Use consistent comment style in minizip.

Vollstrecker 2 months ago committed by Mark Adler
parent e677f1f1c7
commit 9d25fa340e
  1. 2
  2. 8
  3. 2
  4. 2
  5. 144
  6. 16
  7. 218
  8. 2

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(IOAPI_NO_64) || defined(__HAIKU__) || defined(MINIZIP_FOPEN_NO_64)
// In darwin and perhaps other BSD variants off_t is a 64 bit value, hence no need for specific 64 bit functions
/* In darwin and perhaps other BSD variants off_t is a 64 bit value, hence no need for specific 64 bit functions */
#define FOPEN_FUNC(filename, mode) fopen(filename, mode)
#define FTELLO_FUNC(stream) ftello(stream)
#define FSEEKO_FUNC(stream, offset, origin) fseeko(stream, offset, origin)

@ -23,8 +23,8 @@
#if (!defined(_WIN32)) && (!defined(WIN32)) && (!defined(__APPLE__))
// Linux needs this to support file operation on files larger then 4+GB
// But might need better if/def to select just the platforms that needs them.
/* Linux needs this to support file operation on files larger then 4+GB */
/* But might need better if/def to select just the platforms that needs them.*/
#ifndef __USE_FILE_OFFSET64
#define __USE_FILE_OFFSET64
@ -161,8 +161,8 @@ typedef struct zlib_filefunc64_32_def_s
#define ZREAD64(filefunc,filestream,buf,size) ((*((filefunc).zfile_func64.zread_file)) ((filefunc).zfile_func64.opaque,filestream,buf,size))
#define ZWRITE64(filefunc,filestream,buf,size) ((*((filefunc).zfile_func64.zwrite_file)) ((filefunc).zfile_func64.opaque,filestream,buf,size))
//#define ZTELL64(filefunc,filestream) ((*((filefunc).ztell64_file)) ((filefunc).opaque,filestream))
//#define ZSEEK64(filefunc,filestream,pos,mode) ((*((filefunc).zseek64_file)) ((filefunc).opaque,filestream,pos,mode))
/*#define ZTELL64(filefunc,filestream) ((*((filefunc).ztell64_file)) ((filefunc).opaque,filestream)) */
/*#define ZSEEK64(filefunc,filestream,pos,mode) ((*((filefunc).zseek64_file)) ((filefunc).opaque,filestream,pos,mode)) */
#define ZCLOSE64(filefunc,filestream) ((*((filefunc).zfile_func64.zclose_file)) ((filefunc).zfile_func64.opaque,filestream))
#define ZERROR64(filefunc,filestream) ((*((filefunc).zfile_func64.zerror_file)) ((filefunc).zfile_func64.opaque,filestream))

@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if( lastslash != NULL )
savefilenameinzip = lastslash+1; // base filename follows last slash.
savefilenameinzip = lastslash+1; /* base filename follows last slash. */

@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ extern int ZEXPORT unzRepair(const char* file, const char* fileOut, const char*
int entriesZip = entries;
char end[22];
char* comment = ""; // "ZIP File recovered by zlib/minizip/mztools";
char* comment = ""; /* "ZIP File recovered by zlib/minizip/mztools"; */
int comsize = (int) strlen(comment);
if (entriesZip > 0xffff) {
entriesZip = 0xffff;

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// skipset.h -- set operations using a skiplist
/* skipset.h -- set operations using a skiplist
// Copyright (C) 2024 Mark Adler
// See MiniZip_info.txt for the license.
@ -50,20 +50,20 @@
// Auxiliary functions available to the application:
// - set_alloc() allocates memory with optional tracking (#define SET_TRACK)
// - set_free() deallocates memory allocated by set_alloc()
// - set_rand() returns 32 random bits (seeded by set_start())
// - set_rand() returns 32 random bits (seeded by set_start()) */
#ifndef SKIPSET_H
#define SKIPSET_H
#include <stdlib.h> // realloc(), free(), NULL, size_t
#include <stddef.h> // ptrdiff_t
#include <setjmp.h> // jmp_buf, longjmp()
#include <errno.h> // ENOMEM
#include <time.h> // time(), clock()
#include <assert.h> // assert.h
#include "ints.h" // i16_t, ui32_t, ui64_t
#include <stdlib.h> /* realloc(), free(), NULL, size_t */
#include <stddef.h> /* ptrdiff_t */
#include <setjmp.h> /* jmp_buf, longjmp() */
#include <errno.h> /* ENOMEM */
#include <time.h> /* time(), clock() */
#include <assert.h> /* assert.h */
#include "ints.h" /* i16_t, ui32_t, ui64_t */
// Structures and functions below noted as "--private--" should not be used by
/* Structures and functions below noted as "--private--" should not be used by
// the application. set_t is partially private and partially public -- see the
// comments there.
@ -73,18 +73,18 @@
// *Really* minimal PCG32 code / (c) 2014 M.E. O'Neill /
// Licensed under Apache License 2.0 (NO WARRANTY, etc. see website)
// --private-- Random number generator state.
// --private-- Random number generator state. */
typedef struct {
ui64_t state; // 64-bit generator state
ui64_t inc; // 63-bit sequence id
ui64_t state; /* 64-bit generator state */
ui64_t inc; /* 63-bit sequence id */
} set_rand_t;
// --private-- Initialize the state *gen using seed and seq. seed seeds the
// advancing 64-bit state. seq is a sequence selection constant.
/* --private-- Initialize the state *gen using seed and seq. seed seeds the
// advancing 64-bit state. seq is a sequence selection constant. */
void set_seed(set_rand_t *gen, ui64_t seed, ui64_t seq) {
gen->inc = (seq << 1) | 1;
gen->state = (seed + gen->inc) * 6364136223846793005ULL + gen->inc;
// Return 32 random bits, advancing the state *gen.
