/* skipset.h -- set operations using a skiplist
// Copyright (C) 2024 Mark Adler
// See MiniZip_info.txt for the license.
// This implements a skiplist set, i.e. just keys, no data, with ~O(log n) time
// insert and search operations. The application defines the type of a key, and
// provides a function to compare two keys.
// This header is not definitions of functions found in another source file --
// it creates the set functions, with the application's key type, right where
// the #include is. Before this header is #included, these must be defined:
// 1. A macro or typedef for set_key_t, the type of a key.
// 2. A macro or function set_cmp(a, b) to compare two keys. The return values
// are < 0 for a < b, 0 for a == b, and > 0 for a > b.
// 3. A macro or function set_drop(s, k) to release the key k's resources, if
// any, when doing a set_end() or set_clear(). s is a pointer to the set
// that key is in, for use with set_free() if desired.
// Example usage:
// typedef int set_key_t;
// #define set_cmp(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? -1 : (a) == (b) ? 0 : 1)
// #define set_drop(s, k)
// #include "skipset.h"
// int test(void) { // return 0: good, 1: bad, -1: out of memory
// set_t set;
// if (setjmp(set.env))
// return -1;
// set_start(&set);
// set_insert(&set, 2);
// set_insert(&set, 1);
// set_insert(&set, 7);
// int bad = !set_found(&set, 2);
// bad = bad || set_found(&set, 5);
// set_end(&set);
// return bad;
// }
// Interface summary (see more details below):
// - set_t is the type of the set being operated on (a set_t pointer is passed)
// - set_start() initializes a new, empty set (initialize set.env first)
// - set_insert() inserts a new key into the set, or not if it's already there
// - set_found() determines whether or not a key is in the set
// - set_end() ends the use of the set, freeing all memory
// - set_clear() empties the set, equivalent to set_end() and then set_start()
// - set_ok() checks if set appears to be usable, i.e. started and not ended
// Auxiliary functions available to the application:
// - set_alloc() allocates memory with optional tracking (#define SET_TRACK)
// - set_free() deallocates memory allocated by set_alloc()
// - set_rand() returns 32 random bits (seeded by set_start()) */
#ifndef SKIPSET_H
#define SKIPSET_H
#include <stdlib.h> /* realloc(), free(), NULL, size_t */
#include <stddef.h> /* ptrdiff_t */
#include <setjmp.h> /* jmp_buf, longjmp() */
#include <errno.h> /* ENOMEM */
#include <time.h> /* time(), clock() */
#include <assert.h> /* assert.h */
#include "ints.h" /* i16_t, ui32_t, ui64_t */
/* Structures and functions below noted as "--private--" should not be used by
// the application. set_t is partially private and partially public -- see the
// comments there.
// There is no POSIX random() in MSVC, and rand() is awful. For portability, we
// cannot rely on a library function for random numbers. Instead we use the
// fast and effective algorithm below, invented by Melissa O'Neill.
// *Really* minimal PCG32 code / (c) 2014 M.E. O'Neill / www.pcg-random.org
// Licensed under Apache License 2.0 (NO WARRANTY, etc. see website)
// --private-- Random number generator state. */
typedef struct {
ui64_t state; /* 64-bit generator state */
ui64_t inc; /* 63-bit sequence id */
} set_rand_t;
/* --private-- Initialize the state *gen using seed and seq. seed seeds the
// advancing 64-bit state. seq is a sequence selection constant. */
void set_seed(set_rand_t *gen, ui64_t seed, ui64_t seq) {
gen->inc = (seq << 1) | 1;
gen->state = (seed + gen->inc) * 6364136223846793005ULL + gen->inc;
/* Return 32 random bits, advancing the state *gen. */
ui32_t set_rand(set_rand_t *gen) {
ui64_t state = gen->state;
gen->state = state * 6364136223846793005ULL + gen->inc;
ui32_t mix = (ui32_t)(((state >> 18) ^ state) >> 27);
int rot = state >> 59;
return (mix >> rot) | (mix << ((-rot) & 31));
/* End of PCG32 code. */
/* --private-- Linked-list node. */
typedef struct set_node_s set_node_t;
struct set_node_s {
set_key_t key; /* the key (not used for head or path) */
i16_t size; /* number of allocated pointers in right[] */
i16_t fill; /* number of pointers in right[] filled in */
set_node_t **right; /* pointer for each level, each to the right */
/* A set. The application sets env, may use gen with set_rand(), and may read
// allocs and memory. The remaining variables are --private-- . */
typedef struct set_s {
set_node_t *head; /* skiplist head -- no key, just links */
set_node_t *path; /* right[] is path to key from set_found() */
set_node_t *node; /* node under construction, in case of longjmp() */
i16_t depth; /* maximum depth of the skiplist */
ui64_t ran; /* a precious trove of random bits */
set_rand_t gen; /* random number generator state */
jmp_buf env; /* setjmp() environment for allocation errors */
#ifdef SET_TRACK
size_t allocs; /* number of allocations */
size_t memory; /* total amount of allocated memory (>= requests) */
} set_t;
/* Memory allocation and deallocation. set_alloc(set, ptr, size) returns a
// pointer to an allocation of size bytes if ptr is NULL, or the previous
// allocation ptr resized to size bytes. set_alloc() will never return NULL.
