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# Copyright (c) 2022 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import os
import os.path as osp
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
import numpy as np
import paddlers.utils.logging as logging
class Cache(metaclass=ABCMeta):
def get_block(self, i_st, j_st, h, w):
class SlowCache(Cache):
def __init__(self):
self.cache = defaultdict(Counter)
def push_pixel(self, i, j, l):
self.cache[(i, j)][l] += 1
def push_block(self, i_st, j_st, h, w, data):
for i in range(0, h):
for j in range(0, w):
self.push_pixel(i_st + i, j_st + j, data[i, j])
def pop_pixel(self, i, j):
self.cache.pop((i, j))
def pop_block(self, i_st, j_st, h, w):
for i in range(0, h):
for j in range(0, w):
self.pop_pixel(i_st + i, j_st + j)
def get_pixel(self, i, j):
winners = self.cache[(i, j)].most_common(1)
winner = winners[0]
return winner[0]
def get_block(self, i_st, j_st, h, w):
block = []
for i in range(i_st, i_st + h):
row = []
for j in range(j_st, j_st + w):
row.append(self.get_pixel(i, j))
return np.asarray(block)
class ProbCache(Cache):
def __init__(self, h, w, ch, cw, sh, sw, dtype=np.float32, order='c'):
self.cache = None
self.h = h
self.w = w = ch = cw = sh
self.sw = sw
if not issubclass(dtype, np.floating):
raise TypeError("`dtype` must be one of the floating types.")
self.dtype = dtype
order = order.lower()
if order not in ('c', 'f'):
raise ValueError("`order` other than 'c' and 'f' is not supported.")
self.order = order
def _alloc_memory(self, nc):
if self.order == 'c':
# Colomn-first order (C-style)
# <-- cw -->
# |--------|---------------------|^ ^
# | || | sh
# |--------|---------------------|| ch v
# | ||
# |--------|---------------------|v
# <------------ w --------------->
self.cache = np.zeros((, self.w, nc), dtype=self.dtype)
elif self.order == 'f':
# Row-first order (Fortran-style)
# <-- sw -->
# <---- cw ---->
# |--------|---|^ ^
# | | || |
# | | || ch
# | | || |
# |--------|---|| h v
# | | ||
# | | ||
# | | ||
# |--------|---|v
self.cache = np.zeros((self.h,, nc), dtype=self.dtype)
def update_block(self, i_st, j_st, h, w, prob_map):
if self.cache is None:
nc = prob_map.shape[2]
# Lazy allocation of memory
self.cache[i_st:i_st + h, j_st:j_st + w] += prob_map
def roll_cache(self):
if self.order == 'c':
self.cache = np.roll(self.cache,, axis=0)
self.cache[, :] = 0
elif self.order == 'f':
self.cache = np.roll(self.cache, -self.sw, axis=1)
self.cache[:, -self.sw:] = 0
def get_block(self, i_st, j_st, h, w):
return np.argmax(self.cache[i_st:i_st + h, j_st:j_st + w], axis=2)
def slider_predict(predict_func, img_file, save_dir, block_size, overlap,
transforms, invalid_value, merge_strategy):
Do inference using sliding windows.
predict_func (callable): A callable object that makes the prediction.
img_file (str|tuple[str]): Image path(s).
save_dir (str): Directory that contains saved geotiff file.
block_size (list[int] | tuple[int] | int):
Size of block. If `block_size` is list or tuple, it should be in
(W, H) format.
overlap (list[int] | tuple[int] | int):
Overlap between two blocks. If `overlap` is list or tuple, it should
be in (W, H) format.
transforms (paddlers.transforms.Compose|None): Transforms for inputs. If
None, the transforms for evaluation process will be used.
invalid_value (int): Value that marks invalid pixels in output image.
