/* * Integer number functions. * * Copyright (C) 2001 Peter Johnson * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND OTHER CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR OTHER CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #define YASM_LIB_INTERNAL #include "util.h" /*@unused@*/ RCSID("$IdPath$"); #include #include "bitvect.h" #include "file.h" #include "errwarn.h" #include "intnum.h" #define BITVECT_ALLOC_SIZE 80 struct yasm_intnum { union val { unsigned long ul; /* integer value (for integers <=32 bits) */ intptr bv; /* bit vector (for integers >32 bits) */ } val; enum { INTNUM_UL, INTNUM_BV } type; unsigned char origsize; /* original (parsed) size, in bits */ }; /* static bitvect used for conversions */ static /*@only@*/ wordptr conv_bv; void yasm_intnum_initialize(void) { conv_bv = BitVector_Create(BITVECT_ALLOC_SIZE, FALSE); BitVector_from_Dec_static_Boot(BITVECT_ALLOC_SIZE); } void yasm_intnum_cleanup(void) { BitVector_Destroy(conv_bv); BitVector_from_Dec_static_Shutdown(); } yasm_intnum * yasm_intnum_new_dec(char *str, unsigned long lindex) { yasm_intnum *intn = yasm_xmalloc(sizeof(yasm_intnum)); intn->origsize = 0; /* no reliable way to figure this out */ if (BitVector_from_Dec_static(conv_bv, (unsigned char *)str) == ErrCode_Ovfl) yasm__warning(YASM_WARN_GENERAL, lindex, N_("Numeric constant too large for internal format")); if (Set_Max(conv_bv) < 32) { intn->type = INTNUM_UL; intn->val.ul = BitVector_Chunk_Read(conv_bv, 32, 0); } else { intn->type = INTNUM_BV; intn->val.bv = BitVector_Clone(conv_bv); } return intn; } yasm_intnum * yasm_intnum_new_bin(char *str, unsigned long lindex) { yasm_intnum *intn = yasm_xmalloc(sizeof(yasm_intnum)); intn->origsize = (unsigned char)strlen(str); if(intn->origsize > BITVECT_ALLOC_SIZE) yasm__warning(YASM_WARN_GENERAL, lindex, N_("Numeric constant too large for internal format")); BitVector_from_Bin(conv_bv, (unsigned char *)str); if (Set_Max(conv_bv) < 32) { intn->type = INTNUM_UL; intn->val.ul = BitVector_Chunk_Read(conv_bv, 32, 0); } else { intn->type = INTNUM_BV; intn->val.bv = BitVector_Clone(conv_bv); } return intn; } yasm_intnum * yasm_intnum_new_oct(char *str, unsigned long lindex) { yasm_intnum *intn = yasm_xmalloc(sizeof(yasm_intnum)); intn->origsize = strlen(str)*3; if(intn->origsize > BITVECT_ALLOC_SIZE) yasm__warning(YASM_WARN_GENERAL, lindex, N_("Numeric constant too large for internal format")); BitVector_from_Oct(conv_bv, (unsigned char *)str); if (Set_Max(conv_bv) < 32) { intn->type = INTNUM_UL; intn->val.ul = BitVector_Chunk_Read(conv_bv, 32, 0); } else { intn->type = INTNUM_BV; intn->val.bv = BitVector_Clone(conv_bv); } return intn; } yasm_intnum * yasm_intnum_new_hex(char *str, unsigned long lindex) { yasm_intnum *intn = yasm_xmalloc(sizeof(yasm_intnum)); intn->origsize = strlen(str)*4; if(intn->origsize > BITVECT_ALLOC_SIZE) yasm__warning(YASM_WARN_GENERAL, lindex, N_("Numeric constant too large for internal format")); BitVector_from_Hex(conv_bv, (unsigned char *)str); if (Set_Max(conv_bv) < 32) { intn->type = INTNUM_UL; intn->val.ul = BitVector_Chunk_Read(conv_bv, 32, 0); } else { intn->type = INTNUM_BV; intn->val.bv = BitVector_Clone(conv_bv); } return intn; } /*@-usedef -compdef -uniondef@*/ yasm_intnum * yasm_intnum_new_charconst_nasm(const char *str, unsigned long lindex) { yasm_intnum *intn = yasm_xmalloc(sizeof(yasm_intnum)); size_t len = strlen(str); if (len > 4) yasm__warning(YASM_WARN_GENERAL, lindex, N_("character constant too large, ignoring