#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $IdPath$
# Generates NASM-compatible bison.y and token.l from instrs.dat.
# Copyright (C) 2001 Michael Urman
# This file is part of YASM.
# YASM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# YASM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
my $VERSION = "0.0.1";
# useful constants for instruction arrays
# common
use constant INST => 0;
use constant OPERANDS => 1;
# general format
use constant OPSIZE => 2;
use constant OPCODE => 3;
use constant EFFADDR => 4;
use constant IMM => 5;
use constant CPU => 6;
# relative target format
use constant ADSIZE => 2;
use constant SHORTOPCODE => 3;
use constant NEAROPCODE => 4;
use constant SHORTCPU => 5;
use constant NEARCPU => 6;
use constant TOO_MANY_ERRORS => 20;
# default options
my $instrfile = 'instrs.dat';
my $tokenfile = 'token.l';
my $tokensource;
my $grammarfile = 'bison.y';
my $grammarsource;
my $showversion;
my $showusage;
my $dry_run;
# allow overrides
my $gotopts = GetOptions ( 'input=s' => \$instrfile,
'token=s' => \$tokenfile,
'sourcetoken=s' => \$tokensource,
'grammar=s' => \$grammarfile,
'sourcegrammar=s' => \$grammarsource,
'version' => \$showversion,
'n|dry-run' => \$dry_run,
'help|usage' => \$showusage,
&showusage and exit 1 unless $gotopts;
&showversion if $showversion;
&showusage if $showusage;
exit 0 if $showversion or $showusage;
# valid values for instrs.dat fields
my $valid_regs = join '|', qw(
fpureg FPUREG_NOTST0 ST0 ST1 ST2 ST3 ST4 ST5 ST6 ST7 mem imm
imm8 imm16 imm32 imm64 imm80 imm128
imm8x imm16x imm32x imm64x imm80x imm128x
rm8 rm16 rm32 rm1632 rm64 rm80 rm128
rm8x rm16x rm32x rm1632x rm64x rm80x rm128x
reg8 reg16 reg32 reg1632 reg64 reg80 reg128
reg8x reg16x reg32x reg1632x reg64x reg80x reg128x
mem8 mem16 mem32 mem1632 mem64 mem80 mem128
mem8x mem16x mem32x mem1632x mem64x mem80x mem128x
target memfar
my $valid_opcodes = join '|', qw(
my $valid_cpus = join '|', qw(
8086 186 286 386 486 P4 P5 P6
@0 @1
# track errors and warnings rather than die'ing on the first.
my (@messages, $errcount, $warncount);
sub die_with_errors (@)
foreach (@_) { print; };
if ($errcount)
print "Dying with errors\n";
exit -1;
my ($groups) = &read_instructions ($instrfile);
die_with_errors @messages;
exit 0 if $dry_run; # done with simple verification, so exit
unless ($dry_run)
&output_lex ($tokenfile, $tokensource, $groups);
&output_yacc ($grammarfile, $grammarsource, $groups);
# print version for --version, etc.
sub showversion
print "YASM gen_instr.pl $VERSION\n";
# print usage information for --help, etc.
sub showusage
print <<"EOF";
Usage: gen_instrs.pl [-i input] [-t tokenfile] [-g grammarfile]
-i, --input instructions file (default: $instrfile)
-t, --token token output file (default: $tokenfile)
-st, --sourcetoken token input file (default: $tokenfile.in)
-g, --grammar grammar output file (default: $grammarfile)
-sg, --sourcegrammar grammar input file (default: $grammarfile.in)
-v, --version show version and exit
-h, --help, --usage show this message and exit
-n, --dry-run verify input file without writing output files
# read in instructions, and verify they're valid (well, mostly)
sub read_instructions ($)
my $instrfile = shift || die;
open INPUT, "< $instrfile" or die "Cannot open '$instrfile' for reading: $!\n";
my %instr;
my %groups;
sub add_group_rule ($$$$)
my ($inst, $args, $groups, $instrfile) = splice @_;