/* Return 32 random bits, advancing the state *gen. */
ui32_t set_rand(set_rand_t *gen) {
ui64_t state = gen->state;
gen->state = state * 6364136223846793005ULL + gen->inc;
@ -92,40 +92,40 @@ ui32_t set_rand(set_rand_t *gen) {
int rot = state >> 59;
return (mix >> rot) | (mix << ((-rot) & 31));
// End of PCG32 code.
/* End of PCG32 code. */
// --private-- Linked-list node.
/* --private-- Linked-list node. */
typedef struct set_node_s set_node_t;
struct set_node_s {
set_key_t key; // the key (not used for head or path)
i16_t size; // number of allocated pointers in right[]
i16_t fill; // number of pointers in right[] filled in
set_node_t **right; // pointer for each level, each to the right
set_key_t key; /* the key (not used for head or path) */
i16_t size; /* number of allocated pointers in right[] */
i16_t fill; /* number of pointers in right[] filled in */
set_node_t **right; /* pointer for each level, each to the right */
// A set. The application sets env, may use gen with set_rand(), and may read
// allocs and memory. The remaining variables are --private-- .
/* A set. The application sets env, may use gen with set_rand(), and may read
// allocs and memory. The remaining variables are --private-- . */
typedef struct set_s {
set_node_t *head; // skiplist head -- no key, just links
set_node_t *path; // right[] is path to key from set_found()
set_node_t *node; // node under construction, in case of longjmp()
i16_t depth; // maximum depth of the skiplist
ui64_t ran; // a precious trove of random bits
set_rand_t gen; // random number generator state
jmp_buf env; // setjmp() environment for allocation errors
set_node_t *head; /* skiplist head -- no key, just links */
set_node_t *path; /* right[] is path to key from set_found() */
set_node_t *node; /* node under construction, in case of longjmp() */
i16_t depth; /* maximum depth of the skiplist */
ui64_t ran; /* a precious trove of random bits */
set_rand_t gen; /* random number generator state */
jmp_buf env; /* setjmp() environment for allocation errors */
#ifdef SET_TRACK
size_t allocs; // number of allocations
size_t memory; // total amount of allocated memory (>= requests)
size_t allocs; /* number of allocations */
size_t memory; /* total amount of allocated memory (>= requests) */
} set_t;
// Memory allocation and deallocation. set_alloc(set, ptr, size) returns a
/* Memory allocation and deallocation. set_alloc(set, ptr, size) returns a
// pointer to an allocation of size bytes if ptr is NULL, or the previous
// allocation ptr resized to size bytes. set_alloc() will never return NULL.
// set_free(set, ptr) frees an allocation created by set_alloc(). These may be
// used by the application. e.g. if allocation tracking is desired.
// used by the application. e.g. if allocation tracking is desired. */
#ifdef SET_TRACK
// Track the number of allocations and the total backing memory size.
/* Track the number of allocations and the total backing memory size. */
# if defined(_WIN32)
# include <malloc.h>
# define SET_ALLOC_SIZE(ptr) _msize(ptr)
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ void set_free(set_t *set, void *ptr) {
// Without tracking.
/* Without tracking. */
void *set_alloc(set_t *set, void *ptr, size_t size) {
void *mem = realloc(ptr, size);
if (mem == NULL)
@ -175,10 +175,10 @@ void set_free(set_t *set, void *ptr) {
// --private-- Grow node's array right[] as needed to be able to hold at least
/* --private-- Grow node's array right[] as needed to be able to hold at least
// want links. If fill is true, assure that the first want links are filled in,
// setting them to set->head if not previously filled in. Otherwise it is
// assumed that the first want links are about to be filled in.
// assumed that the first want links are about to be filled in. */
void set_grow(set_t *set, set_node_t *node, int want, int fill) {
if (node->size < want) {
int more = node->size ? node->size : 1;
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ void set_grow(set_t *set, set_node_t *node, int want, int fill) {
node->fill = (i16_t)want;
// --private-- Return a new node. key is left uninitialized.
/* --private-- Return a new node. key is left uninitialized. */
set_node_t *set_node(set_t *set) {
set_node_t *node = set_alloc(set, NULL, sizeof(set_node_t));
node->size = 0;
@ -203,11 +203,11 @@ set_node_t *set_node(set_t *set) {
return node;
// --private-- Free the list linked from head, along with the keys.
/* --private-- Free the list linked from head, along with the keys. */
void set_sweep(set_t *set) {
set_node_t *step = set->head->right[0];
while (step != set->head) {
set_node_t *next = step->right[0]; // save link to next node
set_node_t *next = step->right[0]; /* save link to next node */
set_drop(set, step->key);
set_free(set, step->right);
set_free(set, step);
@ -215,59 +215,59 @@ void set_sweep(set_t *set) {
// Initialize a new set. set->env must be initialized using setjmp() before
/* Initialize a new set. set->env must be initialized using setjmp() before
// set_start() is called. A longjmp(set->env, ENOMEM) will be used to handle a
// memory allocation failure during any of the operations. (See setjmp.h and
// errno.h.) The set can still be used if this happens, assuming that it didn't
// happen during set_start(). Whether set_start() completed or not, set_end()
// can be used to free the set's memory after a longjmp().
