package An official xmake package repository
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104 lines
4.5 KiB
104 lines
4.5 KiB
-- Usage: |
-- |
-- add_rules("@commonlibsse-ng/plugin", { |
-- name = "Plugin name", |
-- author = "Author name", |
-- description = "Plugin description", |
-- email = "", |
-- options = { |
-- address_library = true, |
-- signature_scanning = false |
-- } |
-- }) |
rule("plugin") |
add_deps("win.sdk.resource") |
on_config(function(target) |
import("core.base.semver") |
import("core.project.project") |
target:set("kind", "shared") |
target:set("arch", "x64") |
local version = or "0.0.0") |
local configs = target:extraconf("rules", "@commonlibsse-ng/plugin") |
local config_dir = path.join(target:autogendir(), "rules", "plugin") |
local file =, "version.rc"), "w") |
if file then |
file:print("#include <winres.h>") |
file:print("") |
file:print("1 VERSIONINFO") |
file:print("FILEVERSION %s, %s, %s, 0", version:major(), version:minor(), version:patch()) |
file:print("PRODUCTVERSION %s, %s, %s, 0", version:major(), version:minor(), version:patch()) |
file:print("FILEFLAGSMASK 0x17L") |
file:print("#ifdef _DEBUG") |
file:print(" FILEFLAGS 0x1L") |
file:print("#else") |
file:print(" FILEFLAGS 0x0L") |
file:print("#endif") |
file:print("FILEOS 0x4L") |
file:print("FILETYPE 0x1L") |
file:print("FILESUBTYPE 0x0L") |
file:print("BEGIN") |
file:print(" BLOCK \"StringFileInfo\"") |
file:print(" BEGIN") |
file:print(" BLOCK \"040904b0\"") |
file:print(" BEGIN") |
file:print(" VALUE \"FileDescription\", \"%s\"", configs.description or "") |
file:print(" VALUE \"FileVersion\", \"%s.0\"", target:version() or "0.0.0") |
file:print(" VALUE \"InternalName\", \"%s\"", or target:name()) |
file:print(" VALUE \"LegalCopyright\", \"%s, %s\"", or "", target:license() or "Unknown License") |
file:print(" VALUE \"ProductName\", \"%s\"", or "") |
file:print(" VALUE \"ProductVersion\", \"%s.0\"", project.version() or "0.0.0") |
file:print(" END") |
file:print(" END") |
file:print(" BLOCK \"VarFileInfo\"") |
file:print(" BEGIN") |
file:print(" VALUE \"Translation\", 0x409, 1200") |
file:print(" END") |
file:print("END") |
file:close() |
end |
file =, "plugin.cpp"), "w") |
if file then |
local struct_compat = "Independent" |
local runtime_compat = "AddressLibrary" |
if configs.options then |
local address_library = configs.options.address_library or true |
local signature_scanning = configs.options.signature_scanning or false |
if not address_library and signature_scanning then |
runtime_compat = "SignatureScanning" |
end |
end |
file:print("#include <SKSE/SKSE.h>") |
file:print("#include <REL/Relocation.h>") |
file:print("") |
file:print("using namespace std::literals;") |
file:print("") |
file:print("SKSEPluginInfo(") |
file:print(" .Version = { %s, %s, %s, 0 },", version:major(), version:minor(), version:patch()) |
file:print(" .Name = \"%s\"sv,", or target:name()) |
file:print(" .Author = \"%s\"sv,", or "") |
file:print(" .SupportEmail = \"%s\"sv,", or "") |
file:print(" .StructCompatibility = SKSE::StructCompatibility::%s,", struct_compat) |
file:print(" .RuntimeCompatibility = SKSE::VersionIndependence::%s", runtime_compat) |
file:print(")") |
file:close() |
end |
target:add("files", path.join(config_dir, "version.rc")) |
target:add("files", path.join(config_dir, "plugin.cpp")) |
target:add("defines", "UNICODE", "_UNICODE") |
target:add("cxxflags", "/permissive-", "/Zc:alignedNew", "/Zc:__cplusplus", "/Zc:forScope", "/Zc:ternary") |
if target:has_tool("cxx", "cl") then |
target:add("cxxflags", "/Zc:externConstexpr", "/Zc:hiddenFriend", "/Zc:preprocessor", "/Zc:referenceBinding") |
end |