Yasm Assembler mainline development tree (ffmpeg 依赖)
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/* $IdPath$
* NASM-compatible lex lexer
* Copyright (C) 2001 Peter Johnson
* This file is part of YASM.
* YASM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* YASM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# include "config.h"
#include "util.h"
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <string.h>
#include <libintl.h>
#define _(String) gettext(String)
#include "errwarn.h"
#include "expr.h"
#include "symrec.h"
#include "bytecode.h"
#include "bison.h"
#define yylval nasm_parser_lval
extern int (*nasm_parser_yyinput) (char *buf, int max_size);
#undef YY_INPUT
#define YY_INPUT(b, r, ms) (r = nasm_parser_yyinput(b, ms))
/* starting size of string buffer */
/* string buffer used when parsing strings/character constants */
static char *strbuf = (char *)NULL;
/* length of strbuf (including terminating NULL character) */
static size_t strbuf_size = 0;
/* last "base" label for local (.) labels */
symrec *locallabel_base = (symrec *)NULL;
/* current line number */
int line_number;
%option noyywrap
%option nounput
%option case-insensitive
DIGIT [0-9]
HEXDIGIT [0-9a-f]
WS [ \t\r]
/* standard decimal integer */
{DIGIT}+ {
yylval.int_val = strtoul(yytext, (char **)NULL, 10);
return INTNUM;
/* 10010011b - binary number */
yylval.int_val = strtoul(yytext, (char **)NULL, 2);
return INTNUM;
/* 777q - octal number */
yylval.int_val = strtoul(yytext, (char **)NULL, 8);
return INTNUM;
/* 0AAh form of hexidecimal number */
yylval.int_val = strtoul(yytext+1, (char **)NULL, 16);
return INTNUM;
/* $0AA and 0xAA forms of hexidecimal number */
(\$0|0x){HEXDIGIT}+ {
yylval.int_val = strtoul(yytext+2, (char **)NULL, 16);
return INTNUM;
/* floating point value */
{DIGIT}+\.{DIGIT}*(e[-+]?{DIGIT}+)? {
yylval.double_val = strtod(yytext, (char **)NULL);
return FLTNUM;
/* string/character constant values */
["'] {
int inch, count;
char endch = yytext[0];
strbuf = malloc(STRBUF_ALLOC_SIZE);
if (!strbuf)
strbuf_size = STRBUF_ALLOC_SIZE;
inch = input();
count = 0;
while (inch != EOF && inch != endch && inch != '\n') {
strbuf[count++] = inch;
if (count >= strbuf_size) {
strbuf = realloc(strbuf, strbuf_size + STRBUF_ALLOC_SIZE);
if (!strbuf)
strbuf_size += STRBUF_ALLOC_SIZE;
inch = input();
if (inch == '\n')
Error(_("unterminated string"));
else if (inch == EOF)
Error(_("unexpected end of file in string"));
strbuf[count] = '\0';
yylval.str_val = strbuf;
return STRING;
/* directive: [name value] */
^{WS}*"[" { BEGIN DIRECTIVE; return '['; }
<DIRECTIVE>"]" { BEGIN INITIAL; return ']'; }
<DIRECTIVE2>"]" { BEGIN INITIAL; return ']'; }
<DIRECTIVE>\n { BEGIN INITIAL; return '\n'; }
<DIRECTIVE2>\n { BEGIN INITIAL; return '\n'; }
<DIRECTIVE>[a-z]+ {
yylval.str_val = strdup(yytext);
if (!yylval.str_val)
/* everything printable except for ' ', '[' and ']'. */
<DIRECTIVE2>[!-@a-z\\^-`{|}~]+ {
yylval.str_val = strdup(yytext);
if (!yylval.str_val)
Warning(_("ignoring unrecognized character `%s'"),
Warning(_("ignoring unrecognized character `%s'"),
/* size specifiers */
byte { yylval.int_val = 1; return BYTE; }
word { yylval.int_val = 2; return WORD; }
dword { yylval.int_val = 4; return DWORD; }
qword { yylval.int_val = 8; return QWORD; }
tword { yylval.int_val = 10; return TWORD; }
dqword { yylval.int_val = 16; return DQWORD; }
/* pseudo-instructions */
db { yylval.int_val = 1; return DECLARE_DATA; }
dw { yylval.int_val = 2; return DECLARE_DATA; }
dd { yylval.int_val = 4; return DECLARE_DATA; }
dq { yylval.int_val = 8; return DECLARE_DATA; }
dt { yylval.int_val = 10; return DECLARE_DATA; }
resb { yylval.int_val = 1; return RESERVE_SPACE; }
resw { yylval.int_val = 2; return RESERVE_SPACE; }