// can be used to free the set's memory after a longjmp(). */
void set_start(set_t *set) {
#ifdef SET_TRACK
set->allocs = 0;
set->memory = 0;
set->head = set->path = set->node = NULL; // in case set_node() fails
set->head = set->path = set->node = NULL; /* in case set_node() fails */
set->path = set_node(set);
set->head = set_node(set);
set_grow(set, set->head, 1, 1); // one link back to head for an empty set
*(unsigned char *)&set->head->key = 137; // set id
set_grow(set, set->head, 1, 1); /* one link back to head for an empty set */
*(unsigned char *)&set->head->key = 137; /* set id */
set->depth = 0;
set_seed(&set->gen, ((ui64_t)(ptrdiff_t)set << 32) ^
((ui64_t)time(NULL) << 12) ^ clock(), 0);
set->ran = 1;
// Return true if *set appears to be in a usable state. If *set has been zeroed
// out, then set_ok(set) will be false and set_end(set) will be safe.
/* Return true if *set appears to be in a usable state. If *set has been zeroed
// out, then set_ok(set) will be false and set_end(set) will be safe. */
int set_ok(set_t *set) {
return set->head != NULL &&
set->head->right != NULL &&
*(unsigned char *)&set->head->key == 137;
// Empty the set. This frees the memory used for the previous set contents.
// After set_clear(), *set is ready for use, as if after a set_start().
/* Empty the set. This frees the memory used for the previous set contents.
// After set_clear(), *set is ready for use, as if after a set_start(). */
void set_clear(set_t *set) {
assert(set_ok(set) && "improper use");
// Free all the keys and their nodes.
/* Free all the keys and their nodes. */
// Leave the head and path allocations as is. Clear their contents, with
// head pointing to itself and setting depth to zero, for an empty set.
/* Leave the head and path allocations as is. Clear their contents, with
// head pointing to itself and setting depth to zero, for an empty set. */
set->head->right[0] = set->head;
set->head->fill = 1;
set->path->fill = 0;
set->depth = 0;
// Done using the set -- free all allocations. The only operation on *set
/* Done using the set -- free all allocations. The only operation on *set
// permitted after this is set_start(). Though another set_end() would do no
// harm. This can be done at any time after a set_start(), or after a longjmp()
// on any allocation failure, including during a set_start().
// on any allocation failure, including during a set_start(). */
void set_end(set_t *set) {
if (set->head != NULL) {
// Empty the set and free the head node.
/* Empty the set and free the head node. */
if (set->head->right != NULL) {
set_free(set, set->head->right);
@ -276,13 +276,13 @@ void set_end(set_t *set) {
set->head = NULL;
if (set->path != NULL) {
// Free the path work area.
/* Free the path work area. */
set_free(set, set->path->right);
set_free(set, set->path);
set->path = NULL;
if (set->node != NULL) {
// Free the node that was under construction when longjmp() hit.
/* Free the node that was under construction when longjmp() hit. */
set_drop(set, set->node->key);
set_free(set, set->node->right);
set_free(set, set->node);
@ -290,12 +290,12 @@ void set_end(set_t *set) {
// Look for key. Return 1 if found or 0 if not. This also puts the path to get
// there in set->path, for use by set_insert().
/* Look for key. Return 1 if found or 0 if not. This also puts the path to get
// there in set->path, for use by set_insert(). */
int set_found(set_t *set, set_key_t key) {
assert(set_ok(set) && "improper use");
// Start at depth and work down and right as determined by key comparisons.
/* Start at depth and work down and right as determined by key comparisons. */
set_node_t *head = set->head, *here = head;
int i = set->depth;
set_grow(set, set->path, i + 1, 0);
@ -306,25 +306,25 @@ int set_found(set_t *set, set_key_t key) {
set->path->right[i] = here;
} while (i--);
// See if the key matches.
/* See if the key matches. */
here = here->right[0];
return here != head && set_cmp(here->key, key) == 0;
// Insert the key key. Return 0 on success, or 1 if key is already in the set.
/* Insert the key key. Return 0 on success, or 1 if key is already in the set. */
int set_insert(set_t *set, set_key_t key) {
assert(set_ok(set) && "improper use");
if (set_found(set, key))
// That key is already in the set.
/* That key is already in the set. */
return 1;
// Randomly generate a new level-- level 0 with probability 1/2, 1 with
// probability 1/4, 2 with probability 1/8, etc.
/* Randomly generate a new level-- level 0 with probability 1/2, 1 with
// probability 1/4, 2 with probability 1/8, etc. */
int level = 0;
for (;;) {
if (set->ran == 1)
// Ran out. Get another 32 random bits.
/* Ran out. Get another 32 random bits. */
set->ran = set_rand(&set->gen) | (1ULL << 32);
int bit = set->ran & 1;
set->ran >>= 1;
@ -335,14 +335,14 @@ int set_insert(set_t *set, set_key_t key) {
if (level > set->depth) {
// The maximum depth is now deeper. Update the structures.
/* The maximum depth is now deeper. Update the structures. */
set_grow(set, set->path, level + 1, 1);
set_grow(set, set->head, level + 1, 1);
set->depth = (i16_t)level;
// Make a new node for the provided key, and insert it in the lists up to
// and including level.
/* Make a new node for the provided key, and insert it in the lists up to
// and including level. */
set->node = set_node(set);
set->node->key = key;
set_grow(set, set->node, level + 1, 0);
@ -357,5 +357,5 @@ int set_insert(set_t *set, set_key_t key) {
#error ** another skiplist set already created here
// Would need to implement a prefix in order to support multiple sets.