trailing characters")); intn->val.ul = 0; intn->type = INTNUM_UL; intn->origsize = len*8; switch (len) { case 4: intn->val.ul |= (unsigned long)str[3]; intn->val.ul <<= 8; /*@fallthrough@*/ case 3: intn->val.ul |= (unsigned long)str[2]; intn->val.ul <<= 8; /*@fallthrough@*/ case 2: intn->val.ul |= (unsigned long)str[1]; intn->val.ul <<= 8; /*@fallthrough@*/ case 1: intn->val.ul |= (unsigned long)str[0]; } return intn; } /*@=usedef =compdef =uniondef@*/ yasm_intnum * yasm_intnum_new_uint(unsigned long i) { yasm_intnum *intn = yasm_xmalloc(sizeof(yasm_intnum)); intn->val.ul = i; intn->type = INTNUM_UL; intn->origsize = 0; return intn; } yasm_intnum * yasm_intnum_new_int(long i) { /* FIXME: Better way of handling signed numbers? */ return yasm_intnum_new_uint((unsigned long)i); } yasm_intnum * yasm_intnum_copy(const yasm_intnum *intn) { yasm_intnum *n = yasm_xmalloc(sizeof(yasm_intnum)); switch (intn->type) { case INTNUM_UL: n->val.ul = intn->val.ul; break; case INTNUM_BV: n->val.bv = BitVector_Clone(intn->val.bv); break; } n->type = intn->type; n->origsize = intn->origsize; return n; } void yasm_intnum_delete(yasm_intnum *intn) { if (intn->type == INTNUM_BV) BitVector_Destroy(intn->val.bv); yasm_xfree(intn); } /*@-nullderef -nullpass -branchstate@*/ void yasm_intnum_calc(yasm_intnum *acc, yasm_expr_op op, yasm_intnum *operand) { wordptr result = (wordptr)NULL, op1 = (wordptr)NULL, op2 = (wordptr)NULL; wordptr spare = (wordptr)NULL; boolean carry; /* upsize to bitvector op if one of two parameters is bitvector already. * BitVector results must be calculated through intermediate storage. */ if (acc->type == INTNUM_BV || (operand && operand->type == INTNUM_BV)) { result = BitVector_Create(BITVECT_ALLOC_SIZE, FALSE); spare = BitVector_Create(BITVECT_ALLOC_SIZE, FALSE); if (acc->type == INTNUM_BV) op1 = acc->val.bv; else { op1 = BitVector_Create(BITVECT_ALLOC_SIZE, TRUE); BitVector_Chunk_Store(op1, 32, 0, acc->val.ul); } if (operand) { if (operand->type == INTNUM_BV) op2 = acc->val.bv; else { op2 = BitVector_Create(BITVECT_ALLOC_SIZE, TRUE); BitVector_Chunk_Store(op2, 32, 0, operand->val.ul); } } } if (!operand && op != YASM_EXPR_NEG && op != YASM_EXPR_NOT && op != YASM_EXPR_LNOT) yasm_internal_error(N_("Operation needs an operand")); /* A operation does a bitvector computation if result is allocated. */ switch (op) { case YASM_EXPR_ADD: if (result) BitVector_add(result, op1, op2, &carry); else acc->val.ul = acc->val.ul + operand->val.ul; break; case YASM_EXPR_SUB: if (result) BitVector_sub(result, op1, op2, &carry); else acc->val.ul = acc->val.ul - operand->val.ul; break; case YASM_EXPR_MUL: if (result) /* TODO: Make sure result size = op1+op2 */ BitVector_Multiply(result, op1, op2); else acc->val.ul = acc->val.ul * operand->val.ul; break; case YASM_EXPR_DIV: if (result) { /* TODO: make sure op1 and op2 are unsigned */ BitVector_Divide(result, op1, op2, spare); } else acc->val.ul = acc->val.ul / operand->val.ul; break; case YASM_EXPR_SIGNDIV: if (result) BitVector_Divide(result, op1, op2, spare); else acc->val.ul = (unsigned long)((signed long)acc->val.ul / (signed long)operand->val.ul); break; case YASM_EXPR_MOD: if (result) { /* TODO: make sure op1 and op2 are unsigned */ BitVector_Divide(spare, op1, op2, result); } else acc->val.ul = acc->val.ul % operand->val.ul; break; case YASM_EXPR_SIGNMOD: if (result) BitVector_Divide(spare, op1, op2, result); else acc->val.ul = (unsigned long)((signed long)acc->val.ul % (signed long)operand->val.ul); break; case