# slide $0.\d down by one.
# i still say changing instrs.dat would be better ;)
$args =~ s/\$0\.([1-4])/ '$0.' . ($1-1) /eg;
# detect relative target format by looking for "target" in args
if($args =~ m/target/oi)
my ($op, $size, $shortopcode, $nearopcode, $shortcpu, $nearcpu) =
split /\t+/, $args;
eval {
die "Invalid group name\n"
if $inst !~ m/^!\w+$/o;
die "Invalid Operands\n"
if $op !~ m/^(nil|((TO|WORD|DWORD)\s)?(?:$valid_regs)([,:](?:$valid_regs)){0,2})$/oi;
die "Invalid Address Size\n"
if $size !~ m/^(nil|16|32|\$0\.\d)$/oi;
die "Invalid Short Opcode\n"
if $shortopcode !~ m/^(nil|(?:$valid_opcodes)(,(?:$valid_opcodes)){0,2}(\+(\$\d|\$0\.\d|\d))?)$/oi;
die "Invalid Near Opcode\n"
if $nearopcode !~ m/^(nil|(?:$valid_opcodes)(,(?:$valid_opcodes)){0,2}(\+(\$\d|\$0\.\d|\d))?)$/oi;
die "Invalid Short CPU\n"
if $shortcpu !~ m/^(?:$valid_cpus)(?:,(?:$valid_cpus))*$/o;
die "Invalid Near CPU\n"
if $nearcpu !~ m/^(?:$valid_cpus)(?:,(?:$valid_cpus))*$/o;
push @messages, "Malformed Instruction at $instrfile line $.: $@" and $errcount++ if $@;
die_with_errors @messages if $errcount and @messages>=TOO_MANY_ERRORS;
# knock the ! off of $inst for the groupname
$inst = substr $inst, 1;
push @{$groups->{$inst}{rules}}, [$inst, $op, $size, $shortopcode, $nearopcode, $shortcpu, $nearcpu];
} else {
my ($op, $size, $opcode, $eff, $imm, $cpu) = split /\t+/, $args;
eval {
die "Invalid group name\n"
if $inst !~ m/^!\w+$/o;
die "Invalid Operands\n"
if $op !~ m/^(nil|((TO|WORD|DWORD)\s)?(?:$valid_regs)([,:](?:$valid_regs)){0,2})$/oi;
die "Invalid Operation Size\n"
if $size !~ m/^(nil|16|32|\$0\.\d)$/oi;
die "Invalid Opcode\n"
if $opcode !~ m/^(?:$valid_opcodes)(,(?:$valid_opcodes)){0,2}(\+(\$\d|\$0\.\d|\d))?$/oi;
die "Invalid Effective Address\n"
if $eff !~ m/^(nil|\$?\d(r?,(\$?\d|\$0.\d)(\+\d)?|i,(nil|16|32)))$/oi;
die "Invalid Immediate Operand\n"
if $imm !~ m/^(nil|((\$\d|[0-9A-F]{2}|\$0\.\d),(((8|16|32)s?))?))$/oi;
die "Invalid CPU\n"
if $cpu !~ m/^(?:$valid_cpus)(?:,(?:$valid_cpus))*$/o;
push @messages, "Malformed Instruction at $instrfile line $.: $@" and $errcount++ if $@;
die_with_errors @messages if $errcount and @messages>=TOO_MANY_ERRORS;
# knock the ! off of $inst for the groupname
$inst = substr $inst, 1;
push @{$groups->{$inst}{rules}}, [$inst, $op, $size, $opcode, $eff, $imm, $cpu];
sub add_group_member ($$$$$)
my ($handle, $fullargs, $groups, $instr, $instrfile) = splice @_;
my ($inst, $group) = split /!/, $handle;