/* Would need to implement a prefix in order to support multiple sets. */

@ -842,7 +842,7 @@ local int unz64local_GetCurrentFileInfoInternal(unzFile file,
if (unz64local_getLong(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,&file_info.external_fa) != UNZ_OK)
// relative offset of local header
/* relative offset of local header */
if (unz64local_getLong(&s->z_filefunc, s->filestream,&uL) != UNZ_OK)
file_info_internal.offset_curfile = uL;
@ -865,7 +865,7 @@ local int unz64local_GetCurrentFileInfoInternal(unzFile file,
lSeek -= uSizeRead;
// Read extrafield
/* Read extrafield */
if ((err==UNZ_OK) && (extraField!=NULL))
ZPOS64_T uSizeRead ;
@ -896,7 +896,7 @@ local int unz64local_GetCurrentFileInfoInternal(unzFile file,
uLong acc = 0;
// since lSeek now points to after the extra field we need to move back
/* since lSeek now points to after the extra field we need to move back */
lSeek -= file_info.size_file_extra;
if (lSeek!=0)
@ -1525,10 +1525,10 @@ extern ZPOS64_T ZEXPORT unzGetCurrentFileZStreamPos64(unzFile file) {
file_in_zip64_read_info_s* pfile_in_zip_read_info;
if (file==NULL)
return 0; //UNZ_PARAMERROR;
return 0; /* UNZ_PARAMERROR; */
if (pfile_in_zip_read_info==NULL)
return 0; //UNZ_PARAMERROR;
return 0; /* UNZ_PARAMERROR; */
return pfile_in_zip_read_info->pos_in_zipfile +
@ -1697,7 +1697,7 @@ extern int ZEXPORT unzReadCurrentFile(unzFile file, voidp buf, unsigned len) {
if (err!=BZ_OK)
} // end Z_BZIP2ED
} /* end Z_BZIP2ED */
ZPOS64_T uTotalOutBefore,uTotalOutAfter;
@ -1940,7 +1940,7 @@ extern ZPOS64_T ZEXPORT unzGetOffset64(unzFile file) {
unz64_s* s;
if (file==NULL)
return 0; //UNZ_PARAMERROR;
return 0; /* UNZ_PARAMERROR; */
if (!s->current_file_ok)
return 0;
@ -1954,7 +1954,7 @@ extern uLong ZEXPORT unzGetOffset(unzFile file) {
ZPOS64_T offset64;
if (file==NULL)
return 0; //UNZ_PARAMERROR;
return 0; /* UNZ_PARAMERROR; */
offset64 = unzGetOffset64(file);
return (uLong)offset64;

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
#ifndef Z_BUFSIZE
#define Z_BUFSIZE (64*1024) //(16384)
#define Z_BUFSIZE (64*1024) /* (16384) */
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
/* I've found an old Unix (a SunOS 4.1.3_U1) without all SEEK_* defined.... */
// NOT sure that this work on ALL platform
/* NOT sure that this work on ALL platform */
#define MAKEULONG64(a, b) ((ZPOS64_T)(((unsigned long)(a)) | ((ZPOS64_T)((unsigned long)(b))) << 32))
#ifndef SEEK_CUR
@ -125,16 +125,16 @@ typedef struct linkedlist_data_s
} linkedlist_data;
// zipAlreadyThere() set functions for a set of zero-terminated strings, and
// a block_t type for reading the central directory datablocks.
/* zipAlreadyThere() set functions for a set of zero-terminated strings, and
// a block_t type for reading the central directory datablocks. */
typedef char *set_key_t;
#define set_cmp(a, b) strcmp(a, b)
#define set_drop(s, k) set_free(s, k)
#include "skipset.h"
typedef struct {
unsigned char *next; // next byte in datablock data
size_t left; // number of bytes left in data (at least)
linkedlist_datablock_internal *node; // current datablock
unsigned char *next; /* next byte in datablock data */
size_t left; /* number of bytes left in data (at least) */
linkedlist_datablock_internal *node; /* current datablock */
} block_t;
@ -189,9 +189,9 @@ typedef struct
char *globalcomment;
// Support for zipAlreadyThere().
set_t set; // set for detecting name collisions
block_t block; // block for reading the central directory
/* Support for zipAlreadyThere(). */
set_t set; /* set for detecting name collisions */
block_t block; /* block for reading the central directory */
} zip64_internal;
@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ local int add_data_in_datablock(linkedlist_data* ll, const void* buf, uLong len)
return ZIP_OK;
// zipAlreadyThere() operations. "set" in the zip internal structure keeps the
/* zipAlreadyThere() operations. "set" in the zip internal structure keeps the
// set of names that are in the under-construction central directory so far. A
// skipset provides ~O(log n) time insertion and searching. Central directory
// records, stored in a linked list of allocated memory datablocks, is read
@ -295,81 +295,81 @@ local int add_data_in_datablock(linkedlist_data* ll, const void* buf, uLong len)
// datablocks.
// Initialize *block to the head of list. This should only be called once the
// list has at least some data in it, i.e. list->first_block is not NULL.
// list has at least some data in it, i.e. list->first_block is not NULL. */
local void block_init(block_t *block, linkedlist_data *list) {
block->node = list->first_block;
block->next = block->node->data;
block->left = block->node->filled_in_this_block;
// Mark *block as bad, with all subsequent reads returning end, even if more
/* Mark *block as bad, with all subsequent reads returning end, even if more
// data is added to the datablocks. This is invoked if the central directory is
// invalid, so there is no longer any point in attempting to interpret it.
// invalid, so there is no longer any point in attempting to interpret it. */
local void block_stop(block_t *block) {
block->left = 0;
block->next = NULL;
// Return true if *block has reached the end of the data in the datablocks.
/* Return true if *block has reached the end of the data in the datablocks. */
local int block_end(block_t *block) {
linkedlist_datablock_internal *node = block->node;
if (node == NULL)
// This block was previously terminated with extreme prejudice.
/* This block was previously terminated with extreme prejudice. */
return 1;
if (block->next < node->data + node->filled_in_this_block)
// There are more bytes to read in the current datablock.