YASM_EXPR_NEG: if (result) BitVector_Negate(result, op1); else acc->val.ul = -(acc->val.ul); break; case YASM_EXPR_NOT: if (result) Set_Complement(result, op1); else acc->val.ul = ~(acc->val.ul); break; case YASM_EXPR_OR: if (result) Set_Union(result, op1, op2); else acc->val.ul = acc->val.ul | operand->val.ul; break; case YASM_EXPR_AND: if (result) Set_Intersection(result, op1, op2); else acc->val.ul = acc->val.ul & operand->val.ul; break; case YASM_EXPR_XOR: if (result) Set_ExclusiveOr(result, op1, op2); else acc->val.ul = acc->val.ul ^ operand->val.ul; break; case YASM_EXPR_SHL: if (result) { if (operand->type == INTNUM_UL) { BitVector_Copy(result, op1); BitVector_Move_Left(result, (N_int)operand->val.ul); } else /* don't even bother, just zero result */ BitVector_Empty(result); } else acc->val.ul = acc->val.ul << operand->val.ul; break; case YASM_EXPR_SHR: if (result) { if (operand->type == INTNUM_UL) { BitVector_Copy(result, op1); BitVector_Move_Right(result, (N_int)operand->val.ul); } else /* don't even bother, just zero result */ BitVector_Empty(result); } else acc->val.ul = acc->val.ul >> operand->val.ul; break; case YASM_EXPR_LOR: if (result) { BitVector_Empty(result); BitVector_LSB(result, !BitVector_is_empty(op1) || !BitVector_is_empty(op2)); } else acc->val.ul = acc->val.ul || operand->val.ul; break; case YASM_EXPR_LAND: if (result) { BitVector_Empty(result); BitVector_LSB(result, !BitVector_is_empty(op1) && !BitVector_is_empty(op2)); } else acc->val.ul = acc->val.ul && operand->val.ul; break; case YASM_EXPR_LNOT: if (result) { BitVector_Empty(result); BitVector_LSB(result, BitVector_is_empty(op1)); } else acc->val.ul = !acc->val.ul; break; case YASM_EXPR_EQ: if (result) { BitVector_Empty(result); BitVector_LSB(result, BitVector_equal(op1, op2)); } else acc->val.ul = acc->val.ul == operand->val.ul; break; case YASM_EXPR_LT: if (result) { BitVector_Empty(result); BitVector_LSB(result, BitVector_Lexicompare(op1, op2) < 0); } else acc->val.ul = acc->val.ul < operand->val.ul; break; case YASM_EXPR_GT: if (result) { BitVector_Empty(result); BitVector_LSB(result, BitVector_Lexicompare(op1, op2) > 0); } else acc->val.ul = acc->val.ul > operand->val.ul; break; case YASM_EXPR_LE: if (result) { BitVector_Empty(result); BitVector_LSB(result, BitVector_Lexicompare(op1, op2) <= 0); } else acc->val.ul = acc->val.ul <= operand->val.ul; break; case YASM_EXPR_GE: if (result) { BitVector_Empty(result); BitVector_LSB(result, BitVector_Lexicompare(op1, op2) >= 0); } else acc->val.ul = acc->val.ul >= operand->val.ul; break; case YASM_EXPR_NE: if (result) { BitVector_Empty(result); BitVector_LSB(result, !BitVector_equal(op1, op2)); } else acc->val.ul = acc->val.ul != operand->val.ul; break; case YASM_EXPR_IDENT: if (result) BitVector_Copy(result, op1); break; default: yasm_internal_error(N_("invalid operation in intnum calculation")); } /* If we were doing a bitvector computation... */ if (result) { BitVector_Destroy(spare); if (op1 && acc->type != INTNUM_BV) BitVector_Destroy(op1); if (op2 && operand && operand->type != INTNUM_BV) BitVector_Destroy(op2); /* Try to fit the result into 32 bits if possible */ if (Set_Max(result) < 32) { if (acc->type == INTNUM_BV) { BitVector_Destroy(acc->val.bv); acc->type = INTNUM_UL; } acc->val.ul = BitVector_Chunk_Read(result, 32, 0); BitVector_Destroy(result); } else { if (acc->type == INTNUM_BV) { BitVector_Copy(acc->val.bv, result); BitVector_Destroy(result); } else { acc->type = INTNUM_BV; acc->val.bv = result; } } } } /*@=nullderef =nullpass =branchstate@*/ int yasm_intnum_is_zero(yasm_intnum *intn) { return ((intn->type == INTNUM_UL && intn->val.ul == 0) || (intn->type == INTNUM_BV && BitVector_is_empty(intn->val.bv))); } int yasm_intnum_is_pos1(yasm_intnum *intn) { return ((intn->type == INTNUM_UL && intn->val.ul == 1) || (intn->type == INTNUM_BV && Set_Max(intn->val.bv) == 0)); } int yasm_intnum_is_neg1(yasm_intnum *intn) { return ((intn->type == INTNUM_UL && (long)intn->val.ul == -1) || (intn->type == INTNUM_BV && BitVector_is_full(intn->val.bv))); } unsigned long yasm_intnum_get_uint(const yasm_intnum *intn) { switch (intn->type) { case INTNUM_UL: return intn->val.ul; case INTNUM_BV: return BitVector_Chunk_Read(intn->val.bv, 32, 0); default: yasm_internal_error(N_("unknown intnum type")); /*@notreached@*/ return 0; } } long yasm_intnum_get_int(const yasm_intnum *intn) { switch (intn->type) { case INTNUM_UL: return (long)intn->val.ul; case INTNUM_BV: if (BitVector_msb_(intn->val.bv)) { /* it's negative: negate the bitvector to get a positive * number, then negate the positive number. */ intptr abs_bv = BitVector_Create(BITVECT_ALLOC_SIZE, FALSE); long retval; BitVector_Negate(abs_bv, intn->val.bv); retval = -((long)BitVector_Chunk_Read(abs_bv, 32, 0)); BitVector_Destroy(abs_bv); return retval; } else return (long)BitVector_Chunk_Read(intn->val.bv, 32, 0); default: yasm_internal_error(N_("unknown intnum type")); /*@notreached@*/ return 0; } } void yasm_intnum_get_sized(const yasm_intnum *intn, unsigned char *ptr, size_t size) { unsigned long ul; unsigned char *buf; unsigned int len; switch (intn->type) { case INTNUM_UL: ul = intn->val.ul; while (size-- > 0) { YASM_WRITE_8(ptr, ul); if (ul != 0) ul >>= 8; } break; case INTNUM_BV: buf = BitVector_Block_Read(intn->val.bv, &len); if (len < (unsigned int)size) yasm_internal_error(N_("Invalid size specified (too large)")); memcpy(ptr, buf, size); yasm_xfree(buf); break; } } /* Return 1 if okay size, 0 if not */ int yasm_intnum_check_size(const yasm_intnum *intn, size_t size, int is_signed) { if (is_signed) { long absl; switch (intn->type) { case INTNUM_UL: if (size >= 4) return 1; /* absl = absolute value of (long)intn->val.ul */ absl = (long)intn->val.ul; if (absl < 0) absl = -absl; switch (size) { case 3: return ((absl & 0x00FFFFFF) == absl); case 2: return ((absl & 0x0000FFFF) == absl); case 1: return ((absl & 0x000000FF) == absl); } break; case INTNUM_BV: if (size >= 10) return 1; if (BitVector_msb_(intn->val.bv)) { /* it's negative */ intptr abs_bv = BitVector_Create(BITVECT_ALLOC_SIZE, FALSE); int retval; BitVector_Negate(abs_bv, intn->val.bv); retval = Set_Max(abs_bv) < (long)(size*8); BitVector_Destroy(abs_bv); return retval; } else return (Set_Max(intn->val.bv) < (long)(size*8)); } } else { switch (intn->type) { case INTNUM_UL: if (size >= 4) return 1; switch (size) { case 3: return ((intn->val.ul & 0x00FFFFFF) == intn->val.ul); case 2: return ((intn->val.ul & 0x0000FFFF) == intn->val.ul); case 1: return ((intn->val.ul & 0x000000FF) == intn->val.ul); } break; case INTNUM_BV: if (size >= 10) return 1; else return (Set_Max(intn->val.bv) < (long)(size*8)); } } return 0; } void yasm_intnum_print(FILE *f, const yasm_intnum *intn) { unsigned char *s; switch (intn->type) { case INTNUM_UL: fprintf(f, "0x%lx/%u", intn->val.ul, (unsigned int)intn->origsize); break; case INTNUM_BV: s = BitVector_to_Hex(intn->val.bv); fprintf(f, "0x%s/%u", (char *)s, (unsigned int)intn->origsize); yasm_xfree(s); break; } }