# Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserve. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import numpy as np import paddle import paddle.nn as nn import paddle.nn.functional as F from sklearn.metrics import hamming_loss from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score as accuracy_metric from sklearn.metrics import multilabel_confusion_matrix from sklearn.preprocessing import binarize class TopkAcc(nn.Layer): def __init__(self, topk=(1, 5)): super().__init__() assert isinstance(topk, (int, list, tuple)) if isinstance(topk, int): topk = [topk] self.topk = topk def forward(self, x, label): if isinstance(x, dict): x = x["logits"] metric_dict = dict() for k in self.topk: metric_dict["top{}".format(k)] = paddle.metric.accuracy( x, label, k=k) return metric_dict class mAP(nn.Layer): def __init__(self): super().__init__() def forward(self, similarities_matrix, query_img_id, gallery_img_id, keep_mask): metric_dict = dict() choosen_indices = paddle.argsort( similarities_matrix, axis=1, descending=True) gallery_labels_transpose = paddle.transpose(gallery_img_id, [1, 0]) gallery_labels_transpose = paddle.broadcast_to( gallery_labels_transpose, shape=[ choosen_indices.shape[0], gallery_labels_transpose.shape[1] ]) choosen_label = paddle.index_sample(gallery_labels_transpose, choosen_indices) equal_flag = paddle.equal(choosen_label, query_img_id) if keep_mask is not None: keep_mask = paddle.index_sample( keep_mask.astype('float32'), choosen_indices) equal_flag = paddle.logical_and(equal_flag, keep_mask.astype('bool')) equal_flag = paddle.cast(equal_flag, 'float32') num_rel = paddle.sum(equal_flag, axis=1) num_rel = paddle.greater_than(num_rel, paddle.to_tensor(0.)) num_rel_index = paddle.nonzero(num_rel.astype("int")) num_rel_index = paddle.reshape(num_rel_index, [num_rel_index.shape[0]]) equal_flag = paddle.index_select(equal_flag, num_rel_index, axis=0) acc_sum = paddle.cumsum(equal_flag, axis=1) div = paddle.arange(acc_sum.shape[1]).astype("float32") + 1 precision = paddle.divide(acc_sum, div) #calc map precision_mask = paddle.multiply(equal_flag, precision) ap = paddle.sum(precision_mask, axis=1) / paddle.sum(equal_flag, axis=1) metric_dict["mAP"] = paddle.mean(ap).numpy()[0] return metric_dict class mINP(nn.Layer): def __init__(self): super().__init__() def forward(self, similarities_matrix, query_img_id, gallery_img_id, keep_mask): metric_dict = dict() choosen_indices = paddle.argsort( similarities_matrix, axis=1, descending=True) gallery_labels_transpose = paddle.transpose(gallery_img_id, [1, 0]) gallery_labels_transpose = paddle.broadcast_to( gallery_labels_transpose, shape=[ choosen_indices.shape[0], gallery_labels_transpose.shape[1] ]) choosen_label = paddle.index_sample(gallery_labels_transpose, choosen_indices) equal_flag = paddle.equal(choosen_label, query_img_id) if keep_mask is not None: keep_mask = paddle.index_sample( keep_mask.astype('float32'), choosen_indices) equal_flag = paddle.logical_and(equal_flag, keep_mask.astype('bool')) equal_flag = paddle.cast(equal_flag, 'float32') num_rel = paddle.sum(equal_flag, axis=1) num_rel = paddle.greater_than(num_rel, paddle.to_tensor(0.)) num_rel_index = paddle.nonzero(num_rel.astype("int")) num_rel_index = paddle.reshape(num_rel_index, [num_rel_index.shape[0]]) equal_flag = paddle.index_select(equal_flag, num_rel_index, axis=0) #do accumulative sum div = paddle.arange(equal_flag.shape[1]).astype("float32") + 2 minus = paddle.divide(equal_flag, div) auxilary = paddle.subtract(equal_flag, minus) hard_index = paddle.argmax(auxilary, axis=1).astype("float32") all_INP = paddle.divide(paddle.sum(equal_flag, axis=1), hard_index) mINP = paddle.mean(all_INP) metric_dict["mINP"] = mINP.numpy()[0] return metric_dict class Recallk(nn.Layer): def __init__(self, topk=(1, 5)): super().