Yasm Assembler mainline development tree (ffmpeg 依赖)
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[extern _AllocMem]
[extern _AllocSelector]
[extern _FreeSelector]
[extern _GetPhysicalMapping]
[extern _FreePhysicalMapping]
[extern _LockArea]
_AllocMem_arglen equ 4
_AllocSelector_arglen equ 4
_FreeSelector_arglen equ 2
_GetPhysicalMapping_arglen equ 16
_FreePhysicalMapping_arglen equ 8
_LockArea_arglen equ 10
[extern _OpenFile]
[extern _CloseFile]
[extern _ReadFile]
[extern _ReadFile_Sel]
[extern _WriteFile]
[extern _WriteFile_Sel]
[extern _SeekFile]
_OpenFile_arglen equ 6
_CloseFile_arglen equ 4
_ReadFile_arglen equ 12
_ReadFile_Sel_arglen equ 14
_WriteFile_arglen equ 12
_WriteFile_Sel_arglen equ 14
_SeekFile_arglen equ 10
[bits 32]
[extern ___sbrk]
[extern _getenv]
___sbrk_arglen equ 4
_getenv_arglen equ 4
[extern _djgpp_es]
[extern _djgpp_fs]
[extern _djgpp_gs]
[extern ___dos_argv0]
afHaveMultiBuffer equ 0001h
afHaveVirtualScroll equ 0002h
afHaveBankedBuffer equ 0004h
afHaveLinearBuffer equ 0008h
afHaveAccel2D equ 0010h
afHaveDualBuffers equ 0020h
afHaveHWCursor equ 0040h
afHave8BitDAC equ 0080h
afNonVGAMode equ 0100h
afHaveDoubleScan equ 0200h
afHaveInterlaced equ 0400h
afHaveTripleBuffer equ 0800h
afHaveStereo equ 1000h
afHaveROP2 equ 2000h
afHaveHWStereoSync equ 4000h
afHaveEVCStereoSync equ 8000h
[absolute 0]
.Attributes resw 1
.XResolution resw 1
.YResolution resw 1
.BytesPerScanLine resw 1
.BitsPerPixel resw 1
.MaxBuffers resw 1
.RedMaskSize resb 1
.RedFieldPosition resb 1
.GreenMaskSize resb 1
.GreenFieldPosition resb 1
.BlueMaskSize resb 1
.BlueFieldPosition resb 1
.RsvdMaskSize resb 1
.RsvdFieldPosition resb 1
.MaxBytesPerScanLine resw 1
.MaxScanLineWidth resw 1
.LinBytesPerScanLine resw 1
.BnkMaxBuffers resb 1
.LinMaxBuffers resb 1
.LinRedMaskSize resb 1
.LinRedFieldPosition resb 1
.LinGreenMaskSize resb 1
.LinGreenFieldPosition resb 1
.LinBlueMaskSize resb 1
.LinBlueFieldPosition resb 1
.LinRsvdMaskSize resb 1
.LinRsvdFieldPosition resb 1
.MaxPixelClock resd 1
.VideoCapabilities resd 1
.VideoMinXScale resw 1
.VideoMinYScale resw 1
.VideoMaxXScale resw 1
.VideoMaxYScale resw 1
.Reserved resb 76
[section .text]
[absolute 0]
.Signature resb 12
.Version resd 1
.DriverRev resd 1
.OemVendorName resb 80
.OemCopyright resb 80
.AvailableModes resd 1
.TotalMemory resd 1
.Attributes resd 1
.BankSize resd 1
.BankedBasePtr resd 1
.LinearSize resd 1
.LinearBasePtr resd 1
.LinearGranularity resd 1
.IOPortsTable resd 1
.IOMemoryBase resd 4
.IOMemoryLen resd 4
.LinearStridePad resd 1
.PCIVendorID resw 1
.PCIDeviceID resw 1
.PCISubSysVendorID resw 1
.PCISubSysID resw 1
.Checksum resd 1
.res2 resd 6
.IOMemMaps resd 4
.BankedMem resd 1
.LinearMem resd 1
.res3 resd 5
.BufferEndX resd 1
.BufferEndY resd 1
.OriginOffset resd 1
.OffscreenOffset resd 1
.OffscreenStartY resd 1
.OffscreenEndY resd 1
.res4 resd 10
.SetBank32Len resd 1
.SetBank32 resd 1
.Int86 resd 1
.CallRealMode resd 1
.InitDriver resd 1
.af10Funcs resd 40
.PlugAndPlayInit resd 1
.OemExt resd 1
.SupplementalExt resd 1
.GetVideoModeInfo resd 1
.SetVideoMode resd 1
.RestoreTextMode resd 1
.GetClosestPixelClock resd 1
.SaveRestoreState resd 1
.SetDisplayStart resd 1
.SetActiveBuffer resd 1
.SetVisibleBuffer resd 1
.GetDisplayStartStatus resd 1
