# Copyright (c) 2022 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import os.path as osp import argparse from collections import deque from functools import reduce import paddlers import numpy as np import cv2 try: from osgeo import gdal except: import gdal from tqdm import tqdm from utils import time_it IGN_CLS = 255 FMT = "im_{idx}{ext}" class QuadTreeNode(object): def __init__(self, i, j, h, w, level, cls_info=None): super().__init__() self.i = i self.j = j self.h = h self.w = w self.level = level self.cls_info = cls_info self.reset_children() @property def area(self): return self.h * self.w @property def is_bg_node(self): return self.cls_info is None @property def coords(self): return (self.i, self.j, self.h, self.w) def get_cls_cnt(self, cls): if self.cls_info is None or cls >= len(self.cls_info): return 0 return self.cls_info[cls] def get_children(self): for child in self.children: if child is not None: yield child def reset_children(self): self.children = [None, None, None, None] def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.i}, {self.j}, {self.h}, {self.w})" class QuadTree(object): def __init__(self, min_blk_size=256): super().__init__() self.min_blk_size = min_blk_size self.h = None self.w = None self.root = None def build_tree(self, mask_band, bg_cls=0): cls_info_table = self.preprocess(mask_band, bg_cls) n_rows = len(cls_info_table) if n_rows == 0: return None n_cols = len(cls_info_table[0]) self.root = self._build_tree(cls_info_table, 0, n_rows - 1, 0, n_cols - 1, 0) return self.root def preprocess(self, mask_ds, bg_cls): h, w = mask_ds.RasterYSize, mask_ds.RasterXSize s = self.min_blk_size if s >= h or s >= w: raise ValueError("`min_blk_size` must be smaller than image size.") cls_info_table = [] for i in range(0, h, s): cls_info_row = [] for j in range(0, w, s): if i + s > h: ch = h - i else: ch = s if j + s > w: cw = w - j else: cw = s arr = mask_ds.ReadAsArray(j, i, cw, ch) bins = np.bincount(arr.ravel()) if len(bins) > IGN_CLS: bins = np.delete(bins, IGN_CLS) if len(bins) > bg_cls and bins.sum() == bins[bg_cls]: cls_info_row.append(None) else: cls_info_row.append(bins) cls_info_table.append(cls_info_row) return cls_info_table def _build_tree(self, cls_info_table, i_st, i_ed, j_st, j_ed, level=0): if i_ed < i_st or j_ed < j_st: return None i = i_st * self.min_blk_size j = j_st * self.min_blk_size h = (i_ed - i_st + 1) * self.min_blk_size w = (j_ed - j_st + 1) * self.min_blk_size if i_ed == i_st and j_ed == j_st: return QuadTreeNode(i, j, h, w, level, cls_info_table[i_st][j_st]) i_mid = (i_ed + i_st) // 2 j_mid = (j_ed + j_st) // 2 root = QuadTreeNode(i, j, h, w, level) root.children[0] = self._build_tree(cls_info_table, i_st, i_mid, j_st, j_mid, level + 1) root.children[1] = self._build_tree(cls_info_table, i_st, i_mid, j_mid + 1, j_ed, level + 1) root.children[2] = self._build_tree(cls_info_table, i_mid + 1, i_ed, j_st, j_mid, level + 1) root.children[3] = self._build_tree(cls_info_table, i_mid + 1, i_ed, j_mid + 1, j_ed, level + 1) bins_list = [ node.cls_info for node in root.get_children() if node.cls_info is not None ] if len(bins_list) > 0: merged_bins = reduce(merge_bins, bins_list) root.cls_info = merged_bins else: # Merge nodes root.reset_children() return root def get_nodes(self, tar_cls=None, max_level=None, include_bg=True): nodes = [] q = deque() q.append(self.root) while q: node = q.popleft() if max_level is None or node.level < max_level: for child in node.get_children(): if not include_bg and child.is_bg_node: continue if tar_cls is not None and child.get_cls_cnt(tar_cls) == 0: continue nodes.append(child) q.append(child) return nodes def visualize_regions(self, im_path, save_path='./vis_quadtree.png'): im = paddlers.transforms.decode_image(im_path) if im.ndim == 2: im = np.stack([im] * 3, axis=2) elif im.ndim == 3: c = im.shape[2] if c < 3: raise ValueError( "For multi-spectral images, the number of bands should not be less than 3." ) else: # Take first three bands as R, G, and B im = im[..., :3] else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized data format.") nodes = self.get_nodes(include_bg=True) vis = np.ascontiguousarray(im) for node in nodes: i, j, h, w = node.coords vis = cv2.rectangle(vis, (j, i), (j + w, i + h), (0, 0, 255), 2) cv2.imwrite(save_path, vis) return save_path def print_tree(self, node=None, level=0): if node is None: node = self.root print(' ' * level + '-', node) for child in node.get_children(): self.print_tree(child, level + 1) def merge_bins(bins1, bins2): if len(bins1) < len(bins2): return merge_bins(bins2, bins1) elif len(bins1) == len(bins2): return bins1 + bins2 else: return bins1 + np.concatenate( [bins2, np.zeros(len(bins1) - len(bins2))]) @time_it def extract_ms_patches(im_paths, mask_path, save_dir, min_patch_size=256, bg_class=0, target_class=None, max_level=None, include_bg=False, nonzero_ratio=None, visualize=False): def _save_patch(src_path, i, j, h, w, subdir=None): src_path = osp.normpath(src_path) src_name, src_ext = osp.splitext(osp.basename(src_path)) subdir = subdir if subdir is not None else src_name dst_dir = osp.join(save_dir, subdir) if not osp.exists(dst_dir): os.makedirs(dst_dir) dst_name = FMT.format(idx=idx, ext=src_ext) dst_path = osp.join(dst_dir, dst_name) gdal.Translate(dst_path, src_path, srcWin=(j, i, w, h)) return dst_path if nonzero_ratio is not None: print( "`nonzero_ratio` is not None. More time will be consumed to filter out all-zero patches." ) mask_ds = gdal.Open(mask_path) quad_tree = QuadTree(min_blk_size=min_patch_size) if mask_ds.RasterCount != 1: raise ValueError("The mask image has more than 1 band.") print("Start building quad tree...") quad_tree.build_tree(mask_ds, bg_class) if visualize: print("Start drawing rectangles...") save_path = quad_tree.visualize_regions(im_paths[0]) print(f"The visualization result is saved in {save_path} .") print("Quad tree has been built. Now start collecting nodes...") nodes = quad_tree.get_nodes( tar_cls=target_class, max_level=max_level, include_bg=include_bg) print("Nodes collected. Saving patches...") for idx, node in enumerate(tqdm(nodes)): i, j, h, w = node.coords real_h = min(h, mask_ds.RasterYSize - i) real_w = min(w, mask_ds.RasterXSize - j) if real_h < h or real_w < w: # Skip incomplete patches continue is_valid = True if nonzero_ratio is not None: for src_path in im_paths: im_ds = gdal.Open(src_path) arr = im_ds.ReadAsArray(j, i, real_w, real_h) if np.count_nonzero(arr) / arr.size < nonzero_ratio: is_valid = False break if is_valid: for src_path in im_paths: _save_patch(src_path, i, j, real_h, real_w) _save_patch(mask_path, i, j, real_h, real_w, 'mask') if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--im_paths", type=str, required=True, nargs='+', \ help="Path of images. Different images must have unique file names.") parser.add_argument("--mask_path", type=str, required=True, \ help="Path of mask.") parser.add_argument("--save_dir", type=str, default='output', \ help="Path to save the extracted patches.") parser.add_argument("--min_patch_size", type=int, default=256, \ help="Minimum patch size (height and width).") parser.add_argument("--bg_class", type=int, default=0, \ help="Index of the background category.") parser.add_argument("--target_class", type=int, default=None, \ help="Index of the category of interest.") parser.add_argument("--max_level", type=int, default=None, \ help="Maximum level of hierarchical patches.") parser.add_argument("--include_bg", action='store_true', \ help="Include patches that contains only background pixels.") parser.add_argument("--nonzero_ratio", type=float, default=None, \ help="Threshold for filtering out less informative patches.") parser.add_argument("--visualize", action='store_true', \ help="Visualize the quadtree.") args = parser.parse_args() extract_ms_patches(args.im_paths, args.mask_path, args.save_dir, args.min_patch_size, args.bg_class, args.target_class, args.max_level, args.include_bg, args.nonzero_ratio, args.visualize)