my ($args, $cpu) = split /\t+/, $fullargs;
eval {
die "Invalid instruction name\n"
if $inst !~ m/^\w+$/o;
die "Invalid group name\n"
if $group !~ m/^\w+$/o;
die "Invalid CPU\n"
if $cpu and $cpu !~ m/^(?:$valid_cpus)(?:,(?:$valid_cpus))*$/o;
push @messages, "Malformed Instruction at $instrfile line $.: Group $group not yet defined\n"
unless exists $groups->{$group};
push @messages, "Malformed Instruction at $instrfile line $.: $@" and $errcount++ if $@;
# only allow multiple instances of instructions that aren't of a group
push @messages, "Multiple Definiton for instruction $inst at $instrfile line $.\n" and $errcount++
if exists $instr->{$inst} and not exists $groups->{$inst};
die_with_errors @messages if $errcount and @messages>=TOO_MANY_ERRORS;
push @{$groups->{$group}{members}}, [$inst, $group, $args, $cpu];
$instr->{$inst} = 1;
while (<INPUT>)
next if /^\s*(?:;.*)$/;
my ($handle, $args) = split /\t+/, $_, 2;
# pseudo hack to handle original style instructions (no group)
if ($handle =~ m/^\w+$/)
# TODO: this has some long ranging effects, as the eventual
# bison rules get tagged <groupdata> when they don't need
# to, etc. Fix this sometime.
add_group_rule ("!$handle", $args, \%groups, $instrfile);
add_group_member ("$handle!$handle", "", \%groups, \%instr,
elsif ($handle =~ m/^!\w+$/)
add_group_rule ($handle, $args, \%groups, $instrfile);
elsif ($handle =~ m/^\w+!\w+$/)
add_group_member ($handle, $args, \%groups, \%instr,
# TODO: consider if this is necessary: Pete?
# (add_group_member_synonym is -not- implemented)
#elsif ($handle =~ m/^:\w+$/)
# add_group_member_synonym ($handle, $args);
close INPUT;
return (\%groups);
sub output_lex ($@)
my $tokenfile = shift or die;
my $tokensource = shift;
$tokensource ||= "$tokenfile.in";
my $groups = shift or die;
open IN, "< $tokensource" or die "Cannot open '$tokensource' for reading: $!\n";
open TOKEN, "> $tokenfile" or die "Cannot open '$tokenfile' for writing: $!\n";
while (<IN>)
# Replace token.l.in /* @INSTRUCTIONS@ */ with generated content
if (m{/[*]\s*[@]INSTRUCTIONS[@]\s*[*]/})
foreach my $grp (sort keys %$groups)
my %printed;
my $group = $grp; $group =~ s/^!//;
foreach my $grp (@{$groups->{$grp}{members}})
unless (exists $printed{$grp->[0]})
$printed{$grp->[0]} = 1;
my @groupdata;
if ($grp->[2])
@groupdata = split ",", $grp->[2];
for (my $i=0; $i < @groupdata; ++$i)
$groupdata[$i] =~ s/nil/0/;
$groupdata[$i] = " yylval.groupdata[$i] = 0x$groupdata[$i];";
$groupdata[-1] .= "\n\t ";