.EnableStereoMode resd 1
.SetPaletteData resd 1
.SetGammaCorrectData resd 1
.SetBank resd 1
.SetCursor resd 1
.SetCursorPos resd 1
.SetCursorColor resd 1
.ShowCursor resd 1
.WaitTillIdle resd 1
.EnableDirectAccess resd 1
.DisableDirectAccess resd 1
.SetMix resd 1
.Set8x8MonoPattern resd 1
.Set8x8ColorPattern resd 1
.Use8x8ColorPattern resd 1
.SetLineStipple resd 1
.SetLineStippleCount resd 1
.SetClipRect resd 1
.DrawScan resd 1
.DrawPattScan resd 1
.DrawColorPattScan resd 1
.DrawScanList resd 1
.DrawPattScanList resd 1
.DrawColorPattScanList resd 1
.DrawRect resd 1
.DrawPattRect resd 1
.DrawColorPattRect resd 1
.DrawLine resd 1
.DrawStippleLine resd 1
.DrawTrap resd 1
.DrawTri resd 1
.DrawQuad resd 1
.PutMonoImage resd 1
.PutMonoImageLin resd 1
.PutMonoImageBM resd 1
.BitBlt resd 1
.BitBltSys resd 1
.BitBltLin resd 1
.BitBltBM resd 1
.SrcTransBlt resd 1
.SrcTransBltSys resd 1
.SrcTransBltLin resd 1
.SrcTransBltBM resd 1
.DstTransBlt resd 1
.DstTransBltSys resd 1
.DstTransBltLin resd 1
.DstTransBltBM resd 1
.StretchBlt resd 1
.StretchBltSys resd 1
.StretchBltLin resd 1
.StretchBltBM resd 1
.SrcTransStretchBlt resd 1
.SrcTransStretchBltSys resd 1
.SrcTransStretchBltLin resd 1
.SrcTransStretchBltBM resd 1
.DstTransStretchBlt resd 1
.DstTransStretchBltSys resd 1
.DstTransStretchBltLin resd 1
.DstTransStretchBltBM resd 1
.SetVideoInput resd 1
.SetVideoOutput resd 1
.StartVideoFrame resd 1
.EndVideoFrame resd 1
[section .text]
[absolute 0]
.INT resb 1
.IRQ resb 1
.Port resw 1
[section .text]
[section .bss]
DriverOffset resd 1
DriverSize resd 1
InGraphicsMode resb 1
ModeInfo resb AF_MODE_INFO_size
Filename resb 256
FreeBEExt resb 1
[section .data]
rcsid db '$Id: vbeaf.asm,v 1.1 2001/11/21 08:41:53 peter Exp $',0
[section .text]
_LoadGraphicsDriver_arglen equ 4
[global _LoadGraphicsDriver]
_LoadGraphicsDriver: push ebp
mov ebp, esp
.Filename equ 8
.file equ -4
push es
push fs
push gs
mov gs, [_djgpp_gs]
mov fs, [_djgpp_fs]
mov es, [_djgpp_es]
push word 0
push dword [ebp+.Filename]
call _OpenFile
add esp, byte _OpenFile_arglen
cmp eax, -1
je near .error
mov [ebp+.file], eax
push word 2
push dword 0
push dword [ebp+.file]
call _SeekFile
add esp, byte _SeekFile_arglen
cmp eax, -1
je near .error
mov [DriverSize], eax
push word 0
push dword 0
push dword [ebp+.file]
call _SeekFile
add esp, byte _SeekFile_arglen
cmp eax, -1
je .error
push dword [DriverSize]
call ___sbrk
add esp, byte ___sbrk_arglen
test eax, eax
jz .error
mov [DriverOffset], eax
push dword [DriverSize]
push dword [DriverOffset]
push dword [ebp+.file]
call _ReadFile
add esp, byte _ReadFile_arglen
cmp eax, [DriverSize]
jne .errorfree
push dword [ebp+.file]
call _CloseFile
add esp, byte _CloseFile_arglen
push dword [DriverSize]
push dword [DriverOffset]
o16 push cs
call _LockArea
add esp, byte _LockArea_arglen
xor eax, eax
jmp short .done
mov eax, [DriverSize]
neg eax
push eax
call ___sbrk
add esp, byte ___sbrk_arglen
mov dword [DriverOffset], 0
xor eax, eax
inc eax
pop gs
pop fs
pop es
mov esp, ebp
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
[global _InitGraphics]
_InitGraphics: push ebp
mov ebp, esp
.kbINT equ 8
.kbIRQ equ 12
.kbPort equ 16
push es
push fs
push gs
mov gs, [_djgpp_gs]
mov fs, [_djgpp_fs]
