package("libfacedetection") set_homepage("") set_description("An open source library for face detection in images. The face detection speed can reach 1000FPS. ") set_license("BSD-3-Clause") add_urls("$(version).tar.gz", "") add_versions("v3.0", "66dc6b47b11db4bf4ef73e8b133327aa964dbd8b2ce9e0ef4d1e94ca08d40b6a") add_configs("neon", {description = "Use neon", default = is_arch("arm.*"), type = "boolean"}) add_configs("avx512", {description = "Use avx512", default = false, type = "boolean"}) add_configs("avx2", {description = "Use avx2", default = not is_arch("arm.*"), type = "boolean"}) add_configs("openmp", {description = "Use openmp", default = false, type = "boolean"}) add_deps("cmake") on_install("windows", "linux", "macosx", "bsd", "mingw", "msys", "android", "iphoneos", function (package) local configs = {} table.insert(configs, "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=" .. (package:is_debug() and "Debug" or "Release")) table.insert(configs, "-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=" .. (package:config("shared") and "ON" or "OFF")) if package:is_arch("arm.*") then table.insert(configs, "-DENABLE_NEON=" .. (package:config("neon") and "ON" or "OFF")) table.insert(configs, "-DENABLE_AVX512=OFF") table.insert(configs, "-DENABLE_AVX2=OFF") else table.insert(configs, "-DENABLE_NEON=OFF") table.insert(configs, "-DENABLE_AVX512=" .. (package:config("avx512") and "ON" or "OFF")) table.insert(configs, "-DENABLE_AVX2=" .. (package:config("avx2") and "ON" or "OFF")) end table.insert(configs, "-DUSE_OPENMP=" .. (package:config("openmp") and "ON" or "OFF")) import("").install(package, configs) end) on_test(function (package) assert(package:has_cxxfuncs("facedetect_cnn", {includes = "facedetection/facedetectcnn.h", configs = {languages = "c++11"}})) end)