# Copyright (c) 2022 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import cv2 import numpy as np import copy import operator import shapely.ops from shapely.geometry import Polygon, MultiPolygon, GeometryCollection from functools import reduce from sklearn.decomposition import PCA from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression from skimage import exposure def normalize(im, mean, std, min_value=[0, 0, 0], max_value=[255, 255, 255]): # Rescaling (min-max normalization) range_value = np.asarray( [1. / (max_value[i] - min_value[i]) for i in range(len(max_value))], dtype=np.float32) im = (im - np.asarray(min_value, dtype=np.float32)) * range_value # Standardization (Z-score Normalization) im -= mean im /= std return im def permute(im, to_bgr=False): im = np.swapaxes(im, 1, 2) im = np.swapaxes(im, 1, 0) if to_bgr: im = im[[2, 1, 0], :, :] return im def center_crop(im, crop_size=224): height, width = im.shape[:2] w_start = (width - crop_size) // 2 h_start = (height - crop_size) // 2 w_end = w_start + crop_size h_end = h_start + crop_size im = im[h_start:h_end, w_start:w_end, ...] return im def horizontal_flip(im): im = im[:, ::-1, ...] return im def vertical_flip(im): im = im[::-1, :, ...] return im def rgb2bgr(im): return im[:, :, ::-1] def is_poly(poly): assert isinstance(poly, (list, dict)), \ "Invalid poly type: {}".format(type(poly)) return isinstance(poly, list) def horizontal_flip_poly(poly, width): flipped_poly = np.array(poly) flipped_poly[0::2] = width - np.array(poly[0::2]) return flipped_poly.tolist() def horizontal_flip_rle(rle, height, width): import pycocotools.mask as mask_util if 'counts' in rle and type(rle['counts']) == list: rle = mask_util.frPyObjects(rle, height, width) mask = mask_util.decode(rle) mask = mask[:, ::-1] rle = mask_util.encode(np.array(mask, order='F', dtype=np.uint8)) return rle def vertical_flip_poly(poly, height): flipped_poly = np.array(poly) flipped_poly[1::2] = height - np.array(poly[1::2]) return flipped_poly.tolist() def vertical_flip_rle(rle, height, width): import pycocotools.mask as mask_util if 'counts' in rle and type(rle['counts']) == list: rle = mask_util.frPyObjects(rle, height, width) mask = mask_util.decode(rle) mask = mask[::-1, :] rle = mask_util.encode(np.array(mask, order='F', dtype=np.uint8)) return rle def crop_poly(segm, crop): xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = crop crop_coord = [xmin, ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax, ymax, xmax, ymin] crop_p = np.array(crop_coord).reshape(4, 2) crop_p = Polygon(crop_p) crop_segm = list() for poly in segm: poly = np.array(poly).reshape(len(poly) // 2, 2) polygon = Polygon(poly) if not polygon.is_valid: exterior = polygon.exterior multi_lines = exterior.intersection(exterior) polygons = shapely.ops.polygonize(multi_lines) polygon = MultiPolygon(polygons) multi_polygon = list() if isinstance(polygon, MultiPolygon): multi_polygon = copy.deepcopy(polygon) else: multi_polygon.append(copy.deepcopy(polygon)) for per_polygon in multi_polygon: inter = per_polygon.intersection(crop_p) if not inter: continue if isinstance(inter, (MultiPolygon, GeometryCollection)): for part in inter: if not isinstance(part, Polygon): continue part = np.squeeze( np.array(part.exterior.coords[:-1]).reshape(1, -1)) part[0::2] -= xmin part[1::2] -= ymin crop_segm.append(part.tolist()) elif isinstance(inter, Polygon): crop_poly = np.squeeze( np.array(inter.exterior.coords[:-1]).reshape(1, -1)) crop_poly[0::2] -= xmin crop_poly[1::2] -= ymin crop_segm.append(crop_poly.tolist()) else: continue return crop_segm def crop_rle(rle, crop, height, width): import pycocotools.mask as mask_util if 'counts' in rle and type(rle['counts']) == list: rle = mask_util.frPyObjects(rle, height, width) mask = mask_util.decode(rle) mask = mask[crop[1]:crop[3], crop[0]:crop[2]] rle = mask_util.encode(np.array(mask, order='F', dtype=np.uint8)) return