mov es, [_djgpp_es]
push esi
push edi
mov esi, [DriverOffset]
test esi, esi
jnz near .foundit
mov ecx, 256
mov esi, [___dos_argv0]
mov edi, Filename
mov al, [esi]
mov [edi], al
inc esi
inc edi
or al, al
jnz .argv0copy
cmp byte [edi], '/'
je .lastslashfound
cmp byte [edi], '\'
je .lastslashfound
cmp edi, Filename
je .lastslashnotfound
dec edi
jmp short .findlastslash
inc edi
mov ecx, 10
mov esi, VBEAFName
rep movsb
push dword Filename
call _LoadGraphicsDriver
add esp, byte _LoadGraphicsDriver_arglen
test eax, eax
jz near .foundit
mov edi, Filename
mov dword [edi], 'C:\v'
add edi, byte 3
mov esi, VBEAFName
mov ecx, 10
rep movsb
push dword Filename
call _LoadGraphicsDriver
add esp, byte _LoadGraphicsDriver_arglen
test eax, eax
jz .foundit
push dword VBEAFEnv
call _getenv
add esp, byte _getenv_arglen
test eax, eax
jz near .error
mov ecx, 256
mov esi, eax
mov edi, Filename
mov al, [esi]
mov [edi], al
inc esi
inc edi
or al, al
jnz .envcopy
dec edi
cmp byte [edi], '/'
je .slashpresent
cmp byte [edi], '\'
je .slashpresent
mov byte [edi], '/'
inc edi
mov esi, VBEAFName
mov ecx, 10
rep movsb
push dword Filename
call _LoadGraphicsDriver
add esp, byte _LoadGraphicsDriver_arglen
test eax, eax
jz .foundit
jmp .error
mov esi, [DriverOffset]
cmp dword [esi+AF_DRIVER.Signature], 'VBEA'
jne near .errorfree
cmp dword [esi+AF_DRIVER.Signature+4], 'F.DR'
jne near .errorfree
cmp byte [esi+AF_DRIVER.Signature+8], 'V'
jne near .errorfree
cmp word [esi+AF_DRIVER.Version], 0200h
jb near .errorfree
mov edi, [esi+AF_DRIVER.OemExt]
add edi, esi
push dword (('I'<<24) | ('N'<<16) | ('I'<<8) | 'T')
push esi
call edi
add esp, byte 8
cmp al, '0'
jb .noext
cmp al, '9'
ja .noext
cmp ah, '0'
jb .noext
cmp al, '9'
ja .noext
and eax, 0FFFF0000h
cmp eax, (('E'<<24) | ('X'<<16) | (0<<8) | 0)
jne .noext
mov byte [FreeBEExt], 1
push dword (('D'<<24) | ('I'<<16) | ('C'<<8) | 'L')
push esi
call [esi+AF_DRIVER.OemExt]
add esp, byte 8
test eax, eax
jz .noext
mov dword [eax], _DispatchCall
mov edi, [esi+AF_DRIVER.PlugAndPlayInit]
add edi, esi
mov ebx, esi
call edi
test eax, eax
jnz near .errorfree
mov esi, [DriverOffset]
mov edi, [esi+AF_DRIVER.InitDriver]
add edi, esi
mov ebx, esi
call edi
test eax, eax
jnz near .errorfree
mov esi, [DriverOffset]
cmp byte [FreeBEExt], 0
jz .defaultkb
push dword (('K'<<24) | ('E'<<16) | ('Y'<<8) | 'S')
push esi
call [esi+AF_DRIVER.OemExt]
add esp, byte 8
test eax, eax
jz .defaultkb
mov edi, eax
mov ebx, [ebp+.kbINT]
mov [ebx], al
mov ebx, [ebp+.kbIRQ]
mov [ebx], al
mov ax, [edi+FAF_KEYBOARD_DATA.Port]
mov ebx, [ebp+.kbPort]
mov [ebx], ax
jmp short .retokay
mov edi, [ebp+.kbINT]
mov byte [edi], 9
mov edi, [ebp+.kbIRQ]
mov byte [edi], 1
mov edi, [ebp+.kbPort]
mov word [edi], 60h
xor eax, eax
jmp short .done
mov eax, [DriverSize]
neg eax
push eax
call ___sbrk
add esp, byte ___sbrk_arglen
mov dword [DriverOffset], 0
xor eax, eax
inc eax
pop edi
pop esi
pop gs
pop fs
pop es
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
[global _ExitGraphics]
call _UnsetGraphicsMode
push es
push fs
push gs
mov gs, [_djgpp_gs]
mov fs, [_djgpp_fs]
mov es, [_djgpp_es]
push esi
mov esi, [DriverOffset]
test esi, esi
jz .notloaded
mov eax, [DriverSize]
neg eax
push eax
call ___sbrk
add esp, byte ___sbrk_arglen
mov dword [DriverOffset], 0
