""" A config only for reproducing the ScanNet evaluation results. We remove border matches by default, but the originally implemented `remove_border()` has a bug, leading to only two sides of all borders are actually removed. However, the [bug fix](https://github.com/zju3dv/LoFTR/commit/e9146c8144dea5f3cbdd98b225f3e147a171c216) makes the scannet evaluation results worse (auc@10=40.8 => 39.5), which should be caused by tiny result fluctuation of few image pairs. This config set `BORDER_RM` to 0 to be consistent with the results in our paper. Update: This config is for testing the re-trained model with the pos-enc bug fixed. """ from src.config.default import _CN as cfg cfg.LOFTR.COARSE.TEMP_BUG_FIX = True cfg.LOFTR.MATCH_COARSE.MATCH_TYPE = 'dual_softmax' cfg.LOFTR.MATCH_COARSE.BORDER_RM = 0