Yasm Assembler mainline development tree (ffmpeg 依赖)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

202 lines
4.7 KiB

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef unsigned int uint;
typedef unsigned char uchar;
#define BSIZE 8192
#define YYCTYPE uchar
#define YYCURSOR cursor
#define YYLIMIT s->lim
#define YYMARKER s->ptr
#define YYFILL {cursor = fill(s, cursor);}
#define RETURN(i) {s->cur = cursor; return i;}
typedef struct Scanner {
int fd;
uchar *bot, *tok, *ptr, *cur, *pos, *lim, *top, *eof;
uint line;
} Scanner;
uchar *fill(Scanner *s, uchar *cursor){
uint cnt = s->tok - s->bot;
memcpy(s->bot, s->tok, s->lim - s->tok);
s->tok = s->bot;
s->ptr -= cnt;
cursor -= cnt;
s->pos -= cnt;
s->lim -= cnt;
if((s->top - s->lim) < BSIZE){
uchar *buf = (uchar*) malloc(((s->lim - s->bot) + BSIZE)*sizeof(uchar));
memcpy(buf, s->tok, s->lim - s->tok);
s->tok = buf;
s->ptr = &buf[s->ptr - s->bot];
cursor = &buf[cursor - s->bot];
s->pos = &buf[s->pos - s->bot];
s->lim = &buf[s->lim - s->bot];
s->top = &s->lim[BSIZE];
s->bot = buf;
if((cnt = read(s->fd, (char*) s->lim, BSIZE)) != BSIZE){
s->eof = &s->lim[cnt]; *(s->eof)++ = '\n';
s->lim += cnt;
return cursor;
int scan(Scanner *s){
uchar *cursor = s->cur;
uint depth;
s->tok = cursor;
any = [\000-\377];
digit = [0-9];
letter = [a-zA-Z];
"(*" { depth = 1; goto comment; }
digit + {RETURN(1);}
digit + / ".." {RETURN(1);}
[0-7] + "B" {RETURN(2);}
[0-7] + "C" {RETURN(3);}
digit [0-9A-F] * "H" {RETURN(4);}
digit + "." digit * ("E" ([+-]) ? digit +) ? {RETURN(5);}
['] (any\[\n']) * ['] | ["] (any\[\n"]) * ["] {RETURN(6);}
"#" {RETURN(7);}
"&" {RETURN(8);}
"(" {RETURN(9);}
")" {RETURN(10);}
"*" {RETURN(11);}
"+" {RETURN(12);}
"," {RETURN(13);}
"-" {RETURN(14);}
"." {RETURN(15);}
".." {RETURN(16);}
"/" {RETURN(17);}
":" {RETURN(18);}
":=" {RETURN(19);}
";" {RETURN(20);}
"<" {RETURN(21);}
"<=" {RETURN(22);}
"<>" {RETURN(23);}
"=" {RETURN(24);}
">" {RETURN(25);}
">=" {RETURN(26);}
"[" {RETURN(27);}
"]" {RETURN(28);}
"^" {RETURN(29);}
"{" {RETURN(30);}
"|" {RETURN(31);}
"}" {RETURN(32);}
"~" {RETURN(33);}
"AND" {RETURN(34);}
"BY" {RETURN(37);}
"CASE" {RETURN(38);}
"DIV" {RETURN(41);}
"DO" {RETURN(42);}
"ELSE" {RETURN(43);}
"END" {RETURN(45);}
"EXIT" {RETURN(46);}
"FOR" {RETURN(48);}
"FROM" {RETURN(49);}
"IF" {RETURN(50);}
"IN" {RETURN(53);}
"LOOP" {RETURN(54);}
"MOD" {RETURN(55);}
"NOT" {RETURN(57);}
"OF" {RETURN(58);}
"OR" {RETURN(59);}
"SET" {RETURN(66);}
"THEN" {RETURN(67);}
"TO" {RETURN(68);}
"TYPE" {RETURN(69);}
"VAR" {RETURN(71);}
"WITH" {RETURN(73);}
letter (letter | digit) * {RETURN(74);}
[ \t]+ { goto std; }
if(cursor == s->eof) RETURN(0);
s->pos = cursor; s->line++;
goto std;
printf("unexpected character: %c\n", *s->tok);
goto std;
if(--depth == 0)
goto std;
goto comment;
"(*" { ++depth; goto comment; }
if(cursor == s->eof) RETURN(0);
s->tok = s->pos = cursor; s->line++;
goto comment;
any { goto comment; }
void putStr(FILE *o, char *s, uint l){
while(l-- > 0)
putc(*s++, o);
Scanner in;
memset((char*) &in, 0, sizeof(in));
in.fd = 0;
putc('<', stdout);
putStr(stdout, (char*) in.tok, in.cur - in.tok);
putc('>', stdout);
putc('\n', stdout);