diff --git a/README-cmake.md b/README-cmake.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7258f9ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README-cmake.md
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# For building with cmake at least version 3.12 (minizip 3.12) is needed
+In most cases the usual
+ cmake -S . -B build -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
+will create everything you need, however if you want something off default you can adjust several options fit your needs.
+Every option is list below (excluding the cmake-standard options), they can be set via cmake-gui or on cmdline with
+## ZLIB-options with defaults ##
+ ZLIB_BUILD_TESTING=ON -- Enable Zlib Examples as tests
+ ZLIB_BUILD_SHARED=ON -- Enable building zlib shared library
+ ZLIB_BUILD_STATIC=ON -- Enable building zlib static library
+ ZLIB_BUILD_MINIZIP=ON -- Enable building libminizip contrib library
+If this option is turned on, additional options are available from minizip (see below)
+ ZLIB_INSTALL=ON -- Enable installation of zlib
+ ZLIB_PREFIX=OFF -- prefix for all types and library functions, see zconf.h.in
+ ZLIB_INSTALL_COMPAT_DLL=ON -- Install a copy as zlib1.dll
+This option is only on windows available and may/will be turned off and removed somewhen in the future.
+If you rely cmake for finding and using zlib, this can be turned off, as `zlib1.dll` will never be used.
+## minizip-options with defaults ##
+ MINIZIP_BUILD_SHARED=ON -- Enable building minizip shared library
+ MINIZIP_BUILD_STATIC=ON -- Enable building minizip static library
+ MINIZIP_BUILD_TESTING=ON -- Enable testing of minizip
+ MINIZIP_ENABLE_BZIP2=ON -- Build minizip withj bzip2 support
+A usable installation of bzip2 is needed or config will fail. Turn this option of in this case.
+ MINIZIP_INSTALL=ON -- Enable installation of minizip
+ MINIZIP_INSTALL_COMPAT_DLL=ON -- Install a copy as libminizip-1.dll
+This option is only available on mingw as they tend to name this lib different. Maybe this will also be
+removed in the future as. If you rely cmake for finding and using zlib, this can be turned off, as
+the other file will never be used.
+## Using the libs ##
+To pull in what you need it's enough to just write
+ find_package(ZLIB CONFIG)
+ find_package(minizip CONFIG)
+in your CMakeLists.txt, however it is advised to specify what you really want via:
+ find_package(ZLIB CONFIG COMPONENTS shared static REQUIRED)
+ find_package(minizip CONFIG COMPONENTS shared static REQUIRED)
+As it's possible to only build the shared or the static lib, you can make sure that everything you need
+is found. If no COMPONENTS are requested, everything that is found will satisfy your request. If the
+libraries are optional in you project, you can omit the REQUIRED and check yourself if the targets you
+want to link against are created.
+When you search for minizip, it will search zlib for you, so only one of both is needed.
+## Imported targets ##
+When found the following targets are created for you:
+ ZLIB::ZLIB and ZLIB::ZLIBSTATIC -- for zlib
+ MINIZIP::minizip and MINIZIP::minizipstatic -- for minizip
diff --git a/README.cmake b/README.cmake
deleted file mode 100644
index 96d492c9..00000000
--- a/README.cmake
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-For building with cmake at least version 3.10 (minizip 3.12) is needed
-In most cases the usual "mkdir build && cd build && cmake .." will create everything you need, however
-if you want something off default you can adjust several options fit your needs. Every option is
-list below (excluding the cmake-standard options), they can be set via cmake-gui or on cmdline with
- -D =ON/OFF
-## ZLIB-options with defaults ##
-ZLIB_BUILD_TESTING=ON -- Enable Zlib Examples as tests
-ZLIB_BUILD_SHARED=ON -- Enable building zlib shared library
-ZLIB_BUILD_STATIC=ON -- Enable building zlib static library
-ZLIB_BUILD_MINIZIP=ON -- Enable building libminizip contrib library
-If this option is turned on, additional options are available from minizip (see below)
-ZLIB_INSTALL=ON -- Enable installation of zlib
-ZLIB_PREFIX=OFF -- prefix for all types and library functions, see zconf.h.in
-ZLIB_INSTALL_COMPAT_DLL=ON -- Install a copy as zlib1.dll
-This option is only on windows available and may/will be turned off and removed somewhen in the future.
-If you rely cmake for finding and using zlib, this can be turned off, as zlib1.dll will never be used.
-## minizip-options with defaults ##
-MINIZIP_BUILD_SHARED=ON Enable building minizip shared library
-MINIZIP_BUILD_STATIC=ON Enable building minizip static library
-MINIZIP_BUILD_TESTING=ON Enable testing of minizip
-MINIZIP_ENABLE_BZIP2=ON Build minizip withj bzip2 support
-A usable installation of bzip2 is needed or config will fail. Turn this option of in this case.
-MINIZIP_INSTALL=ON Enable installation of minizip
-MINIZIP_INSTALL_COMPAT_DLL=ON Install a copy as libminizip-1.dll
-This option is only available on mingw as they tend to name this lib different. Maybe this will also be
-removed in the future as. If you rely cmake for finding and using zlib, this can be turned off, as
-the other file will never be used.
-## Using the libs ##
-To pull in what you need it's enough to just write
- find_package(ZLIB CONFIG)
- find_package(minizip CONFIG)
-in your CMakeLists.txt, however it is advised to specify what you really want via:
- find_package(ZLIB CONFIG COMPONENTS shared static REQUIRED)
- find_package(minizip CONFIG COMPONENTS shared static REQUIRED)
-As it's possible to only build the shared or the static lib, you can make sure that everything you need
-is found. If no COMPONENTS are requested, everything that is found will satisfy your request. If the
-libraries are optional in you project, you can omit the REQUIRED and check yourself if the targets you
-want to link against are created.
-When you search for minizip, it will search zlib for you, so only one of both is needed.
-## Imported targets ##
-When found the following targets are created for you:
-MINIZIP::minizip and MINIZIP::minizipstatic for minizip
-In addition a var called MINIZIP_ENABLE_BZIP2 is exported so you can check if you got a bzip2 enabled
-version of the lib. As linking against libbz2 is only needed if you use functions from that set, it's
-no hard dep and you have to make sure a working bzip2-installation is found and linked in your binary.