package("depot_tools") set_kind("binary") set_homepage("") set_description("Tools for working with Chromium development") add_urls("", "") add_versions("2022.2.1", "8a6d00f116d6de9d5c4e92acb519fd0859c6449a") add_versions("2024.2.29", "50de666ba40a4808daf9791fece3d8a43228a1de") add_versions("2024.7.4", "452fe3be37f78fbecefa1b4b0d359531bcd70d0d") -- we use external ninja instead of depot_tools/ninja which eating ram until VM exhaustion (16GB) add_deps("ninja", {private = true, system = false}) on_load(function (package) package:addenv("PATH", ".") package:addenv("PATH", "python-bin") package:addenv("DEPOT_TOOLS_UPDATE", "0") package:addenv("DEPOT_TOOLS_METRICS", "0") package:addenv("DEPOT_TOOLS_WIN_TOOLCHAIN", "0") end) on_install("linux", "macosx", "windows", function (package) import("") local sourcedir = os.curdir() os.cp("*", package:installdir()) -- maybe we need set proxy, e.g. `xmake g --proxy=` -- @note we must use http proxy instead of socks5 proxy local envs = {} local proxy = global.get("proxy") if proxy then envs.HTTP_PROXY = proxy envs.HTTPS_PROXY = proxy envs.ALL_PROXY = proxy end envs.PATH = table.join(sourcedir, path.splitenv(os.getenv("PATH"))) -- skip to check and update obsolete URL io.replace("./update_depot_tools", 'CANONICAL_GIT_URL=""', 'CANONICAL_GIT_URL=""', {plain = true}) io.replace("./update_depot_tools", 'remote_url=$(eval "$GIT" config --get remote.origin.url)', 'remote_url=""', {plain = true}) os.vrunv("git", {"config", "", ""}) os.vrunv("git", {"config", "", "me"}) os.vrunv("git", {"commit", "-a", "-m", "..."}) -- we need fetch some files when running gclient for the first time if is_host("windows") then os.vrunv("gclient.bat", {"--verbose"}, {envs = envs}) else os.vrunv("./gclient", {"--verbose"}, {shell = true, envs = envs}) end local ninja = path.join(package:dep("ninja"):installdir("bin"), "ninja" .. (is_host("windows") and ".exe" or "")) if ninja and os.isfile(ninja) then os.cp(ninja, package:installdir()) end end) on_test(function (package) import("") os.vrun("python3 --version") os.vrun("ninja --version") local envs = {} local proxy = global.get("proxy") if proxy then envs.HTTP_PROXY = proxy envs.HTTPS_PROXY = proxy envs.ALL_PROXY = proxy end os.vrunv(is_host("windows") and "gclient.bat" or "gclient", {"--version"}, {envs = envs}) end)