printf TOKEN "%-12s{%s return %-20s }\n",
(join "\n\t ", @groupdata),
# TODO: change appropriate GRP_FOO back to
# INS_FOO's. not functionally important;
# just pedantically so.
print TOKEN $_;
close IN;
close TOKEN;
# helper functions for yacc output
sub rule_header ($ $ $)
my ($rule, $tokens, $count) = splice (@_);
$count ? " | $tokens {\n" : "$rule: $tokens {\n";
sub rule_footer ()
return " }\n";
sub cond_action_if ( $ $ $ $ $ $ $ )
my ($rule, $tokens, $count, $regarg, $val, $func, $a_eax) = splice (@_);
return rule_header ($rule, $tokens, $count) . <<"EOF";
if (\$$regarg == $val) {
\$\$ = $func(@$a_eax);
sub cond_action_elsif ( $ $ $ $ )
my ($regarg, $val, $func, $a_eax) = splice (@_);
return <<"EOF";
else if (\$$regarg == $val) {
\$\$ = $func(@$a_eax);
sub cond_action_else ( $ $ )
my ($func, $a_args) = splice (@_);
return <<"EOF" . rule_footer;
else {
\$\$ = $func (@$a_args);
sub cond_action ( $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ )
my ($rule, $tokens, $count, $regarg, $val, $func, $a_eax, $a_args)
= splice (@_);
return cond_action_if ($rule, $tokens, $count, $regarg, $val, $func,
$a_eax) . cond_action_else ($func, $a_args);
#sub action ( $ $ $ $ $ )
sub action ( @ $ )
my ($rule, $tokens, $func, $a_args, $count) = splice @_;
return rule_header ($rule, $tokens, $count)
. " \$\$ = $func (@$a_args);\n"
. rule_footer;
sub action_setshiftflag ( @ $ )
my ($rule, $tokens, $func, $a_args, $count) = splice @_;
return rule_header ($rule, $tokens, $count)
. " \$\$ = $func (@$a_args);\n"
. " SetInsnShiftFlag(\$\$);\n"
. rule_footer;
sub get_token_number ( $ $ )
my ($tokens, $str) = splice @_;
$tokens =~ s/$str.*/x/; # hold its place
my @f = split /\s+/, $tokens;
return scalar @f;
sub output_yacc ($@)
my $grammarfile = shift or die;
my $grammarsource = shift;
$grammarsource ||= "$grammarfile.in";
my $groups = shift or die;
open IN, "< $grammarsource" or die "Cannot open '$grammarsource' for reading: $!\n";
open GRAMMAR, "> $grammarfile" or die "Cannot open '$grammarfile' for writing: $!\n";
while (<IN>)
if (m{/[*]\s*[@]TOKENS[@]\s*[*]/})
my $len = length("%token <groupdata>");
print GRAMMAR "%token <groupdata>";
foreach my $group (sort keys %$groups)
if ($len + length("GRP_$group") < 76)
print GRAMMAR " GRP_\U$group\E";
$len += length(" GRP_$group");
print GRAMMAR "\n%token <groupdata> GRP_\U$group\E";
$len = length("%token <groupdata> GRP_$group");
print GRAMMAR "\n";
elsif (m{/[*]\s*[@]TYPES[@]\s*[*]/})
my $len = length("%type <bc>");
print GRAMMAR "%type <bc>";
foreach my $group (sort keys %$groups)
if ($len + length($group) < 76)
print GRAMMAR " $group";
$len += length(" $group");
print GRAMMAR "\n%type <bc> $group";
$len = length("%type <bc> $group");
print GRAMMAR "\n";
elsif (m{/[*]\s*[@]INSTRUCTIONS[@]\s*[*]/})
# list every kind of instruction that instrbase can be
print GRAMMAR "instrbase: ",
join( "\n | ", sort keys %$groups), "\n;\n";
my ($ONE, $AL, $AX, $EAX); # need the outer scope
# list the arguments and actions (buildbc)
#foreach my $instrname (sort keys %$instrlist)
foreach my $group (sort keys %$groups)
# I'm still convinced this is a hack. The idea is if
# within an instruction we see certain versions of the
# opcodes with ONE, or REG_E?A[LX],imm(8|16|32). If we
# do, defer generation of the action, as we may need to
# fold it into another version with a conditional to
# generate the more efficient variant of the opcode
# BUT, if we don't fold it in, we have to generate the
# original version we would have otherwise.
($ONE, $AL, $AX, $EAX) = (0, 0, 0, 0);
# Folding for xchg (REG_E?AX,reg16 and reg16,REG_E?AX).
(@XCHG_AX, @XCHG_EAX) = ((0, 0), (0, 0));
my $count = 0;
foreach my $inst (@{$groups->{$group}{rules}}) {
if($inst->[OPERANDS] =~ m/target/oi)