pop esi
pop gs
pop fs
pop es
[global _FindGraphicsMode]
_FindGraphicsMode: push ebp
mov ebp, esp
.Width equ 8
.Height equ 10
.Depth equ 12
.Emulated equ 14
push es
push fs
push gs
mov gs, [_djgpp_gs]
mov fs, [_djgpp_fs]
mov es, [_djgpp_es]
push esi
push edi
mov esi, [DriverOffset]
mov edi, [esi+AF_DRIVER.AvailableModes]
cmp word [edi], -1
je .notfound
push dword ModeInfo
push dword [edi]
push esi
call [esi+AF_DRIVER.GetVideoModeInfo]
add esp, byte 12
test eax, eax
jnz .nextmode
mov ax, [ebp+.Width]
cmp [ModeInfo+AF_MODE_INFO.XResolution], ax
jne .nextmode
mov ax, [ebp+.Height]
cmp [ModeInfo+AF_MODE_INFO.YResolution], ax
jne .nextmode
mov ax, [ebp+.Depth]
cmp [ModeInfo+AF_MODE_INFO.BitsPerPixel], ax
jne .nextmode
mov eax, [ebp+.Emulated]
test eax, eax
jnz .foundit
mov eax, [ModeInfo+AF_MODE_INFO.VideoCapabilities]
cmp eax, (('E'<<24) | ('M'<<16) | ('U'<<8) | 'L')
jne .foundit
add edi, byte 2
jmp short .modeloop
movzx eax, word [edi]
jmp short .done
xor eax, eax
pop edi
pop esi
pop gs
pop fs
pop es
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
[global _SetGraphicsMode]
_SetGraphicsMode: push ebp
mov ebp, esp
.Mode equ 8
push es
push fs
push gs
mov gs, [_djgpp_gs]
mov fs, [_djgpp_fs]
mov es, [_djgpp_es]
mov eax, [DriverOffset]
xor ecx, ecx
push ecx
inc ecx
push ecx
push dword ModeInfo+AF_MODE_INFO.BytesPerScanLine
movzx ecx, word [ModeInfo+AF_MODE_INFO.YResolution]
push ecx
movzx ecx, word [ModeInfo+AF_MODE_INFO.XResolution]
push ecx
push dword [ebp+.Mode]
push eax
call [eax+AF_DRIVER.SetVideoMode]
add esp, byte 28
mov byte [InGraphicsMode], 1
pop gs
pop fs
pop es
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
[global _UnsetGraphicsMode]
cmp byte [InGraphicsMode], 0
jz .notingraphics
push es
push fs
push gs
mov gs, [_djgpp_gs]
mov fs, [_djgpp_fs]
mov es, [_djgpp_es]
push esi
push edi
mov esi, [DriverOffset]
mov edi, [esi+AF_DRIVER.EnableDirectAccess]
test edi, edi
jz .noEDA
push esi
call edi
add esp, byte 4
mov edi, [esi+AF_DRIVER.WaitTillIdle]
test edi, edi
jz .noWTI
push esi
call edi
add esp, byte 4
push esi
call [esi+AF_DRIVER.RestoreTextMode]
add esp, byte 4
mov byte [InGraphicsMode], 0
pop edi
pop esi
pop gs
pop fs
pop es
[global _CopyToScreen]
_CopyToScreen: push ebp
mov ebp, esp
.Source equ 8
.SourcePitch equ 12
.SourceLeft equ 16
.SourceTop equ 20
.Width equ 24
.Height equ 28
.DestLeft equ 32
.DestTop equ 36
push es
push fs
push gs
mov gs, [_djgpp_gs]
mov fs, [_djgpp_fs]
mov es, [_djgpp_es]
push esi
mov esi, [DriverOffset]
cmp dword [esi+AF_DRIVER.BitBltSys], 0
jz .NoBitBltSys
push dword 0
push dword [ebp+.DestTop]
push dword [ebp+.DestLeft]
push dword [ebp+.Height]
push dword [ebp+.Width]
push dword [ebp+.SourceTop]
push dword [ebp+.SourceLeft]
push dword [ebp+.SourcePitch]
push dword [ebp+.Source]
push esi
call [esi+AF_DRIVER.BitBltSys]
add esp, byte 40
pop esi
pop gs
pop fs
pop es
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
[global _DispatchCall]
_DispatchCall: push ebp
mov ebp, esp
.Handle equ 8
.Command equ 12
.Data equ 16
push fs
push esi
mov eax, ds
mov fs, eax
mov eax, [ebp+.Command]
shl eax, 16
mov ax, [ebp+.Handle]
mov esi, [ebp+.Data]
db 0C4h, 0C4h, 058h, 002h
movsx eax, al
pop esi
pop fs
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp