# Copyright (c) 2022 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import traceback import random try: from collections.abc import Sequence except Exception: from collections import Sequence import numpy as np from paddle.fluid.dataloader.collate import default_collate_fn from .operators import Transform, Resize, ResizeByShort, _Permute, interp_dict from .box_utils import jaccard_overlap from paddlers.utils import logging class BatchCompose(Transform): def __init__(self, batch_transforms=None, collate_batch=True): super(BatchCompose, self).__init__() self.batch_transforms = batch_transforms self.collate_batch = collate_batch def __call__(self, samples): if self.batch_transforms is not None: for op in self.batch_transforms: try: samples = op(samples) except Exception as e: stack_info = traceback.format_exc() logging.warning("fail to map batch transform [{}] " "with error: {} and stack:\n{}".format( op, e, str(stack_info))) raise e samples = _Permute()(samples) extra_key = ['h', 'w', 'flipped'] for k in extra_key: for sample in samples: if k in sample: sample.pop(k) if self.collate_batch: batch_data = default_collate_fn(samples) else: batch_data = {} for k in samples[0].keys(): tmp_data = [] for i in range(len(samples)): tmp_data.append(samples[i][k]) if not 'gt_' in k and not 'is_crowd' in k and not 'difficult' in k: tmp_data = np.stack(tmp_data, axis=0) batch_data[k] = tmp_data return batch_data class BatchRandomResize(Transform): """ Resize a batch of input to random sizes. Attention: If interp is 'RANDOM', the interpolation method will be chose randomly. Args: target_sizes (list[int] | list[list | tuple] | tuple[list | tuple]): Multiple target sizes, each target size is an int or list/tuple of length 2. interp ({'NEAREST', 'LINEAR', 'CUBIC', 'AREA', 'LANCZOS4', 'RANDOM'}, optional): Interpolation method of resize. Defaults to 'LINEAR'. Raises: TypeError: Invalid type of target_size. ValueError: Invalid interpolation method. See Also: RandomResize: Resize input to random sizes. """ def __init__(self, target_sizes, interp='NEAREST'): super(BatchRandomResize, self).__init__() if not (interp == "RANDOM" or interp in interp_dict): raise ValueError("interp should be one of {}".format( interp_dict.keys())) self.interp = interp assert isinstance(target_sizes, list), \ "target_size must be a list." for i, item in enumerate(target_sizes): if isinstance(item, int): target_sizes[i] = (item, item) self.target_size = target_sizes def __call__(self, samples): height, width = random.choice(self.target_size) resizer = Resize((height, width), interp=self.interp) samples = resizer(samples) return samples class BatchRandomResizeByShort(Transform): """Resize a batch of input to random sizes with keeping the aspect ratio. Attention: If interp is 'RANDOM', the interpolation method will be chose randomly. Args: short_sizes (list[int] | tuple[int]): Target sizes of the shorter side of the image(s). max_size (int, optional): The upper bound of longer side of the image(s). If max_size is -1, no upper bound is applied. Defaults to -1. interp ({'NEAREST', 'LINEAR', 'CUBIC', 'AREA', 'LANCZOS4', 'RANDOM'}, optional): Interpolation method of resize. Defaults to 'LINEAR'. Raises: TypeError: Invalid type of target_size. ValueError: Invalid interpolation method. See Also: RandomResizeByShort: Resize input to random sizes with keeping the aspect ratio. """ def __init__(self, short_sizes, max_size=-1, interp='NEAREST'): super(BatchRandomResizeByShort, self).__init__() if not (interp == "RANDOM" or interp in interp_dict): raise ValueError("interp should be one of {}".format( interp_dict.keys())) self.interp = interp assert isinstance(short_sizes, list), \ "short_sizes must be a list." self.short_sizes = short_sizes self.max_size = max_size def __call__(self, samples): short_size = random.choice(self.short_sizes) resizer = ResizeByShort( short_size=short_size, max_size=self.max_size, interp=self.interp) samples = resizer(samples) return samples class _BatchPad(Transform): def __init__(self, pad_to_stride=0): super(_BatchPad, self).