# relative target format
# build the instruction in pieces.
# rulename = instruction
my $rule = "$inst->[INST]";
# tokens it eats: instruction and arguments
# nil => no arguments
my $tokens = "\Ugrp_$rule\E";
$tokens .= " $inst->[OPERANDS]"
if $inst->[OPERANDS] ne 'nil';
$tokens =~ s/,/ ',' /g;
$tokens =~ s/:/ ':' /g;
my $func = "bytecode_new_jmprel";
# Create the argument list for bytecode_new
my @args;
# Target argument: HACK: Always assumed to be arg 1.
push @args, '&$2,';
# test for short opcode "nil"
if($inst->[SHORTOPCODE] =~ m/nil/)
push @args, '0, 0, 0, 0,';
# number of bytes of short opcode
push @args, (scalar(()=$inst->[SHORTOPCODE] =~ m/(,)/)+1) . ",";
# opcode piece 1 (and 2 and 3 if attached)
push @args, $inst->[SHORTOPCODE];
$args[-1] =~ s/,/, /;
$args[-1] =~ s/([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})/0x$1/g;
# don't match $0.\d in the following rule.
$args[-1] =~ s/\$(\d+)(?!\.)/"\$" . ($1*2)/eg;
$args[-1] .= ',';
# opcode piece 2 (if not attached)
push @args, "0," if $inst->[SHORTOPCODE] !~ m/,/o;
# opcode piece 3 (if not attached)
push @args, "0," if $inst->[SHORTOPCODE] !~ m/,.*,/o;
# test for near opcode "nil"
if($inst->[NEAROPCODE] =~ m/nil/)
push @args, '0, 0, 0, 0,';
# number of bytes of near opcode
push @args, (scalar(()=$inst->[NEAROPCODE] =~ m/(,)/)+1) . ",";
# opcode piece 1 (and 2 and 3 if attached)
push @args, $inst->[NEAROPCODE];
$args[-1] =~ s/,/, /;
$args[-1] =~ s/([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})/0x$1/g;
# don't match $0.\d in the following rule.
$args[-1] =~ s/\$(\d+)(?!\.)/"\$" . ($1*2)/eg;
$args[-1] .= ',';
# opcode piece 2 (if not attached)
push @args, "0," if $inst->[NEAROPCODE] !~ m/,/o;
# opcode piece 3 (if not attached)
push @args, "0," if $inst->[NEAROPCODE] !~ m/,.*,/o;
# address size
push @args, "$inst->[ADSIZE]";
$args[-1] =~ s/nil/0/;
# now that we've constructed the arglist, subst $0.\d
s/\$0\.(\d+)/\$1\[$1\]/g foreach (@args);
# generate the grammar
print GRAMMAR action ($rule, $tokens, $func, \@args, $count++);
# general instruction format
# build the instruction in pieces.
# rulename = instruction
my $rule = "$inst->[INST]";
# tokens it eats: instruction and arguments
# nil => no arguments
my $tokens = "\Ugrp_$rule\E";
$tokens .= " $inst->[OPERANDS]"
if $inst->[OPERANDS] ne 'nil';
$tokens =~ s/,/ ',' /g;
$tokens =~ s/:/ ':' /g;
# offset args
my $to = $tokens =~ m/\b(TO|WORD|DWORD)\b/ ? 1 : 0;
my $func = "bytecode_new_insn";
# Create the argument list for bytecode_new
my @args;
# operand size
push @args, "$inst->[OPSIZE],";
$args[-1] =~ s/nil/0/;
# number of bytes of opcodes
push @args, (scalar(()=$inst->[OPCODE] =~ m/(,)/)+1) . ",";
# opcode piece 1 (and 2 and 3 if attached)
push @args, $inst->[OPCODE];
$args[-1] =~ s/,/, /;
$args[-1] =~ s/([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})/0x$1/g;
