(3)
bands = {'b': 1, 'r': 2, 'n': 3}
gamma = 0.1
arvi = T.indices.ARVI(bands, gamma)
index1 = arvi(dummy)
index2 = compute_spyndex_index(
'ARVI', constr_spyndex_params(dummy, bands, {'gamma': gamma}))
self.check_output(index1, index2)
def test_BWDRVI(self):
dummy = constr_dummy_image(2)
bands = {'b': 1, 'n': 2}
alpha = 0.1
bwdrvi = T.indices.BWDRVI(bands, alpha)
index1 = bwdrvi(dummy)
index2 = compute_spyndex_index(
'BWDRVI', constr_spyndex_params(dummy, bands, {'alpha': alpha}))
self.check_output(index1, index2)
def test_EVI(self):
dummy = constr_dummy_image(3)
bands = {'b': 1, 'r': 2, 'n': 3}
g = 2.5
C1 = 6.0
C2 = 7.5
L = 1.0
evi = T.indices.EVI(bands, g, C1, C2, L)
index1 = evi(dummy)
index2 = compute_spyndex_index(
constr_spyndex_params(dummy, bands,
{'g': g,
'C1': C1,
'C2': C2,
'L': L}))
self.check_output(index1, index2)
def test_EVI2(self):
dummy = constr_dummy_image(2)
bands = {'r': 1, 'n': 2}
g = 2.5
L = 1.0
evi2 = T.indices.EVI2(bands, g, L)
index1 = evi2(dummy)
index2 = compute_spyndex_index('EVI2',
constr_spyndex_params(dummy, bands,
{'g': g,
'L': L}))
self.check_output(index1, index2)
def test_MNLI(self):
dummy = constr_dummy_image(2)
bands = {'r': 1, 'n': 2}
L = 1.0
mnli = T.indices.MNLI(bands, L)
index1 = mnli(dummy)
index2 = compute_spyndex_index(
'MNLI', constr_spyndex_params(dummy, bands, {'L': L}))
self.check_output(index1, index2)
def test_SAVI(self):
dummy = constr_dummy_image(2)
bands = {'r': 1, 'n': 2}
L = 1.0
savi = T.indices.SAVI(bands, L)
index1 = savi(dummy)
index2 = compute_spyndex_index(
'SAVI', constr_spyndex_params(dummy, bands, {'L': L}))
self.check_output(index1, index2)