__init__() self.pad_to_stride = pad_to_stride def __call__(self, samples): coarsest_stride = self.pad_to_stride max_shape = np.array([data['image'].shape for data in samples]).max( axis=0) if coarsest_stride > 0: max_shape[0] = int( np.ceil(max_shape[0] / coarsest_stride) * coarsest_stride) max_shape[1] = int( np.ceil(max_shape[1] / coarsest_stride) * coarsest_stride) for data in samples: im = data['image'] im_h, im_w, im_c = im.shape[:] padding_im = np.zeros( (max_shape[0], max_shape[1], im_c), dtype=np.float32) padding_im[:im_h, :im_w, :] = im data['image'] = padding_im return samples class _Gt2YoloTarget(Transform): """ Generate YOLOv3 targets by groud truth data, this operator is only used in fine grained YOLOv3 loss mode """ def __init__(self, anchors, anchor_masks, downsample_ratios, num_classes=80, iou_thresh=1.): super(_Gt2YoloTarget, self).__init__() self.anchors = anchors self.anchor_masks = anchor_masks self.downsample_ratios = downsample_ratios self.num_classes = num_classes self.iou_thresh = iou_thresh def __call__(self, samples, context=None): assert len(self.anchor_masks) == len(self.downsample_ratios), \ "anchor_masks', and 'downsample_ratios' should have same length." h, w = samples[0]['image'].shape[:2] an_hw = np.array(self.anchors) / np.array([[w, h]]) for sample in samples: gt_bbox = sample['gt_bbox'] gt_class = sample['gt_class'] if 'gt_score' not in sample: sample['gt_score'] = np.ones( (gt_bbox.shape[0], 1), dtype=np.float32) gt_score = sample['gt_score'] for i, ( mask, downsample_ratio ) in enumerate(zip(self.anchor_masks, self.downsample_ratios)): grid_h = int(h / downsample_ratio) grid_w = int(w / downsample_ratio) target = np.zeros( (len(mask), 6 + self.num_classes, grid_h, grid_w), dtype=np.float32) for b in range(gt_bbox.shape[0]): gx, gy, gw, gh = gt_bbox[b, :] cls = gt_class[b] score = gt_score[b] if gw <= 0. or gh <= 0. or score <= 0.: continue # find best match anchor index best_iou = 0. best_idx = -1 for an_idx in range(an_hw.shape[0]): iou = jaccard_overlap( [0., 0., gw, gh], [0., 0., an_hw[an_idx, 0], an_hw[an_idx, 1]]) if iou > best_iou: best_iou = iou best_idx = an_idx gi = int(gx * grid_w) gj = int(gy * grid_h) # gtbox should be regresed in this layes if best match # anchor index in anchor mask of this layer if best_idx in mask: best_n = mask.index(best_idx) # x, y, w, h, scale target[best_n, 0, gj, gi] = gx * grid_w - gi target[best_n, 1, gj, gi] = gy * grid_h - gj target[best_n, 2, gj, gi] = np.log( gw * w / self.anchors[best_idx][0]) target[best_n, 3, gj, gi] = np.log( gh * h / self.anchors[best_idx][1]) target[best_n, 4, gj, gi] = 2.0 - gw * gh # objectness record gt_score target[best_n, 5, gj, gi] = score # classification target[best_n, 6 + cls, gj, gi] = 1. # For non-matched anchors, calculate the target if the iou # between anchor and gt is larger than iou_thresh if self.iou_thresh < 1: for idx, mask_i in enumerate(mask): if mask_i == best_idx: continue iou = jaccard_overlap( [0., 0., gw, gh], [0., 0., an_hw[mask_i, 0], an_hw[mask_i, 1]]) if iou > self.iou_thresh and target[idx, 5, gj, gi] == 0.: # x, y, w, h, scale target[idx, 0, gj, gi] = gx * grid_w - gi target[idx, 1, gj, gi] = gy * grid_h - gj target[idx, 2, gj, gi] = np.log( gw * w / self.anchors[mask_i][0]) target[idx, 3, gj, gi] = np.log( gh * h / self.anchors[mask_i][1]) target[idx, 4, gj, gi] = 2.0 - gw * gh # objectness record gt_score target[idx, 5, gj, gi] = score # classification target[idx, 5 + cls, gj, gi] = 1. sample['target{}'.format(i)] = target # remove useless gt_class and gt_score after target calculated sample.pop('gt_class') sample.pop('gt_score') return samples