// set_free(set, ptr) frees an allocation created by set_alloc(). These may be
// used by the application. e.g. if allocation tracking is desired. */
#ifdef SET_TRACK
/* Track the number of allocations and the total backing memory size. */
# if defined(_WIN32)
# include <malloc.h>
# define SET_ALLOC_SIZE(ptr) _msize(ptr)
# elif defined(__MACH__)
# include <malloc/malloc.h>
# define SET_ALLOC_SIZE(ptr) malloc_size(ptr)
# elif defined(__linux__)
# include <malloc.h>
# define SET_ALLOC_SIZE(ptr) malloc_usable_size(ptr)
# elif defined(__FreeBSD__)
# include <malloc_np.h>
# define SET_ALLOC_SIZE(ptr) malloc_usable_size(ptr)
# elif defined(__NetBSD__)
# include <jemalloc/jemalloc.h>
# define SET_ALLOC_SIZE(ptr) malloc_usable_size(ptr)
# else // e.g. OpenBSD
# define SET_ALLOC_SIZE(ptr) 0
# endif
// With tracking.
void *set_alloc(set_t *set, void *ptr, size_t size) {
size_t had = ptr == NULL ? 0 : SET_ALLOC_SIZE(ptr);
void *mem = realloc(ptr, size);
if (mem == NULL)
longjmp(set->env, ENOMEM);
set->allocs += ptr == NULL;
set->memory += SET_ALLOC_SIZE(mem) - had;
return mem;
void set_free(set_t *set, void *ptr) {
if (ptr != NULL) {
set->memory -= SET_ALLOC_SIZE(ptr);
/* Without tracking. */
void *set_alloc(set_t *set, void *ptr, size_t size) {
void *mem = realloc(ptr, size);
if (mem == NULL)
longjmp(set->env, ENOMEM);
return mem;
void set_free(set_t *set, void *ptr) {
/* --private-- Grow node's array right[] as needed to be able to hold at least
// want links. If fill is true, assure that the first want links are filled in,
// setting them to set->head if not previously filled in. Otherwise it is
// assumed that the first want links are about to be filled in. */
void set_grow(set_t *set, set_node_t *node, int want, int fill) {
if (node->size < want) {
int more = node->size ? node->size : 1;
while (more < want)
more <<= 1;
node->right = set_alloc(set, node->right, more * sizeof(set_node_t *));
node->size = (i16_t)more;
int i;
if (fill)
for (i = node->fill; i < want; i++)
node->right[i] = set->head;
node->fill = (i16_t)want;
/* --private-- Return a new node. key is left uninitialized. */
set_node_t *set_node(set_t *set) {
set_node_t *node = set_alloc(set, NULL, sizeof(set_node_t));
node->size = 0;
node->fill = 0;
node->right = NULL;
return node;
/* --private-- Free the list linked from head, along with the keys. */
void set_sweep(set_t *set) {
set_node_t *step = set->head->right[0];
while (step != set->head) {
set_node_t *next = step->right[0]; /* save link to next node */
set_drop(set, step->key);
set_free(set, step->right);
set_free(set, step);
step = next;
/* Initialize a new set. set->env must be initialized using setjmp() before
// set_start() is called. A longjmp(set->env, ENOMEM) will be used to handle a
// memory allocation failure during any of the operations. (See setjmp.h and
// errno.h.) The set can still be used if this happens, assuming that it didn't
// happen during set_start(). Whether set_start() completed or not, set_end()
// can be used to free the set's memory after a longjmp(). */
void set_start(set_t *set) {
#ifdef SET_TRACK
set->allocs = 0;
set->memory = 0;
set->head = set->path = set->node = NULL; /* in case set_node() fails */
set->path = set_node(set);
set->head = set_node(set);
set_grow(set, set->head, 1, 1); /* one link back to head for an empty set */
*(unsigned char *)&set->head->key = 137; /* set id */
set->depth = 0;
set_seed(&set->gen, ((ui64_t)(ptrdiff_t)set << 32) ^
((ui64_t)time(NULL) << 12) ^ clock(), 0);
set->ran = 1;
/* Return true if *set appears to be in a usable state. If *set has been zeroed
// out, then set_ok(set) will be false and set_end(set) will be safe. */
int set_ok(set_t *set) {
return set->head != NULL &&
set->head->right != NULL &&
*(unsigned char *)&set->head->key == 137;
/* Empty the set. This frees the memory used for the previous set contents.