# don't match $0.\d in the following rule.
$args[-1] =~ s/\$(\d+)(?!\.)/"\$" . ($1*2+$to)/eg;
$args[-1] .= ',';
# opcode piece 2 (if not attached)
push @args, "0," if $inst->[OPCODE] !~ m/,/o;
# opcode piece 3 (if not attached)
push @args, "0," if $inst->[OPCODE] !~ m/,.*,/o;
# effective addresses
push @args, $inst->[EFFADDR];
$args[-1] =~ s/,/, /;
$args[-1] =~ s/^nil$/(effaddr *)NULL, 0/;
$args[-1] =~ s/nil/0/;
# don't let a $0.\d match slip into the following rules.
$args[-1] =~ s/\$(\d+)([ri])?(?!\.)/"\$".($1*2+$to).($2||'')/eg;
#$args[-1] =~ s/(\$\d+[ri]?)(?!\.)/\&$1/; # Just the first!
$args[-1] =~ s/(\$\d+)r/effaddr_new_reg($1)/;
$args[-1] =~ s[(\$\d+)i,\s*(\d+)]
["effaddr_new_imm(\&$1, ".($2/8)."), 0"]e;
$args[-1] .= ',';
die $args[-1] if $args[-1] =~ m/\d+[ri]/;
# immediate sources
push @args, $inst->[IMM];
$args[-1] =~ s/,/, /;
$args[-1] =~ s/nil/(immval *)NULL, 0/;
# don't match $0.\d in the following rules.
$args[-1] =~ s/\$(\d+)(?!\.)/"\$".($1*2+$to).($2||'')/eg;
$args[-1] =~ s/(\$\d+)(?!\.)/\&$1/; # Just the first!
$args[-1] =~ s[^([0-9A-Fa-f]+),]
[ConvertIntToImm((immval *)NULL, 0x$1),];
$args[-1] =~ s[^\$0.(\d+),]
[ConvertIntToImm((immval *)NULL, \$1\[$1\]),];
# divide the second, and only the second, by 8 bits/byte
$args[-1] =~ s#(,\s*)(\d+)(s)?#$1 . ($2/8)#eg;
$args[-1] .= ($3||'') eq 's' ? ', 1' : ', 0';
die $args[-1] if $args[-1] =~ m/\d+s/;
# now that we've constructed the arglist, subst $0.\d
s/\$0\.(\d+)/\$1\[$1\]/g foreach (@args);
# see if we match one of the cases to defer
if (($inst->[OPERANDS]||"") =~ m/,ONE/)
$ONE = [ $rule, $tokens, $func, \@args];
elsif (($inst->[OPERANDS]||"") =~ m/REG_AL,imm8/)
$AL = [ $rule, $tokens, $func, \@args];
elsif (($inst->[OPERANDS]||"") =~ m/REG_AX,imm16/)
$AX = [ $rule, $tokens, $func, \@args];
elsif (($inst->[OPERANDS]||"") =~ m/REG_EAX,imm32/)
$EAX = [ $rule, $tokens, $func, \@args];
elsif (($inst->[OPERANDS]||"") =~ m/REG_AX,reg16/)
$XCHG_AX[0] = [ $rule, $tokens, $func, \@args];
elsif (($inst->[OPERANDS]||"") =~ m/reg16,REG_AX/)
$XCHG_AX[1] = [ $rule, $tokens, $func, \@args];
elsif (($inst->[OPERANDS]||"") =~ m/REG_EAX,reg32/)
$XCHG_EAX[0] = [ $rule, $tokens, $func, \@args];
elsif (($inst->[OPERANDS]||"") =~ m/reg32,REG_EAX/)
$XCHG_EAX[1] = [ $rule, $tokens, $func, \@args];
# or if we've deferred and we match the folding version
elsif ($ONE and ($inst->[OPERANDS]||"") =~ m/imm8/)
$ONE->[4] = 1;
