package("scotch") set_homepage("") set_description("Scotch: a software package for graph and mesh/hypergraph partitioning, graph clustering, and sparse matrix ordering") add_urls("$(version)/scotch-$(version).zip", "") add_versions("v6.1.1", "21d001c390ec63ac60f987b9921f33cc1967b41cf07567e22cbf3253cda8962a") add_deps("zlib") if is_plat("linux") then add_syslinks("pthread") end on_install("macosx|x86_64", "linux", function (package)"src") if package:is_plat("macosx") then os.cp("", "") elseif package:is_plat("linux") then local basename if package:is_arch("x86_64") then basename = "" elseif package:is_arch("x86") then basename = "" end os.cp(basename .. (package:config("shared") and ".shlib" or ""), "") end io.replace("", "CFLAGS%s+=", "CFLAGS := $(CFLAGS)") io.replace("", "LDFLAGS%s+=", "LDFLAGS := $(LDFLAGS)") local envs = import("").buildenvs(package) local zlib = package:dep("zlib"):fetch() if zlib then local cflags, ldflags for _, includedir in ipairs(zlib.sysincludedirs or zlib.includedirs) do cflags = (cflags or "") .. " -I" .. includedir end for _, linkdir in ipairs(zlib.linkdirs) do ldflags = (ldflags or "") .. " -L" .. linkdir end envs.CFLAGS = cflags envs.LDFLAGS = ldflags end os.vrunv("make", {"scotch"}, {envs = envs}) os.vrunv("make", {"prefix=" .. package:installdir(), "install"}, {envs = envs}) end) on_test(function (package) assert(package:has_cfuncs("SCOTCH_graphInit", {includes = {"stdio.h", "stdlib.h", "scotch.h"}})) end)