@ -67,6 +67,9 @@ |
// See comments in zran.h.
void deflate_index_free(struct deflate_index *index) { |
if (index != NULL) { |
size_t i = index->have; |
while (i) |
free(index->list[--i].window); |
free(index->list); |
inflateEnd(&index->strm); |
free(index); |
@ -77,8 +80,8 @@ void deflate_index_free(struct deflate_index *index) { |
// list and return NULL. index->mode is temporarily the allocated number of
// access points, until it is time for deflate_index_build() to return. Then
// index->mode is set to the mode of inflation.
static struct deflate_index *add_point(struct deflate_index *index, int bits, |
off_t in, off_t out, unsigned left, |
static struct deflate_index *add_point(struct deflate_index *index, off_t in, |
off_t out, off_t beg, |
unsigned char *window) { |
if (index->have == index->mode) { |
// The list is full. Make it bigger.
@ -100,11 +103,18 @@ static struct deflate_index *add_point(struct deflate_index *index, int bits, |
} |
next->out = out; |
next->in = in; |
next->bits = bits; |
if (left) |
memcpy(next->window, window + WINSIZE - left, left); |
if (left < WINSIZE) |
memcpy(next->window + left, window, WINSIZE - left); |
next->bits = index->strm.data_type & 7; |
next->dict = out - beg > WINSIZE ? WINSIZE : (unsigned)(out - beg); |
next->window = malloc(next->dict); |
if (next->window == NULL) { |
deflate_index_free(index); |
return NULL; |
} |
unsigned recent = WINSIZE - index->strm.avail_out; |
unsigned copy = recent > next->dict ? next->dict : recent; |
memcpy(next->window + next->dict - copy, window + recent - copy, copy); |
copy = next->dict - copy; |
memcpy(next->window, window + WINSIZE - copy, copy); |
// Return the index, which may have been newly allocated or destroyed.
return index; |
@ -137,6 +147,7 @@ int deflate_index_build(FILE *in, off_t span, struct deflate_index **built) { |
unsigned char win[WINSIZE] = {0}; // output sliding window
off_t totin = 0; // total bytes read from input
off_t totout = 0; // total bytes uncompressed
off_t beg = 0; // starting offset of last history reset
int mode = 0; // mode: RAW, ZLIB, or GZIP (0 => not set yet)
// Decompress from in, generating access points along the way.
@ -198,9 +209,8 @@ int deflate_index_build(FILE *in, off_t span, struct deflate_index **built) { |
// very start for the first access point, or there has been span or
// more uncompressed bytes since the last access point, so we want
// to add an access point here.
index = add_point(index, index->strm.data_type & 7, |
totin - index->strm.avail_in, |
totout, index->strm.avail_out, win); |
index = add_point(index, totin - index->strm.avail_in, totout, beg, |
win); |
if (index == NULL) { |
ret = Z_MEM_ERROR; |
break; |
@ -209,11 +219,13 @@ int deflate_index_build(FILE *in, off_t span, struct deflate_index **built) { |
} |
if (ret == Z_STREAM_END && mode == GZIP && |
(index->strm.avail_in || ungetc(getc(in), in) != EOF)) |
(index->strm.avail_in || ungetc(getc(in), in) != EOF)) { |
// There is more input after the end of a gzip member. Reset the
// inflate state to read another gzip member. On success, this will
// set ret to Z_OK to continue decompressing.
ret = inflateReset2(&index->strm, GZIP); |
beg = totout; // reset history
} |
// Keep going until Z_STREAM_END or error. If the compressed data ends
// prematurely without a file read error, Z_BUF_ERROR is returned.
@ -226,17 +238,9 @@ int deflate_index_build(FILE *in, off_t span, struct deflate_index **built) { |
return ret == Z_NEED_DICT ? Z_DATA_ERROR : ret; |
} |
// Shrink the index to only the occupied access points and return it.
// Return the index.
index->mode = mode; |
index->length = totout; |
point_t *list = realloc(index->list, sizeof(point_t) * index->have); |
if (list == NULL) { |
// Seems like a realloc() to make something smaller should always work,
// but just in case.
deflate_index_free(index); |
return Z_MEM_ERROR; |
} |
index->list = list; |
*built = index; |
return index->have; |
} |
@ -366,7 +370,7 @@ ptrdiff_t deflate_index_extract(FILE *in, struct deflate_index *index, |
return ret; |
if (point->bits) |
INFLATEPRIME(&index->strm, point->bits, ch >> (8 - point->bits)); |
inflateSetDictionary(&index->strm, point->window, WINSIZE); |
inflateSetDictionary(&index->strm, point->window, point->dict); |
// Skip uncompressed bytes until offset reached, then satisfy request.
unsigned char input[CHUNK]; |