resd { yylval.int_val = 4; return RESERVE_SPACE; }
resq { yylval.int_val = 8; return RESERVE_SPACE; }
rest { yylval.int_val = 10; return RESERVE_SPACE; }
incbin { return INCBIN; }
equ { return EQU; }
times { return TIMES; }
seg { return SEG; }
wrt { return WRT; }
near { return NEAR; }
short { return SHORT; }
far { return FAR; }
nosplit { return NOSPLIT; }
org { return ORG; }
to { return TO; }
/* operand size overrides */
o16 { yylval.int_val = 16; return OPERSIZE; }
o32 { yylval.int_val = 32; return OPERSIZE; }
/* address size overrides */
a16 { yylval.int_val = 16; return ADDRSIZE; }
a32 { yylval.int_val = 32; return ADDRSIZE; }
/* instruction prefixes */
lock { return LOCK; }
repne { return REPNZ; }
repnz { return REPNZ; }
rep { return REP; }
repe { return REPZ; }
repz { return REPZ; }
/* control, debug, and test registers */
cr4 { yylval.int_val = 4; return CR4; }
cr[023] { yylval.int_val = yytext[2]-'0'; return CRREG_NOTCR4; }
dr[0-367] { yylval.int_val = yytext[2]-'0'; return DRREG; }
tr[3-7] { yylval.int_val = yytext[2]-'0'; return TRREG; }
/* floating point, MMX, and SSE registers */
st0 { yylval.int_val = 0; return ST0; }
st[1-7] { yylval.int_val = yytext[2]-'0'; return FPUREG_NOTST0; }
mm[0-7] { yylval.int_val = yytext[2]-'0'; return MMXREG; }
xmm[0-7] { yylval.int_val = yytext[3]-'0'; return XMMREG; }
/* integer registers */
eax { yylval.int_val = 0; return REG_EAX; }
ecx { yylval.int_val = 1; return REG_ECX; }
edx { yylval.int_val = 2; return REG_EDX; }
ebx { yylval.int_val = 3; return REG_EBX; }
esp { yylval.int_val = 4; return REG_ESP; }
ebp { yylval.int_val = 5; return REG_EBP; }
esi { yylval.int_val = 6; return REG_ESI; }
edi { yylval.int_val = 7; return REG_EDI; }
ax { yylval.int_val = 0; return REG_AX; }
cx { yylval.int_val = 1; return REG_CX; }
dx { yylval.int_val = 2; return REG_DX; }
bx { yylval.int_val = 3; return REG_BX; }
sp { yylval.int_val = 4; return REG_SP; }
bp { yylval.int_val = 5; return REG_BP; }
si { yylval.int_val = 6; return REG_SI; }
di { yylval.int_val = 7; return REG_DI; }
al { yylval.int_val = 0; return REG_AL; }
cl { yylval.int_val = 1; return REG_CL; }
dl { yylval.int_val = 2; return REG_DL; }
bl { yylval.int_val = 3; return REG_BL; }
ah { yylval.int_val = 4; return REG_AH; }
ch { yylval.int_val = 5; return REG_CH; }
dh { yylval.int_val = 6; return REG_DH; }
bh { yylval.int_val = 7; return REG_BH; }
/* segment registers */
es { yylval.int_val = 0; return REG_ES; }
cs { yylval.int_val = 1; return REG_CS; }
ss { yylval.int_val = 2; return REG_SS; }
ds { yylval.int_val = 3; return REG_DS; }
fs { yylval.int_val = 4; return REG_FS; }
gs { yylval.int_val = 5; return REG_GS; }
/* operators */
"<<" { return LEFT_OP; }
">>" { return RIGHT_OP; }
"//" { return SIGNDIV; }
"%%" { return SIGNMOD; }
[-+|^&*/%~():[\],] { return yytext[0]; }
/* special non-local ..@label and labels like ..start */
$$|$|\.\.[a-z0-9_$#@~.?]+ {
yylval.syminfo.name = strdup(yytext);
if (!yylval.syminfo.name)
yylval.syminfo.line = line_number;
return SPECIAL_ID;
/* local label (.label) */
\.[a-z0-9_$#@~?][a-z0-9_$#@~.?]* {
if (!locallabel_base) {
Warning(_("no non-local label before `%s'"), yytext);
yylval.syminfo.name = strdup(yytext);
if (!yylval.syminfo.name)
} else {
yylval.syminfo.name = malloc(strlen(yytext) +
strlen(locallabel_base->name) + 1);
if (!yylval.syminfo.name)
strcpy(yylval.syminfo.name, locallabel_base->name);
strcat(yylval.syminfo.name, yytext);
yylval.syminfo.line = line_number;
return LOCAL_ID;
/* instructions */
/* label */
[a-z_?][a-z0-9_$#@~.?]* {
yylval.syminfo.name = strdup(yytext);
if (!yylval.syminfo.name)
yylval.syminfo.line = line_number;
return ID;
;.* ;
{WS}+ ;
\n return '\n';
. {
Warning(_("ignoring unrecognized character `%s'"),