package("jsoncons") set_kind("library", {headeronly = true}) set_homepage("") set_description("A C++, header-only library for constructing JSON and JSON-like data formats, with JSON Pointer, JSON Patch, JSONPath, JMESPath, CSV, MessagePack, CBOR, BSON, UBJSON") set_urls("$(version).zip", "") add_versions("v0.176.0", "71a618219b62a2bbcc46efac98696574581e343cd98ef33e5e1bd8db182005d9") add_versions("v0.170.2", "81ac768eecb8cf2613a09a9d081294895d7afd294b841166b4e1378f0acfdd6e") add_versions("v0.158.0", "7ad7cc0e9c74df495dd16b818758ec2e2a5b7fef8f1852841087fd5e8bb6a6cb") on_install(function (package) os.cp("include", package:installdir()) end) on_test(function (package) assert(package:check_cxxsnippets({test = [[ #include #include using namespace jsoncons; std::string data = R"( { "application": "hiking", "reputons": [ { "rater": "HikingAsylum", "assertion": "advanced", "rated": "Marilyn C", "rating": 0.90, "generated": 1514862245 } ] } )"; void test() { json j = json::parse(data); std::cout << "(1) " << std::boolalpha << j.contains("reputons") << "\n\n"; const json &v = j["reputons"]; for (const auto &item : v.array_range()) { // Access rated as string and rating as double std::cout << item["rated"].as() << ", " << item["rating"].as() << "\n"; } std::cout << "\n"; std::cout << "(3)\n"; json result = jsonpath::json_query(j, "$..rated"); std::cout << pretty_print(result) << "\n\n"; std::cout << "(4)\n" << pretty_print(j) << "\n\n"; } ]]}, {configs = {languages = "c++11"}, includes = {"jsoncons/json.hpp", "jsoncons_ext/jsonpath/jsonpath.hpp"}})) end)