import("core.package.package") import("core.base.semver") import("core.base.hashset") import("packages", {alias = "packages_util"}) -- load package function _load_package(packagename, packagedir, packagefile) local funcinfo = debug.getinfo(package.load_from_repository) if funcinfo and funcinfo.nparams == 3 then -- >= 2.7.8 return package.load_from_repository(packagename, packagedir, {packagefile = packagefile}) else -- deprecated return package.load_from_repository(packagename, nil, packagedir, packagefile) end end function _build_artifacts(name, versions) local buildinfo = {name = name, versions = versions} print(buildinfo) os.tryrm("build-artifacts") os.exec("git clone -b build") local oldir ="build-artifacts") local trycount = 0 while trycount < 2 do local ok = try { function ()"build.txt", buildinfo) os.exec("git add -A") os.exec("git commit -a -m \"autobuild %s by xmake-repo/ci\"", name) os.exec("git push origin build") return true end, catch { function () os.exec("git reset --hard HEAD^") os.exec("git pull origin build") end } } if ok then break end trycount = trycount + 1 end assert(trycount < 2) end function _get_latest_modified_packages() print("find latest modified packages ..") local instances = {} local files = os.iorun("git diff --name-only HEAD^") for _, file in ipairs(files:split('\n')) do file = file:trim() if file:find("packages", 1, true) and path.filename(file) == "xmake.lua" then assert(file == file:lower(), "%s must be lower case!", file) local packagedir = local packagename = path.filename(packagedir) if #path.filename( == 1 then local instance = _load_package(packagename, packagedir, file) if instance and packages_util.is_supported(instance, "windows") and (instance.is_headeronly and not instance:is_headeronly()) then table.insert(instances, instance) print(" > %s", instance:name()) end end end end print("%d found", #instances) return instances end function _get_all_packages() local packages = _g.packages if not packages then packages = {} for _, packagedir in ipairs(os.dirs(path.join("packages", "*", "*"))) do local packagename = path.filename(packagedir) local packagefile = path.join(packagedir, "xmake.lua") local instance = _load_package(packagename, packagedir, packagefile) local basename = instance:get("base") if instance and basename then local basedir = path.join("packages", basename:sub(1, 1):lower(), basename:lower()) local basefile = path.join(basedir, "xmake.lua") instance._BASE = _load_package(basename, basedir, basefile) end if instance and packages_util.is_supported(instance, "windows") and (instance.is_headeronly and not instance:is_headeronly()) then table.insert(packages, instance) end end _g.packages = packages end return packages end function _get_packagerefs_of(instance) local packagerefs = {} if instance:is_library() then local packages = _get_all_packages() for _, packageref in ipairs(packages) do local deps = packageref:get("deps") if deps and table.contains(table.wrap(deps), instance:name()) then table.insert(packagerefs, packageref) end end end return packagerefs end function _get_packagerefs_in_latest_24h() print("find packagerefs in latest 24h ..") local instances = {} local list = os.iorun("git log --since=\"24 hours ago\" --oneline") local lines = list:split('\n') if #lines > 0 then local line = lines[#lines] local commit = line:split(" ")[1] if commit and #commit == 8 then local files = os.iorun("git diff --name-only " .. commit .. "^") for _, file in ipairs(files:split('\n')) do file = file:trim() if file:find("packages", 1, true) and path.filename(file) == "xmake.lua" then assert(file == file:lower(), "%s must be lower case!", file) local packagedir = local packagename = path.filename(packagedir) if #path.filename( == 1 then local instance = _load_package(packagename, packagedir, file) if instance and packages_util.is_supported(instance, "windows") and (instance.is_headeronly and not instance:is_headeronly()) then table.insert(instances, instance) end end end end end end local packagerefs = for _, instance in ipairs(instances) do print("%s: ", instance:name()) for _, packageref in ipairs(_get_packagerefs_of(instance)) do packagerefs:insert(packageref) print(" -> %s", packageref:name()) end end local result = {} for _, packageref in packagerefs:keys() do if #result < 24 then table.insert(result, packageref) end end print("%d found", #result) return result end function main(updaterefs) local instances = updaterefs and _get_packagerefs_in_latest_24h() or _get_latest_modified_packages() os.exit() for _, instance in ipairs(instances) do local versions = instance:versions() if versions and #versions > 0 then table.sort(versions, function (a, b) return, b) > 0 end) local version_latest = versions[1] _build_artifacts(instance:name(), table.wrap(version_latest)) end end end