Yasm Assembler mainline development tree (ffmpeg 依赖)
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164 lines
2.8 KiB

#ifndef re2c_re_h
#define re2c_re_h
#include <stdio.h>
#include "token.h"
#include "ins.h"
typedef struct CharPtn {
uint card;
struct CharPtn *fix;
struct CharPtn *nxt;
} CharPtn;
typedef struct CharSet {
CharPtn *fix;
CharPtn *freeHead, **freeTail;
CharPtn *rep[nChars];
CharPtn ptn[nChars];
} CharSet;
typedef struct Range {
struct Range *next;
uint lb, ub; /* [lb,ub) */
} Range;
static inline void
Range_init(Range *r, uint l, uint u)
r->next = NULL;
r->lb = l;
r->ub = u;
static inline Range *
Range_new(uint l, uint u)
Range *r = malloc(sizeof(Range));
r->next = NULL;
r->lb = l;
r->ub = u;
return r;
static inline void
Range_copy(Range *ro, const Range *r)
ro->next = NULL;
ro->lb = r->lb;
ro->ub = r->ub;
static inline Range *
Range_new_copy(Range *r)
Range *ro = malloc(sizeof(Range));
ro->next = NULL;
ro->lb = r->lb;
ro->ub = r->ub;
return ro;
void Range_out(FILE *, const Range *);
typedef enum {
} RegExpType;
typedef struct RegExp {
RegExpType type;
uint size;
union {
/* for MatchOp */
Range *match;
/* for RuleOp */
struct {
struct RegExp *exp;
struct RegExp *ctx;
Ins *ins;
uint accept;
Token *code;
uint line;
} RuleOp;
/* for AltOp and CatOp*/
struct {
struct RegExp *exp1, *exp2;
} AltCatOp;
/* for CloseOp */
struct RegExp *exp;
} d;
} RegExp;
static inline RegExp *
RegExp_isA(RegExp *r, RegExpType t)
return r->type == t ? r : NULL;
void RegExp_split(RegExp*, CharSet*);
void RegExp_calcSize(RegExp*, Char*);
uint RegExp_fixedLength(RegExp*);
void RegExp_compile(RegExp*, Char*, Ins*);
void RegExp_display(RegExp*, FILE *);
static inline RegExp *
RegExp *r = malloc(sizeof(RegExp));
r->type = NULLOP;
return r;
static inline RegExp *
RegExp_new_MatchOp(Range *m)
RegExp *r = malloc(sizeof(RegExp));
r->type = MATCHOP;
r->d.match = m;
return r;
RegExp *RegExp_new_RuleOp(RegExp*, RegExp*, Token*, uint);
static inline RegExp *
RegExp_new_AltOp(RegExp *e1, RegExp *e2)
RegExp *r = malloc(sizeof(RegExp));
r->type = ALTOP;
r->d.AltCatOp.exp1 = e1;
r->d.AltCatOp.exp2 = e2;
return r;
static inline RegExp *
RegExp_new_CatOp(RegExp *e1, RegExp *e2)
RegExp *r = malloc(sizeof(RegExp));
r->type = CATOP;
r->d.AltCatOp.exp1 = e1;
r->d.AltCatOp.exp2 = e2;
return r;
static inline RegExp *
RegExp_new_CloseOp(RegExp *e)
RegExp *r = malloc(sizeof(RegExp));
r->type = CLOSEOP;
r->d.exp = e;
return r;
extern void genCode(FILE *, RegExp*);
extern RegExp *mkDiff(RegExp*, RegExp*);
extern RegExp *strToRE(SubStr);
extern RegExp *ranToRE(SubStr);
extern RegExp *mkAlt(RegExp*, RegExp*);