package An official xmake package repository
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All Supported Packages

linux windows mingw iphoneos macosx android
boost boost catch2 catch2 autoconf catch2
bullet3 bzip2 concurrentqueue cjson automake cjson
bzip2 cairo cpp-taskflow concurrentqueue boost concurrentqueue
cairo catch2 doctest cpp-taskflow bullet3 cpp-taskflow
catch2 concurrentqueue fmt doctest bzip2 doctest
cjson cpp-taskflow gtest fmt cairo ffmpeg
concurrentqueue doctest imgui gtest catch2 fmt
cpp-taskflow expat inja imgui cjson gtest
doctest fmt libjpeg inja cmake imgui
expat freeglut nlohmann_json json-c concurrentqueue inja
ffmpeg freetype pcre libcurl cpp-taskflow json-c
fmt glew pcre2 libev doctest libjpeg
fontconfig go spdlog libffi expat libpng
freeglut gtest tbox libjpeg ffmpeg libuv
freetype imgui xz libpng fmt libxml2
gettext inja zlib libuv fontconfig lua
glew libcurl libxml2 freetype nlohmann_json
glib libjpeg nlohmann_json gettext spdlog
go libpng spdlog glew tbox
gperf libsdl tbox glib zlib
gtest libtiff zlib go
icu4c libuv gperf
imgui libwebsockets gtest
inja lua icu4c
json-c luajit imgui
libcurl nana inja
libev nlohmann_json json-c
libffi oatpp libcurl
libiconv pcre libev
libjpeg pixman libffi
libmill protobuf-c libiconv
libpng protobuf-cpp libjpeg
libsdl raylib libmill
libtask skia libpng
libtiff spdlog libsdl
libusb sqlite3 libtask
libuv tbox libtiff
libwebsockets unqlite libtool
libxml2 zeromq libusb
libyaml zlib libuv
lua libwebsockets
luajit libxml2
mbedtls libyaml
mysql lua
nana luajit
ncurses make
nlohmann_json mbedtls
oatpp meson
opencv mysql
openssl nasm
pcre ncurses
pcre2 ninja
pixman nlohmann_json
protobuf-c oatpp
protobuf-cpp opencv
skia openssl
spdlog patch
sqlite3 pcre
tbox pcre2
unqlite pixman
util-linux pkg-config
x264 protobuf-c
x265 protobuf-cpp
xz protoc
zeromq python
zlib python2