/* There are more bytes to read in the current datablock. */
return 0;
while (node->next_datablock != NULL) {
if (node->filled_in_this_block != 0)
// There are some bytes in a later datablock.
/* There are some bytes in a later datablock. */
return 0;
node = node->next_datablock;
// Reached the end of the list of datablocks. There's nothing.
/* Reached the end of the list of datablocks. There's nothing. */
return 1;
// Return one byte from *block, or -1 if the end is reached.
/* Return one byte from *block, or -1 if the end is reached. */
local int block_get(block_t *block) {
while (block->left == 0) {
if (block->node == NULL)
// We've been marked bad. Return end.
/* We've been marked bad. Return end. */
return -1;
// Update left in case more was filled in since we were last here.
/* Update left in case more was filled in since we were last here. */
block->left = block->node->filled_in_this_block -
(block->next - block->node->data);
if (block->left != 0)
// There was indeed more data appended in the current datablock.
/* There was indeed more data appended in the current datablock. */
if (block->node->next_datablock == NULL)
// No more data here, and there is no next datablock. At the end.
/* No more data here, and there is no next datablock. At the end. */
return -1;
// Try the next datablock for more data.
/* Try the next datablock for more data. */
block->node = block->node->next_datablock;
block->next = block->node->data;
block->left = block->node->filled_in_this_block;
// We have a byte to return.
/* We have a byte to return. */
return *block->next++;
// Return a 16-bit unsigned little-endian value from block, or a negative value
// if the end is reached.
/* Return a 16-bit unsigned little-endian value from block, or a negative value
// if the end is reached. */
local long block_get2(block_t *block) {
long got = block_get(block);
return got | ((unsigned long)block_get(block) << 8);
// Read up to len bytes from block into buf. Return the number of bytes read.
/* Read up to len bytes from block into buf. Return the number of bytes read. */
local size_t block_read(block_t *block, unsigned char *buf, size_t len) {
size_t need = len;
while (need) {
if (block->left == 0) {
// Get a byte to update and step through the linked list as needed.
/* Get a byte to update and step through the linked list as needed. */
int got = block_get(block);
if (got == -1)
// Reached the end.
/* Reached the end. */
*buf++ = (unsigned char)got;
@ -382,11 +382,11 @@ local size_t block_read(block_t *block, unsigned char *buf, size_t len) {
buf += take;
need -= take;
return len - need; // return the number of bytes copied
return len - need; /* return the number of bytes copied */
// Skip n bytes in block. Return 0 on success or -1 if there are less than n
// bytes to the end.
/* Skip n bytes in block. Return 0 on success or -1 if there are less than n
// bytes to the end. */
local int block_skip(block_t *block, size_t n) {
while (n > block->left) {
n -= block->left;
@ -401,103 +401,103 @@ local int block_skip(block_t *block, size_t n) {
return 0;
// Process the next central directory record at *block. Return the allocated,
/* Process the next central directory record at *block. Return the allocated,
// zero-terminated file name, or NULL for end of input or invalid data. If
// invalid, *block is marked bad. This uses *set for the allocation of memory.
// invalid, *block is marked bad. This uses *set for the allocation of memory. */
local char *block_central_name(block_t *block, set_t *set) {
char *name = NULL;
for (;;) {
if (block_end(block))
// At the end of the central directory (so far).
/* At the end of the central directory (so far). */
return NULL;
// Check for a central directory record signature.
/* Check for a central directory record signature. */
if (block_get2(block) != (CENTRALHEADERMAGIC & 0xffff) ||
block_get2(block) != (CENTRALHEADERMAGIC >> 16))
// Incorrect signature.
/* Incorrect signature. */
// Go through the remaining fixed-length portion of the record,
// extracting the lengths of the three variable-length fields.
/* Go through the remaining fixed-length portion of the record,
// extracting the lengths of the three variable-length fields. */
block_skip(block, 24);
unsigned flen = block_get2(block); // file name length
unsigned xlen = block_get2(block); // extra field length
unsigned clen = block_get2(block); // comment field length
unsigned flen = block_get2(block); /* file name length */
unsigned xlen = block_get2(block); /* extra field length */
unsigned clen = block_get2(block); /* comment field length */
if (block_skip(block, 12) == -1)
// Premature end of the record.
/* Premature end of the record. */
// Extract the name and skip over the extra and comment fields.
/* Extract the name and skip over the extra and comment fields. */
name = set_alloc(set, NULL, flen + 1);
if (block_read(block, (unsigned char *)name, flen) < flen ||
block_skip(block, xlen + clen) == -1)
// Premature end of the record.
/* Premature end of the record. */
// Check for embedded nuls in the name.
/* Check for embedded nuls in the name. */
if (memchr(name, 0, flen) != NULL) {
// This name can never match the zero-terminated name provided to
/* This name can never match the zero-terminated name provided to
// zipAlreadyThere(), so we discard it and go back to get another
// name. (Who the heck is putting nuls inside their zip file entry
// names anyway?)
// names anyway?) */
set_free(set, name);
// All good. Return the zero-terminated file name.
/* All good. Return the zero-terminated file name. */
name[flen] = 0;
return name;
// Invalid signature or premature end of the central directory record.
// Abandon trying to process the central directory.
/* Invalid signature or premature end of the central directory record.
// Abandon trying to process the central directory. */
set_free(set, name);
return NULL;
// Return 0 if name is not in the central directory so far, 1 if it is, -1 if
/* Return 0 if name is not in the central directory so far, 1 if it is, -1 if
// the central directory is invalid, -2 if out of memory, or ZIP_PARAMERROR if
// file is NULL.