# Output a normal version except imm8 -> imm8x
# (BYTE override always makes longer version, and
# we don't want to conflict with the imm version
# we output right after this one.
$tokens =~ s/imm8/imm8x/;
print GRAMMAR action ($rule, $tokens, $func, \@args, $count++);
# Now output imm version, with second opcode byte
# set to ,1 opcode. Also call SetInsnShiftFlag().
$tokens =~ s/imm8x/imm/;
die "no space for ONE?" if $args[3] !~ m/0,/;
$args[3] = $ONE->[3]->[2];
print GRAMMAR action_setshiftflag ($rule, $tokens, $func, \@args, $count++);
elsif ($AL and ($inst->[OPERANDS]||"") =~ m/reg8,imm/)
$AL->[4] = 1;
my $regarg = get_token_number ($tokens, "reg8");
print GRAMMAR cond_action ($rule, $tokens, $count++, $regarg, 0, $func, $AL->[3], \@args);
elsif ($AX and ($inst->[OPERANDS]||"") =~ m/reg16,imm/)
$AX->[4] = 1;
my $regarg = get_token_number ($tokens, "reg16");
print GRAMMAR cond_action ($rule, $tokens, $count++, $regarg, 0, $func, $AX->[3], \@args);
elsif ($EAX and ($inst->[OPERANDS]||"") =~ m/reg32,imm/)
$EAX->[4] = 1;
my $regarg = get_token_number ($tokens, "reg32");
print GRAMMAR cond_action ($rule, $tokens, $count++, $regarg, 0, $func, $EAX->[3], \@args);
elsif (($XCHG_AX[0] or $XCHG_AX[1]) and
($inst->[OPERANDS]||"") =~ m/reg16,reg16/)
my $first = 1;
for (my $i=0; $i < @XCHG_AX; ++$i)
$XCHG_AX[$i]->[4] = 1;
# This is definitely a hack. The "right"
# way to do this would be to enhance
# get_token_number to get the nth reg16
# instead of always getting the first.
my $regarg =
get_token_number ($tokens, "reg16")
+ $i*2;
if ($first)
print GRAMMAR cond_action_if ($rule, $tokens, $count++, $regarg, 0, $func, $XCHG_AX[$i]->[3]);
$first = 0;
print GRAMMAR cond_action_elsif ($regarg, 0, $func, $XCHG_AX[$i]->[3]);
print GRAMMAR cond_action_else ($func, \@args);
elsif (($XCHG_EAX[0] or $XCHG_EAX[1]) and
($inst->[OPERANDS]||"") =~ m/reg32,reg32/)
my $first = 1;
for (my $i=0; $i < @XCHG_EAX; ++$i)
$XCHG_EAX[$i]->[4] = 1;
# This is definitely a hack. The "right"
# way to do this would be to enhance
# get_token_number to get the nth reg32
# instead of always getting the first.
my $regarg =
get_token_number ($tokens, "reg32")
+ $i*2;
if ($first)
print GRAMMAR cond_action_if ($rule, $tokens, $count++, $regarg, 0, $func, $XCHG_EAX[$i]->[3]);
$first = 0;
print GRAMMAR cond_action_elsif ($regarg, 0, $func, $XCHG_EAX[$i]->[3]);
print GRAMMAR cond_action_else ($func, \@args);
# otherwise, generate the normal version
print GRAMMAR action ($rule, $tokens, $func, \@args, $count++);
# catch deferreds that haven't been folded in.
if ($ONE and not $ONE->[4])
print GRAMMAR action (@$ONE, $count++);
if ($AL and not $AL->[4])
print GRAMMAR action (@$AL, $count++);
if ($AX and not $AL->[4])
print GRAMMAR action (@$AX, $count++);
if ($EAX and not $AL->[4])
print GRAMMAR action (@$EAX, $count++);
# print error action
# ASSUMES: at least one previous action exists
print GRAMMAR " | \Ugrp_$group\E error {\n";
print GRAMMAR " Error (_(\"expression syntax error\"));\n";
print GRAMMAR " }\n";
# terminate the rule
print GRAMMAR ";\n";
print GRAMMAR $_;
close IN;
close GRAMMAR;