// After set_clear(), *set is ready for use, as if after a set_start(). */
void set_clear(set_t *set) {
assert(set_ok(set) && "improper use");
/* Free all the keys and their nodes. */
/* Leave the head and path allocations as is. Clear their contents, with
// head pointing to itself and setting depth to zero, for an empty set. */
set->head->right[0] = set->head;
set->head->fill = 1;
set->path->fill = 0;
set->depth = 0;
/* Done using the set -- free all allocations. The only operation on *set
// permitted after this is set_start(). Though another set_end() would do no
// harm. This can be done at any time after a set_start(), or after a longjmp()
// on any allocation failure, including during a set_start(). */
void set_end(set_t *set) {
if (set->head != NULL) {
/* Empty the set and free the head node. */
if (set->head->right != NULL) {
set_free(set, set->head->right);
set_free(set, set->head);
set->head = NULL;
if (set->path != NULL) {
/* Free the path work area. */
set_free(set, set->path->right);
set_free(set, set->path);
set->path = NULL;
if (set->node != NULL) {
/* Free the node that was under construction when longjmp() hit. */
set_drop(set, set->node->key);
set_free(set, set->node->right);
set_free(set, set->node);
set->node = NULL;
/* Look for key. Return 1 if found or 0 if not. This also puts the path to get
// there in set->path, for use by set_insert(). */
int set_found(set_t *set, set_key_t key) {
assert(set_ok(set) && "improper use");
/* Start at depth and work down and right as determined by key comparisons. */
set_node_t *head = set->head, *here = head;
int i = set->depth;
set_grow(set, set->path, i + 1, 0);
do {
while (here->right[i] != head &&
set_cmp(here->right[i]->key, key) < 0)
here = here->right[i];
set->path->right[i] = here;
} while (i--);
/* See if the key matches. */
here = here->right[0];
return here != head && set_cmp(here->key, key) == 0;
/* Insert the key key. Return 0 on success, or 1 if key is already in the set. */
int set_insert(set_t *set, set_key_t key) {
assert(set_ok(set) && "improper use");
if (set_found(set, key))
/* That key is already in the set. */
return 1;
/* Randomly generate a new level-- level 0 with probability 1/2, 1 with
// probability 1/4, 2 with probability 1/8, etc. */
int level = 0;
for (;;) {
if (set->ran == 1)
/* Ran out. Get another 32 random bits. */
set->ran = set_rand(&set->gen) | (1ULL << 32);
int bit = set->ran & 1;
set->ran >>= 1;
if (bit)
assert(level < 32767 &&
"Overhead, without any fuss, the stars were going out.");
if (level > set->depth) {
/* The maximum depth is now deeper. Update the structures. */
set_grow(set, set->path, level + 1, 1);
set_grow(set, set->head, level + 1, 1);
set->depth = (i16_t)level;
/* Make a new node for the provided key, and insert it in the lists up to
// and including level. */
set->node = set_node(set);
set->node->key = key;
set_grow(set, set->node, level + 1, 0);
int i;
for (i = 0; i <= level; i++) {
set->node->right[i] = set->path->right[i]->right[i];
set->path->right[i]->right[i] = set->node;
set->node = NULL;
return 0;
#error ** another skiplist set already created here
/* Would need to implement a prefix in order to support multiple sets. */