// file is NULL. */
extern int ZEXPORT zipAlreadyThere(zipFile file, char const *name) {
zip64_internal *zip = file;
if (zip == NULL)
if (zip->central_dir.first_block == NULL)
// No central directory yet, so no, name isn't there.
/* No central directory yet, so no, name isn't there. */
return 0;
if (setjmp(zip->set.env)) {
// Memory allocation failure.
/* Memory allocation failure. */
return -2;
if (!set_ok(&zip->set)) {
// This is the first time here with some central directory content. We
// construct this set of names only on demand. Prepare set and block.
/* This is the first time here with some central directory content. We
// construct this set of names only on demand. Prepare set and block. */
block_init(&zip->block, &zip->central_dir);
// Update the set of names from the current central directory contents.
/* Update the set of names from the current central directory contents.
// This reads any new central directory records since the last time we were
// here.
// here. */
for (;;) {
char *there = block_central_name(&zip->block, &zip->set);
if (there == NULL) {
if (zip-> == NULL)
// The central directory is invalid.
/* The central directory is invalid. */
return -1;
// Add there to the set.
/* Add there to the set. */
if (set_insert(&zip->set, there))
// There's already a duplicate in the central directory! We'll just
// let this be and carry on.
/* There's already a duplicate in the central directory! We'll just
// let this be and carry on. */
set_free(&zip->set, there);
// Return true if name is in the central directory.
/* Return true if name is in the central directory. */
size_t len = strlen(name);
char *copy = set_alloc(&zip->set, NULL, len + 1);
strcpy(copy, name);
@ -792,7 +792,7 @@ local ZPOS64_T zip64local_SearchCentralDir64(const zlib_filefunc64_32_def* pzlib
for (i=(int)uReadSize-3; (i--)>0;)
// Signature "0x07064b50" Zip64 end of central directory locator
/* Signature "0x07064b50" Zip64 end of central directory locator */
if (((*(buf+i))==0x50) && ((*(buf+i+1))==0x4b) && ((*(buf+i+2))==0x06) && ((*(buf+i+3))==0x07))
uPosFound = uReadPos+(unsigned)i;
@ -840,7 +840,7 @@ local ZPOS64_T zip64local_SearchCentralDir64(const zlib_filefunc64_32_def* pzlib
if (zip64local_getLong(pzlib_filefunc_def,filestream,&uL)!=ZIP_OK)
return 0;
if (uL != 0x06064b50) // signature of 'Zip64 end of central directory'
if (uL != 0x06064b50) /* signature of 'Zip64 end of central directory' */
return 0;
return relativeOffset;
@ -869,7 +869,7 @@ local int LoadCentralDirectoryRecord(zip64_internal* pziinit) {
int hasZIP64Record = 0;
// check first if we find a ZIP64 record
/* check first if we find a ZIP64 record */
central_pos = zip64local_SearchCentralDir64(&pziinit->z_filefunc,pziinit->filestream);
if(central_pos > 0)
@ -935,13 +935,13 @@ local int LoadCentralDirectoryRecord(zip64_internal* pziinit) {
if (zip64local_getLong64(&pziinit->z_filefunc, pziinit->filestream,&offset_central_dir)!=ZIP_OK)
// TODO..
// read the comment from the standard central header.
/* TODO..
// read the comment from the standard central header. */
size_comment = 0;
// Read End of central Directory info
/* Read End of central Directory info */
if (ZSEEK64(pziinit->z_filefunc, pziinit->filestream, central_pos,ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_SET)!=0)
@ -1084,7 +1084,7 @@ extern zipFile ZEXPORT zipOpen3(const void *pathname, int append, zipcharpc* glo
ziinit.number_entry = 0;
ziinit.add_position_when_writing_offset = 0;
memset(&ziinit.set, 0, sizeof(set_t)); // make sure set appears dormant
memset(&ziinit.set, 0, sizeof(set_t)); /* make sure set appears dormant */
@ -1100,7 +1100,7 @@ extern zipFile ZEXPORT zipOpen3(const void *pathname, int append, zipcharpc* glo
ziinit.globalcomment = NULL;
// Read and Cache Central Directory Records
/* Read and Cache Central Directory Records */
err = LoadCentralDirectoryRecord(&ziinit);
@ -1184,7 +1184,7 @@ local int Write_LocalFileHeader(zip64_internal* zi, const char* filename, uInt s
if (err==ZIP_OK)
err = zip64local_putValue(&zi->z_filefunc,zi->filestream,(uLong)zi->ci.dosDate,4);
// CRC / Compressed size / Uncompressed size will be filled in later and rewritten later
/* CRC / Compressed size / Uncompressed size will be filled in later and rewritten later */
if (err==ZIP_OK)
err = zip64local_putValue(&zi->z_filefunc,zi->filestream,(uLong)0,4); /* crc 32, unknown */
if (err==ZIP_OK)
@ -1228,13 +1228,13 @@ local int Write_LocalFileHeader(zip64_internal* zi, const char* filename, uInt s
if ((err==ZIP_OK) && (zi->ci.zip64))
// write the Zip64 extended info
/* write the Zip64 extended info */
short HeaderID = 1;
short DataSize = 16;
ZPOS64_T CompressedSize = 0;
ZPOS64_T UncompressedSize = 0;
// Remember position of Zip64 extended info for the local file header. (needed when we update size after done with file)
/* Remember position of Zip64 extended info for the local file header. (needed when we update size after done with file) */
zi->ci.pos_zip64extrainfo = ZTELL64(zi->z_filefunc,zi->filestream);
err = zip64local_putValue(&zi->z_filefunc, zi->filestream, (ZPOS64_T)HeaderID,2);
@ -1284,14 +1284,14 @@ extern int ZEXPORT zipOpenNewFileInZip4_64(zipFile file, const char* filename, c
// The filename and comment length must fit in 16 bits.
