local components = { composite = { apt_package = "apt::libxcb-composite0-dev", default_value = true }, damage = { apt_package = "apt::libxcb-damage0-dev" , default_value = true}, dpms = { apt_package = "apt::libxcb-dpms0-dev" , default_value = true}, dri2 = { apt_package = "apt::libxcb-dri2-0-dev" , default_value = true}, dri3 = { apt_package = "apt::libxcb-dri3-dev" , default_value = true}, present = { apt_package = "apt::libxcb-present-dev" , default_value = true}, glx = { apt_package = "apt::libxcb-glx0-dev" , default_value = true}, randr = { apt_package = "apt::libxcb-randr0-dev" , default_value = true}, record = { apt_package = "apt::libxcb-record0-dev" , default_value = true}, render = { apt_package = "apt::libxcb-render0-dev" , default_value = true}, resource = { apt_package = "apt::libxcb-xrm-dev" , default_value = true}, screensaver = { apt_package = "apt::libxcb-screensaver-dev" , default_value = true}, shape = { apt_package = "apt::libxcb-shape0-dev" , default_value = true}, shm = { apt_package = "apt::libxcb-shm0-dev" , default_value = true}, sync = { apt_package = "apt::libxcb-sync0-dev" , default_value = true}, xevie = { apt_package = "apt::libxcb-xevie0-dev" , default_value = true}, ["xfree86-dri"] = { apt_package = "apt::libxcb-xfreedri0-dev" , default_value = true}, xfixes = { apt_package = "apt::libxcb-xfixes0-dev" , default_value = true}, xinerama = { apt_package = "apt::libxcb-xinerama0-dev" , default_value = true}, xinput = { apt_package = "apt::libxcb-xinput-dev" , default_value = true}, xkb = { apt_package = "apt::libxcb-xkb-dev" , default_value = true}, xprint = { apt_package = "apt::libxcb-xprint0-dev" , default_value = false}, selinux = { default_value = false}, xtest = { apt_package = "apt::libxcb-xtest0-dev" , default_value = true}, xv = { apt_package = "apt::libxcb-xv0-dev" , default_value = true}, xvmc = { apt_package = "apt::libxcb-xvmc0-dev" , default_value = true}, ge = { default_value = true} } package("libxcb") set_homepage("https://www.x.org/") set_description("X.Org: Interface to the X Window System protocol") set_urls("https://xcb.freedesktop.org/dist/libxcb-$(version).tar.gz") add_versions("1.13.1", "f09a76971437780a602303170fd51b5f7474051722bc39d566a272d2c4bde1b5") add_versions("1.14", "2c7fcddd1da34d9b238c9caeda20d3bd7486456fc50b3cc6567185dbd5b0ad02") for name, opt in pairs(components) do add_configs(name, {description = format("Enable %s submodule (default is %s).", name, opt.default_value), default = opt.default_value}) end if is_plat("linux") then add_extsources("apt::libxcb1-dev", "pacman::libxcb") end if is_plat("macosx", "linux") then add_deps("pkg-config", "python 3.x", {kind = "binary"}) add_deps("xcb-proto", "libpthread-stubs", "libxau", "libxdmcp") end on_load("linux", function(package) for name, opt in pairs(components) do if opt.apt_package and package:config(name) then package:add("extsources", opt.apt_package) end end end) on_install("macosx", "linux", function (package) local configs = {"--sysconfdir=" .. package:installdir("etc"), "--localstatedir=" .. package:installdir("var"), "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--disable-silent-rules", "--enable-devel-docs=no", "--with-doxygen=no"} table.insert(configs, "--enable-shared=" .. (package:config("shared") and "yes" or "no")) if package:is_plat("linux") and package:config("pic") ~= false then table.insert(configs, "--with-pic") end for name, opt in pairs(components) do table.insert(configs, format("--enable-%s=%s", name, package:config(name) and "yes" or "no")) end import("package.tools.autoconf").install(package, configs) end) on_test(function (package) assert(package:has_cfuncs("xcb_connect", {includes = "xcb/xcb.h"})) end)