package An official xmake package repository
108 lines
4.3 KiB
108 lines
4.3 KiB
package("lua") |
set_homepage("") |
set_description("A powerful, efficient, lightweight, embeddable scripting language.") |
add_urls("$(version).tar.gz", {version = function (version) |
return version:sub(2) |
end}) |
add_urls("") |
add_versions("v5.4.6", "7d5ea1b9cb6aa0b59ca3dde1c6adcb57ef83a1ba8e5432c0ecd06bf439b3ad88") |
add_versions("v5.4.4", "164c7849653b80ae67bec4b7473b884bf5cc8d2dca05653475ec2ed27b9ebf61") |
add_versions("v5.4.3", "f8612276169e3bfcbcfb8f226195bfc6e466fe13042f1076cbde92b7ec96bbfb") |
add_versions("v5.4.2", "11570d97e9d7303c0a59567ed1ac7c648340cd0db10d5fd594c09223ef2f524f") |
add_versions("v5.4.1", "4ba786c3705eb9db6567af29c91a01b81f1c0ac3124fdbf6cd94bdd9e53cca7d") |
add_versions("v5.3.6", "fc5fd69bb8736323f026672b1b7235da613d7177e72558893a0bdcd320466d60") |
add_versions("v5.2.3", "13c2fb97961381f7d06d5b5cea55b743c163800896fd5c5e2356201d3619002d") |
add_versions("v5.1.1", "c5daeed0a75d8e4dd2328b7c7a69888247868154acbda69110e97d4a6e17d1f0") |
add_versions("v5.1.5", "2640fc56a795f29d28ef15e13c34a47e223960b0240e8cb0a82d9b0738695333") |
if is_plat("mingw") and is_subhost("msys") then |
add_extsources("pacman::lua", "pacman::lua51") |
elseif is_plat("linux") then |
add_extsources("pacman::lua", "pacman::lua51", "pacman::lua52", "pacman::lua53", "apt::liblua5.1-0-dev", "apt::liblua5.2-dev", "apt::liblua5.3-dev", "apt::liblua5.4-dev") |
elseif is_plat("macosx") then |
add_extsources("brew::lua", "brew::lua@5.3") |
end |
add_includedirs("include/lua") |
if not is_plat("windows", "mingw") then |
add_syslinks("dl", "m") |
end |
on_load(function (package) |
package:addenv("PATH", "bin") |
end) |
on_install(function (package) |
local sourcedir = os.isdir("src") and "src/" or "" -- for tar.gz or git source |
if is_plat("iphoneos", "android") then |
-- disable system() calls as they're not supported on these platforms |
local luaconf = .. "/luaconf.h", "a") |
luaconf:write([[ |
#ifndef lconfig_h_ext |
#define lconfig_h_ext |
#if defined(LUA_LIB) |
/* disable system calls as it's not available on this sytem */ |
#define system(s) ((s)==NULL ? 0 : -1) |
#endif |
#endif |
]]) |
luaconf:close() |
end |
io.writefile("xmake.lua", format([[ |
add_rules("mode.release", "mode.debug") |
local sourcedir = "%s" |
local kind = "%s" |
local enabled = %s |
target("lualib") |
set_kind(kind) |
set_basename("lua") |
add_headerfiles(sourcedir .. "*.h", {prefixdir = "lua"}) |
add_headerfiles(sourcedir .. "lua.hpp", {prefixdir = "lua"}) |
add_files(sourcedir .. "*.c|lua.c|luac.c|onelua.c") |
add_defines("LUA_COMPAT_5_2", "LUA_COMPAT_5_1") |
if is_plat("linux", "bsd", "cross") then |
add_defines("LUA_USE_LINUX") |
add_defines("LUA_DL_DLOPEN") |
elseif is_plat("macosx", "iphoneos") then |
add_defines("LUA_USE_MACOSX") |
add_defines("LUA_DL_DYLD") |
elseif is_plat("windows", "mingw") then |
-- Lua already detects Windows and sets according defines |
if is_kind("shared") then |
add_defines("LUA_BUILD_AS_DLL", {public = true}) |
end |
end |
target("lua") |
set_enabled(enabled) |
set_kind("binary") |
add_files(sourcedir .. "lua.c") |
add_deps("lualib") |
if not is_plat("windows", "mingw") then |
add_syslinks("dl") |
end |
]], sourcedir, |
package:config("shared") and "shared" or "static", |
package:is_cross() and "false" or "true")) |
local configs = {} |
if package:config("shared") then |
configs.kind = "shared" |
end |
import("").install(package, configs) |
end) |
on_test(function (package) |
if not package:is_cross() then |
os.vrun("lua -e \"print('hello xmake!')\"") |
end |
assert(package:has_cfuncs("lua_getinfo", {includes = "lua.h"})) |