/* The filename and comment length must fit in 16 bits. */
if ((filename!=NULL) && (strlen(filename)>0xffff))
if ((comment!=NULL) && (strlen(comment)>0xffff))
// The extra field length must fit in 16 bits. If the member also requires
/* The extra field length must fit in 16 bits. If the member also requires
// a Zip64 extra block, that will also need to fit within that 16-bit
// length, but that will be checked for later.
// length, but that will be checked for later. */
if ((size_extrafield_local>0xffff) || (size_extrafield_global>0xffff))
@ -1343,7 +1343,7 @@ extern int ZEXPORT zipOpenNewFileInZip4_64(zipFile file, const char* filename, c
zi->ci.pos_local_header = ZTELL64(zi->z_filefunc,zi->filestream);
zi->ci.size_centralheader = SIZECENTRALHEADER + size_filename + size_extrafield_global + size_comment;
zi->ci.size_centralExtraFree = 32; // Extra space we have reserved in case we need to add ZIP64 extra info data
zi->ci.size_centralExtraFree = 32; /* Extra space we have reserved in case we need to add ZIP64 extra info data */
zi->ci.central_header = (char*)ALLOC((uInt)zi->ci.size_centralheader + zi->ci.size_centralExtraFree);
@ -1438,7 +1438,7 @@ extern int ZEXPORT zipOpenNewFileInZip4_64(zipFile file, const char* filename, c
else if(zi->ci.method == Z_BZIP2ED)
#ifdef HAVE_BZIP2
// Init BZip stuff here
/* Init BZip stuff here */
zi->ci.bstream.bzalloc = 0;
zi->ci.bstream.bzfree = 0;
zi->ci.bstream.opaque = (voidpf)0;
@ -1640,7 +1640,7 @@ extern int ZEXPORT zipWriteInFileInZip(zipFile file, const void* buf, unsigned i
if ((zi->ci.method == Z_BZIP2ED) && (!zi->ci.raw))
uLong uTotalOutBefore_lo = zi->ci.bstream.total_out_lo32;
// uLong uTotalOutBefore_hi = zi->ci.bstream.total_out_hi32;
/* uLong uTotalOutBefore_hi = zi->ci.bstream.total_out_hi32; */
err=BZ2_bzCompress(&zi->ci.bstream, BZ_RUN);
zi->ci.pos_in_buffered_data += (uInt)(zi->ci.bstream.total_out_lo32 - uTotalOutBefore_lo) ;
@ -1698,7 +1698,7 @@ extern int ZEXPORT zipWriteInFileInZip(zipFile file, const void* buf, unsigned i
zi->ci.pos_in_buffered_data += copy_this;
}// while(...)
}/* while(...) */
return err;
@ -1804,7 +1804,7 @@ extern int ZEXPORT zipCloseFileInZipRaw64(zipFile file, ZPOS64_T uncompressed_si
compressed_size += zi->ci.crypt_header_size;
# endif
// update Current Item crc and sizes,
/* update Current Item crc and sizes, */
if(compressed_size >= 0xffffffff || uncompressed_size >= 0xffffffff || zi->ci.pos_local_header >= 0xffffffff)
/*version Made by*/
@ -1822,7 +1822,7 @@ extern int ZEXPORT zipCloseFileInZipRaw64(zipFile file, ZPOS64_T uncompressed_si
zip64local_putValue_inmemory(zi->ci.central_header+20, compressed_size,4); /*compr size*/
/// set internal file attributes field
/* set internal file attributes field */
if (zi-> == Z_ASCII)
@ -1831,15 +1831,15 @@ extern int ZEXPORT zipCloseFileInZipRaw64(zipFile file, ZPOS64_T uncompressed_si
zip64local_putValue_inmemory(zi->ci.central_header+24, uncompressed_size,4); /*uncompr size*/
// Add ZIP64 extra info field for uncompressed size
/* Add ZIP64 extra info field for uncompressed size */
if(uncompressed_size >= 0xffffffff)
datasize += 8;
// Add ZIP64 extra info field for compressed size
/* Add ZIP64 extra info field for compressed size */
if(compressed_size >= 0xffffffff)
datasize += 8;
// Add ZIP64 extra info field for relative offset to local file header of current file
/* Add ZIP64 extra info field for relative offset to local file header of current file */
if(zi->ci.pos_local_header >= 0xffffffff)
datasize += 8;
@ -1849,16 +1849,16 @@ extern int ZEXPORT zipCloseFileInZipRaw64(zipFile file, ZPOS64_T uncompressed_si
if((uLong)(datasize + 4) > zi->ci.size_centralExtraFree)
// we cannot write more data to the buffer that we have room for.
/* we cannot write more data to the buffer that we have room for. */
p = zi->ci.central_header + zi->ci.size_centralheader;
// Add Extra Information Header for 'ZIP64 information'
zip64local_putValue_inmemory(p, 0x0001, 2); // HeaderID
/* Add Extra Information Header for 'ZIP64 information' */
zip64local_putValue_inmemory(p, 0x0001, 2); /* HeaderID */
p += 2;
zip64local_putValue_inmemory(p, datasize, 2); // DataSize
zip64local_putValue_inmemory(p, datasize, 2); /* DataSize */
p += 2;
if(uncompressed_size >= 0xffffffff)
@ -1879,13 +1879,13 @@ extern int ZEXPORT zipCloseFileInZipRaw64(zipFile file, ZPOS64_T uncompressed_si
p += 8;
// Update how much extra free space we got in the memory buffer
/* Update how much extra free space we got in the memory buffer
// and increase the centralheader size so the new ZIP64 fields are included
// ( 4 below is the size of HeaderID and DataSize field )
// ( 4 below is the size of HeaderID and DataSize field ) */
zi->ci.size_centralExtraFree -= datasize + 4;
zi->ci.size_centralheader += datasize + 4;
// Update the extra info size field
/* Update the extra info size field */
zi->ci.size_centralExtra += datasize + 4;
@ -1897,7 +1897,7 @@ extern int ZEXPORT zipCloseFileInZipRaw64(zipFile file, ZPOS64_T uncompressed_si
if (err==ZIP_OK)
// Update the LocalFileHeader with the new values.