rle def expand_poly(poly, x, y): expanded_poly = np.array(poly) expanded_poly[0::2] += x expanded_poly[1::2] += y return expanded_poly.tolist() def expand_rle(rle, x, y, height, width, h, w): import pycocotools.mask as mask_util if 'counts' in rle and type(rle['counts']) == list: rle = mask_util.frPyObjects(rle, height, width) mask = mask_util.decode(rle) expanded_mask = np.full((h, w), 0).astype(mask.dtype) expanded_mask[y:y + height, x:x + width] = mask rle = mask_util.encode(np.array(expanded_mask, order='F', dtype=np.uint8)) return rle def resize_poly(poly, im_scale_x, im_scale_y): resized_poly = np.array(poly, dtype=np.float32) resized_poly[0::2] *= im_scale_x resized_poly[1::2] *= im_scale_y return resized_poly.tolist() def resize_rle(rle, im_h, im_w, im_scale_x, im_scale_y, interp): import pycocotools.mask as mask_util if 'counts' in rle and type(rle['counts']) == list: rle = mask_util.frPyObjects(rle, im_h, im_w) mask = mask_util.decode(rle) mask = cv2.resize( mask, None, None, fx=im_scale_x, fy=im_scale_y, interpolation=interp) rle = mask_util.encode(np.array(mask, order='F', dtype=np.uint8)) return rle def to_uint8(im): """ Convert raster to uint8. Args: im (np.ndarray): The image. Returns: np.ndarray: Image on uint8. """ # 2% linear stretch def _two_percentLinear(image, max_out=255, min_out=0): def _gray_process(gray, maxout=max_out, minout=min_out): # get the corresponding gray level at 98% histogram high_value = np.percentile(gray, 98) low_value = np.percentile(gray, 2) truncated_gray = np.clip(gray, a_min=low_value, a_max=high_value) processed_gray = ((truncated_gray - low_value) / (high_value - low_value)) * \ (maxout - minout) return processed_gray if len(image.shape) == 3: processes = [] for b in range(image.shape[-1]): processes.append(_gray_process(image[:, :, b])) result = np.stack(processes, axis=2) else: # if len(image.shape) == 2 result = _gray_process(image) return np.uint8(result) # simple image standardization def _sample_norm(image, NUMS=65536): stretches = [] if len(image.shape) == 3: for b in range(image.shape[-1]): stretched = _stretch(image[:, :, b], NUMS) stretched /= float(NUMS) stretches.append(stretched) stretched_img = np.stack(stretches, axis=2) else: # if len(image.shape) == 2 stretched_img = _stretch(image, NUMS) return np.uint8(stretched_img * 255) # histogram equalization def _stretch(ima, NUMS): hist = _histogram(ima, NUMS) lut = [] for bt in range(0, len(hist), NUMS): # step size step = reduce(operator.add, hist[bt : bt + NUMS]) / (NUMS - 1) # create balanced lookup table n = 0 for i in range(NUMS): lut.append(n / step) n += hist[i + bt] np.take(lut, ima, out=ima) return ima # calculate histogram def _histogram(ima, NUMS): bins = list(range(0, NUMS)) flat = ima.flat n = np.searchsorted(np.sort(flat), bins) n = np.concatenate([n, [len(flat)]]) hist = n[1:] - n[:-1] return hist dtype = im.dtype.name dtypes = ["uint8", "uint16", "float32"] if dtype not in dtypes: raise ValueError(f"'dtype' must be uint8/uint16/float32, not {dtype}.") if dtype == "uint8": return im else: if dtype == "float32": im = _sample_norm(im) return _two_percentLinear(im) def to_intensity(im): """ calculate SAR data's intensity diagram. Args: im (np.ndarray): The SAR image. Returns: np.ndarray: Intensity diagram. """ if len(im.shape) != 2: raise ValueError("im's shape must be 2.") # the type is complex means this is a SAR data if isinstance(type(im[0, 0]), complex): im = abs(im) return im def select_bands(im, band_list=[1, 2, 3]): """ Select bands. Args: im (np.ndarray): The image. band_list (list, optional): Bands of selected (Start with 1). Defaults to [1, 2, 3]. Returns: np.ndarray: The image after band selected. """ total_band = im.shape[-1] result = [] for band in band_list: band = int(band - 1) if band < 0 or band >= total_band: raise ValueError( "The element in band_list must > 1 and <= {}.".format(str(total_band))) result.append() ima = np.stack(result, axis=0) return ima def de_haze(im, gamma=False): """ Priori defogging of dark channel. (Just RGB) Args: im (np.ndarray): The image. gamma (bool, optional): Use gamma correction or not. Defaults to False. Returns: np.ndarray: The image after defogged. """ def _guided_filter(I, p, r, eps): m_I = cv2.boxFilter(I, -1, (r, r)) m_p = cv2.boxFilter(p, -1, (r, r)) m_Ip = cv2.boxFilter(I * p, -1, (r, r)) cov_Ip = m_Ip - m_I * m_p m_II = cv2.boxFilter(I * I, -1, (r, r)) var_I = m_II - m_I * m_I a = cov_Ip / (var_I + eps) b = m_p - a * m_I m_a = cv2.boxFilter(a, -1, (r, r)) m_b = cv2.boxFilter(b, -1, (r, r)) return m_a * I + m_b def _de_fog(im, r, w, maxatmo_mask, eps): # im is RGB and range[0, 1] atmo_mask = np.min(im, 2) dark_channel = cv2.erode(atmo_mask, np.ones((15, 15))) atmo_mask = _guided_filter(atmo_mask, dark_channel, r, eps) bins = 2000 ht = np.histogram(atmo_mask, bins) d = np.cumsum(ht[0]) / float(atmo_mask.size) for lmax in range(bins - 1, 0, -1): if d[lmax] <= 0.999: break atmo_illum = np.mean(im, 2)[atmo_mask >= ht[1][lmax]].max() atmo_mask = np.minimum(atmo_mask * w, maxatmo_mask) return atmo_mask, atmo_illum if np.max(im) > 1: im = im / 255. result = np.zeros(im.shape) mask_img, atmo_illum = _de_fog(im, r=81, w=0.95, maxatmo_mask=0.80, eps=1e-8) for k in range(3): result[:, :, k] = (im[:, :, k] - mask_img) / (1 - mask_img / atmo_illum) result = np.clip(result, 0, 1) if gamma: result = result ** (np.log(0.5) / np.log(result.mean())) return (result * 255).astype("uint8") def pca(im, dim=3, whiten=True): """ Dimensionality reduction of PCA. Args: im (np.ndarray): The image. dim (int, optional): Reserved dimensions. Defaults to 3. whiten (bool, optional): PCA whiten or not. Defaults to True. Returns: np.ndarray: The image after PCA. """ H, W, C = im.shape n_im = np.reshape(im, (-1, C)) pca = PCA(n_components=dim, whiten=whiten) im_pca = pca.fit_transform(n_im) result = np.reshape(im_pca, (H, W, dim)) result = np.clip(result, 0, 1) return (result * 255).astype("uint8") def match_histograms(im, ref): """ Match the cumulative histogram of one image to another. Args: im (np.ndarray): The input image. ref (np.ndarray): The reference image to match histogram of. `ref` must have the same number of channels as `im`. Returns: np.ndarray: The transformed input image. Raises: ValueError: When the number of channels of `ref` differs from that of im`. """ # TODO: Check the data types of the inputs to see if they are supported by skimage return exposure.match_histograms(im, ref, channel_axis=-1 if im.ndim>2 else None) def match_by_regression(im, ref, pif_loc=None): """ Match the brightness values of two images using a linear regression method. Args: im (np.ndarray): The input image. ref (np.ndarray): The reference image to match. `ref` must have the same shape as `im`. pif_loc (tuple|None, optional): The spatial locations where pseudo-invariant features (PIFs) are obtained. If `pif_loc` is set to None, all pixels in the image will be used as training samples for the regression model. In other cases, `pif_loc` should be a tuple of np.ndarrays. Default: None. Returns: np.ndarray: The transformed input image. Raises: ValueError: When the shape of `ref` differs from that of `im`. """ def _linear_regress(im, ref, loc): regressor = LinearRegression() if loc is not None: x, y = im[loc], ref[loc] else: x, y = im, ref x, y = x.reshape(-1,1), y.ravel() regressor.fit(x, y) matched = regressor.predict(im.reshape(-1,1)) return matched.reshape(im.shape) if im.shape != ref.shape: raise ValueError("Image and Reference must have the same shape!") if im.ndim > 2: # Multiple channels matched = np.empty(im.shape, dtype=im.dtype) for ch in range(im.shape[-1]): matched[..., ch] = _linear_regress(im[..., ch], ref[..., ch], pif_loc) else: # Single channel matched = _linear_regress(im, ref, pif_loc).astype(im.dtype) return matched