__init__() assert isinstance(topk, (int, list, tuple)) if isinstance(topk, int): topk = [topk] self.topk = topk def forward(self, similarities_matrix, query_img_id, gallery_img_id, keep_mask): metric_dict = dict() #get cmc choosen_indices = paddle.argsort( similarities_matrix, axis=1, descending=True) gallery_labels_transpose = paddle.transpose(gallery_img_id, [1, 0]) gallery_labels_transpose = paddle.broadcast_to( gallery_labels_transpose, shape=[ choosen_indices.shape[0], gallery_labels_transpose.shape[1] ]) choosen_label = paddle.index_sample(gallery_labels_transpose, choosen_indices) equal_flag = paddle.equal(choosen_label, query_img_id) if keep_mask is not None: keep_mask = paddle.index_sample( keep_mask.astype('float32'), choosen_indices) equal_flag = paddle.logical_and(equal_flag, keep_mask.astype('bool')) equal_flag = paddle.cast(equal_flag, 'float32') real_query_num = paddle.sum(equal_flag, axis=1) real_query_num = paddle.sum( paddle.greater_than(real_query_num, paddle.to_tensor(0.)).astype( "float32")) acc_sum = paddle.cumsum(equal_flag, axis=1) mask = paddle.greater_than(acc_sum, paddle.to_tensor(0.)).astype("float32") all_cmc = (paddle.sum(mask, axis=0) / real_query_num).numpy() for k in self.topk: metric_dict["recall{}".format(k)] = all_cmc[k - 1] return metric_dict class Precisionk(nn.Layer): def __init__(self, topk=(1, 5)): super().__init__() assert isinstance(topk, (int, list, tuple)) if isinstance(topk, int): topk = [topk] self.topk = topk def forward(self, similarities_matrix, query_img_id, gallery_img_id, keep_mask): metric_dict = dict() #get cmc choosen_indices = paddle.argsort( similarities_matrix, axis=1, descending=True) gallery_labels_transpose = paddle.transpose(gallery_img_id, [1, 0]) gallery_labels_transpose = paddle.broadcast_to( gallery_labels_transpose, shape=[ choosen_indices.shape[0], gallery_labels_transpose.shape[1] ]) choosen_label = paddle.index_sample(gallery_labels_transpose, choosen_indices) equal_flag = paddle.equal(choosen_label, query_img_id) if keep_mask is not None: keep_mask = paddle.index_sample( keep_mask.astype('float32'), choosen_indices) equal_flag = paddle.logical_and(equal_flag, keep_mask.astype('bool')) equal_flag = paddle.cast(equal_flag, 'float32') Ns = paddle.arange(gallery_img_id.shape[0]) + 1 equal_flag_cumsum = paddle.cumsum(equal_flag, axis=1) Precision_at_k = (paddle.mean(equal_flag_cumsum, axis=0) / Ns).numpy() for k in self.topk: metric_dict["precision@{}".format(k)] = Precision_at_k[k - 1] return metric_dict class DistillationTopkAcc(TopkAcc): def __init__(self, model_key, feature_key=None, topk=(1, 5)): super().__init__(topk=topk) self.model_key = model_key self.feature_key = feature_key def forward(self, x, label): if isinstance(x, dict): x = x[self.model_key] if self.feature_key is not None: x = x[self.feature_key] return super().forward(x, label) class GoogLeNetTopkAcc(TopkAcc): def __init__(self, topk=(1, 5)): super().__init__() assert isinstance(topk, (int, list, tuple)) if isinstance(topk, int): topk = [topk] self.topk = topk def forward(self, x, label): return super().forward(x[0], label) class MutiLabelMetric(object): def __init__(self): pass def _multi_hot_encode(self, logits, threshold=0.5): return binarize(logits, threshold=threshold) def __call__(self, output): output = F.sigmoid(output) preds = self._multi_hot_encode(logits=output.numpy(), threshold=0.5) return preds class HammingDistance(MutiLabelMetric): """ Soft metric based label for multilabel classification Returns: The smaller the return value is, the better model is. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() def __call__(self, output, target): preds = super().__call__(output) metric_dict = dict() metric_dict["HammingDistance"] = paddle.to_tensor( hamming_loss(target, preds)) return metric_dict class AccuracyScore(MutiLabelMetric): """ Hard metric for multilabel classification Args: base: ["sample", "label"], default="sample" if "sample", return metric score based sample, if "label", return metric score based label. Returns: accuracy: """ def __init__(self, base="label"): super().__init__() assert base in ["sample", "label"], 'must be one of ["sample", "label"]' self.base = base def __call__(self, output, target): preds = super().__call__(output) metric_dict = dict() if self.base == "sample": accuracy = accuracy_metric(target, preds) elif self.base == "label": mcm = multilabel_confusion_matrix(target, preds) tns = mcm[:, 0, 0] fns = mcm[:, 1, 0] tps = mcm[:, 1, 1] fps = mcm[:, 0, 1] accuracy = (sum(tps) + sum(tns)) / ( sum(tps) + sum(tns) + sum(fns) + sum(fps)) precision = sum(tps) / (sum(tps) + sum(fps)) recall = sum(tps) / (sum(tps) + sum(fns)) F1 = 2 * (accuracy * recall) / (accuracy + recall) metric_dict["AccuracyScore"] = paddle.to_tensor(accuracy) return metric_dict