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61 lines
3.2 KiB
package("proj") |
set_homepage("") |
set_description("PROJ is a generic coordinate transformation software that transforms geospatial coordinates from one coordinate reference system (CRS) to another.") |
set_license("MIT") |
add_urls("$(version).tar.gz") |
add_versions("9.0.1", "737eaacbe7906d0d6ff43f0d9ebedc5c734cccc9e6b8d7beefdec3ab22d9a6a3") |
add_configs("apps", {description = "Build PROJ applications.", default = true, type = "boolean"}) |
add_configs("tiff", {description = "Enable TIFF support.", default = false, type = "boolean"}) |
add_configs("curl", {description = "Enable Curl support.", default = false, type = "boolean"}) |
add_deps("cmake", "sqlite3") |
add_deps("nlohmann_json", {configs = {cmake = true}}) |
if is_plat("windows") then |
add_syslinks("shell32", "ole32") |
elseif is_plat("linux") then |
add_syslinks("pthread") |
end |
on_load("windows", "macosx", "linux", function (package) |
if package:config("tiff") then |
package:add("deps", "libtiff") |
end |
if package:config("curl") then |
package:add("deps", "libcurl") |
if package:is_plat("linux") then |
package:add("deps", "openssl") |
end |
end |
end) |
on_install("windows", "macosx", "linux", function (package) |
if package:config("curl") and package:is_plat("linux") then |
io.replace("src/lib_proj.cmake", "${CURL_LIBRARIES}", "CURL::libcurl ssl crypto", {plain = true}) |
else |
io.replace("src/lib_proj.cmake", "${CURL_LIBRARIES}", "CURL::libcurl", {plain = true}) |
end |
if package:is_plat("windows") and not package:config("shared") then |
io.replace("src/proj.h", "#ifndef PROJ_DLL", "#define PROJ_DLL\n#ifndef PROJ_DLL", {plain = true}) |
end |
local configs = {"-DNLOHMANN_JSON_ORIGIN=external", "-DBUILD_TESTING=OFF"} |
table.insert(configs, "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=" .. (package:debug() and "Debug" or "Release")) |
table.insert(configs, "-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=" .. (package:config("shared") and "ON" or "OFF")) |
table.insert(configs, "-DBUILD_APPS=" .. (package:config("apps") and "ON" or "OFF")) |
table.insert(configs, "-DENABLE_TIFF=" .. (package:config("tiff") and "ON" or "OFF")) |
table.insert(configs, "-DENABLE_CURL=" .. (package:config("curl") and "ON" or "OFF")) |
table.insert(configs, "-DBUILD_PROJSYNC=" .. (package:config("curl") and "ON" or "OFF")) |
if package:config("curl") and package:is_plat("linux") then |
import("").install(package, configs, {packagedeps = {"openssl"}}) |
elseif package:config("curl") and package:is_plat("macosx") then |
local exflags = {"-framework", "CoreFoundation", "-framework", "Security", "-framework", "SystemConfiguration"} |
import("").install(package, configs, {shflags = exflags, ldflags = exflags}) |
else |
import("").install(package, configs) |
end |
end) |
on_test(function (package) |
assert(package:has_cfuncs("proj_context_create", {includes = "proj.h"})) |