/* Update the LocalFileHeader with the new values. */
ZPOS64_T cur_pos_inzip = ZTELL64(zi->z_filefunc,zi->filestream);
@ -1911,7 +1911,7 @@ extern int ZEXPORT zipCloseFileInZipRaw64(zipFile file, ZPOS64_T uncompressed_si
if(zi->ci.pos_zip64extrainfo > 0)
// Update the size in the ZIP64 extended field.
/* Update the size in the ZIP64 extended field. */
if (ZSEEK64(zi->z_filefunc,zi->filestream, zi->ci.pos_zip64extrainfo + 4,ZLIB_FILEFUNC_SEEK_SET)!=0)
err = ZIP_ERRNO;
@ -1922,7 +1922,7 @@ extern int ZEXPORT zipCloseFileInZipRaw64(zipFile file, ZPOS64_T uncompressed_si
err = zip64local_putValue(&zi->z_filefunc, zi->filestream, compressed_size, 8);
err = ZIP_BADZIPFILE; // Caller passed zip64 = 0, so no room for zip64 info -> fatal
err = ZIP_BADZIPFILE; /* Caller passed zip64 = 0, so no room for zip64 info -> fatal */
@ -1976,7 +1976,7 @@ local int Write_Zip64EndOfCentralDirectoryRecord(zip64_internal* zi, uLong size_
err = zip64local_putValue(&zi->z_filefunc,zi->filestream,(uLong)ZIP64ENDHEADERMAGIC,4);
if (err==ZIP_OK) /* size of this 'zip64 end of central directory' */
err = zip64local_putValue(&zi->z_filefunc,zi->filestream,(ZPOS64_T)Zip64DataSize,8); // why ZPOS64_T of this ?
err = zip64local_putValue(&zi->z_filefunc,zi->filestream,(ZPOS64_T)Zip64DataSize,8); /* why ZPOS64_T of this ? */
if (err==ZIP_OK) /* version made by */
err = zip64local_putValue(&zi->z_filefunc,zi->filestream,(uLong)45,2);
@ -2023,7 +2023,7 @@ local int Write_EndOfCentralDirectoryRecord(zip64_internal* zi, uLong size_centr
if(zi->number_entry >= 0xFFFF)
err = zip64local_putValue(&zi->z_filefunc,zi->filestream,(uLong)0xffff,2); // use value in ZIP64 record
err = zip64local_putValue(&zi->z_filefunc,zi->filestream,(uLong)0xffff,2); /* use value in ZIP64 record */
err = zip64local_putValue(&zi->z_filefunc,zi->filestream,(uLong)zi->number_entry,2);
@ -2032,7 +2032,7 @@ local int Write_EndOfCentralDirectoryRecord(zip64_internal* zi, uLong size_centr
if (err==ZIP_OK) /* total number of entries in the central dir */
if(zi->number_entry >= 0xFFFF)
err = zip64local_putValue(&zi->z_filefunc,zi->filestream,(uLong)0xffff,2); // use value in ZIP64 record
err = zip64local_putValue(&zi->z_filefunc,zi->filestream,(uLong)0xffff,2); /* use value in ZIP64 record */
err = zip64local_putValue(&zi->z_filefunc,zi->filestream,(uLong)zi->number_entry,2);
@ -2112,7 +2112,7 @@ extern int ZEXPORT zipClose(zipFile file, const char* global_comment) {
set_end(&zi->set); // set was zeroed, so this is safe
set_end(&zi->set); /* set was zeroed, so this is safe */
pos = centraldir_pos_inzip - zi->add_position_when_writing_offset;
if(pos >= 0xffffffff || zi->number_entry >= 0xFFFF)
@ -2162,13 +2162,13 @@ extern int ZEXPORT zipRemoveExtraInfoBlock(char* pData, int* dataLen, short sHea
header = *(short*)p;
dataSize = *(((short*)p)+1);
if( header == sHeader ) // Header found.
if( header == sHeader ) /* Header found. */
p += dataSize + 4; // skip it. do not copy to temp buffer
p += dataSize + 4; /* skip it. do not copy to temp buffer */
// Extra Info block should not be removed, So copy it to the temp buffer.
/* Extra Info block should not be removed, So copy it to the temp buffer. */
memcpy(pTmp, p, dataSize + 4);
p += dataSize + 4;
size += dataSize + 4;
@ -2178,14 +2178,14 @@ extern int ZEXPORT zipRemoveExtraInfoBlock(char* pData, int* dataLen, short sHea
if(size < *dataLen)
// clean old extra info block.
/* clean old extra info block. */
memset(pData,0, *dataLen);
// copy the new extra info block over the old
/* copy the new extra info block over the old */
if(size > 0)
memcpy(pData, pNewHeader, size);
// set the new extra info size
/* set the new extra info size */
*dataLen = size;
retVal = ZIP_OK;

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
extern "C" {
//#define HAVE_BZIP2
/* #define HAVE_BZIP2 */
#ifndef _ZLIB_H
#include "zlib.h"