Defaults to 255.
merge_strategy (str): Strategy to merge overlapping blocks. Choices are
{'keep_first', 'keep_last', 'accum'}. 'keep_first' and 'keep_last'
means keeping the values of the first and the last block in
traversal order, respectively. 'accum' means determining the class
of an overlapping pixel according to accumulated probabilities.
from osgeo import gdal
import gdal
if isinstance(block_size, int):
block_size = (block_size, block_size)
elif isinstance(block_size, (tuple, list)) and len(block_size) == 2:
block_size = tuple(block_size)
raise ValueError(
"`block_size` must be a tuple/list of length 2 or an integer.")
if isinstance(overlap, int):
overlap = (overlap, overlap)
elif isinstance(overlap, (tuple, list)) and len(overlap) == 2:
overlap = tuple(overlap)
raise ValueError(
"`overlap` must be a tuple/list of length 2 or an integer.")
if merge_strategy not in ('keep_first', 'keep_last', 'accum'):
raise ValueError("{} is not a supported stragegy for block merging.".
step = np.array(
block_size, dtype=np.int32) - np.array(
overlap, dtype=np.int32)
if step[0] == 0 or step[1] == 0:
raise ValueError("`block_size` and `overlap` should not be equal.")
if isinstance(img_file, tuple):
if len(img_file) != 2:
raise ValueError("Tuple `img_file` must have the length of two.")
# Assume that two input images have the same size
src_data = gdal.Open(img_file[0])
src2_data = gdal.Open(img_file[1])
# Output name is the same as the name of the first image
file_name = osp.basename(osp.normpath(img_file[0]))
src_data = gdal.Open(img_file)
file_name = osp.basename(osp.normpath(img_file))
# Get size of original raster
width = src_data.RasterXSize
height = src_data.RasterYSize
bands = src_data.RasterCount
if block_size[0] > width or block_size[1] > height:
raise ValueError("`block_size` should not be larger than image size.")
driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff")
if not osp.exists(save_dir):
# Replace extension name with '.tif'
file_name = osp.splitext(file_name)[0] + ".tif"
save_file = osp.join(save_dir, file_name)
dst_data = driver.Create(save_file, width, height, 1, gdal.GDT_Byte)
# Set meta-information
# Initialize raster with `invalid_value`
band = dst_data.GetRasterBand(1)
(height, width), fill_value=invalid_value, dtype="uint8"))
if overlap == (0, 0) or block_size == (width, height):
# When there is no overlap or the whole image is used as input,
# use 'keep_last' strategy as it introduces least overheads
merge_strategy = 'keep_last'
if merge_strategy == 'accum':
cache = ProbCache(height, width, *block_size[::-1], *step[::-1])
for yoff in range(0, height, step[1]):
for xoff in range(0, width, step[0]):
xsize, ysize = block_size
if xoff + xsize > width:
xoff = width - xsize
if yoff + ysize > height:
yoff = height - ysize
# Read and fill
im = src_data.ReadAsArray(xoff, yoff, xsize, ysize).transpose(
(1, 2, 0))
if isinstance(img_file, tuple):
im2 = src2_data.ReadAsArray(xoff, yoff, xsize, ysize).transpose(
(1, 2, 0))
# Predict
out = predict_func((im, im2), transforms=transforms)
# Predict
out = predict_func(im, transforms=transforms)
pred = out['label_map'].astype('uint8')
pred = pred[:ysize, :xsize]
# Deal with overlapping pixels
if merge_strategy == 'keep_first':
rd_block = band.ReadAsArray(xoff, yoff, xsize, ysize)
mask = rd_block != invalid_value
pred = np.where(mask, rd_block, pred)
elif merge_strategy == 'keep_last':
elif merge_strategy == 'accum':
prob = out['score_map']
prob = prob[:ysize, :xsize]
cache.update_block(0, xoff, ysize, xsize, prob)
pred = cache.get_block(0, xoff, ysize, xsize)
if xoff + xsize >= width:
# Write to file
band.WriteArray(pred, xoff, yoff)
dst_data = None"GeoTiff file saved in {}.".format(save_file))