package("libvips") set_homepage("") set_description("A fast image processing library with low memory needs.") set_license("LGPL-2.1") add_urls("$(version).tar.gz", "") add_versions("v8.15.3", "c23a820443241c35e62f1f1f0a1f6c199b37e07d98e3268a7fa9db43309fd67d") add_versions("v8.15.2", "8c3ece7be367636fd676573a8ff22170c07e95e81fd94f2d1eb9966800522e1f") add_versions("v8.15.1", "5701445a076465a3402a135d13c0660d909beb8efc4f00fbbe82392e243497f2") add_patches("8.15.3", "patches/8.15.3/msvc-ssize_t.patch", "1995af657dfd2f4e4f8edec685f67bd473537ff33c42d8329a0df0e0477408b9") add_configs("c++", { description = "Build C++ API", default = true, type = "boolean" }) add_configs("deprecated", { description = "Build deprecated components", default = false, type = "boolean" }) add_configs("dynamic_modules", { description = "Build dynamic modules", default = false, type = "boolean" }) add_configs("introspection", { description = "Build GObject introspection data", default = false, type = "boolean" }) add_configs("vapi", { description = "Build VAPI", default = false, type = "boolean" }) add_configs("nsgif", { description = "Build with nsgif", default = false, type = "boolean" }) add_configs("ppm", { description = "Build with ppm", default = false, type = "boolean" }) add_configs("analyze", { description = "Build with analyze", default = false, type = "boolean" }) add_configs("radiance", { description = "Build with radiance", default = false, type = "boolean" }) local deps = { "cfitsio", "fftw", "fontconfig", "libarchive", "libheif", "libimagequant", "libjpeg", "libjxl", "lcms", "imagemagick", "matio", "openexr", "openjpeg", "poppler", "libpng", "libspng", "libtiff", "libwebp", "zlib", "cgif", "nifti", "highway", } local unsupported_deps = { "exif", "openslide", "orc", "pangocairo", "pdfium", "quantizr", "rsvg", } for _, dep in ipairs(deps) do add_configs(dep, { description = "Build with " .. dep, default = false, type = "boolean"}) end for _, dep in ipairs(unsupported_deps) do add_configs(dep, { description = "Build with " .. dep, default = false, type = "boolean", readonly = true}) end add_deps("meson", "ninja") add_deps("glib", "expat") if is_plat("windows") then add_deps("pkgconf") end if is_plat("mingw") and is_subhost("msys") then add_extsources("pacman::libvips") elseif is_plat("linux") then add_extsources("apt::libvips", "pacman::libvips") elseif is_plat("macosx") then add_extsources("brew::vips") end on_load(function (package) for _, dep in ipairs(deps) do if package:config(dep) then package:add("deps", dep) end end end) on_install("windows", "macosx", "linux", "cross", function (package) io.replace("", "subdir('tools')", "", {plain = true}) io.replace("", "subdir('test')", "", {plain = true}) io.replace("", "subdir('fuzz')", "", {plain = true}) local configs = {"-Dexamples=false"} table.insert(configs, "-Ddefault_library=" .. (package:config("shared") and "shared" or "static")) local configs_map = { ["c++"] = "cplusplus", ["dynamic_modules"] = "modules", ["libarchive"] = "archive", ["libheif"] = "heif", ["libimagequant"] = "imagequant", ["libjpeg"] = "jpeg", ["libjxl"] = "jpeg-xl", ["imagemagick"] = "magick", ["libpng"] = "png", ["libspng"] = "spng", ["libtiff"] = "tiff", ["libwebp"] = "webp", } table.join2(deps, unsupported_deps) -- workaround meson option type table.insert(deps, "dynamic_modules") table.insert(deps, "introspection") for name, enabled in table.orderpairs(package:configs()) do if not package:extraconf("configs", name, "builtin") then local enabled_string if table.contains(deps, name) then enabled_string = (enabled and "enabled" or "disabled") else enabled_string = (enabled and "true" or "false") end if configs_map[name] then name = configs_map[name] end table.insert(configs, "-D" .. name .. "=" .. enabled_string) end end import("").install(package, configs, { packagedeps = {"libintl", "libiconv"}, prefix = path.unix(package:installdir()) -- after xmake v2.9.1 }) end) on_test(function (package) assert(package:has_cfuncs("vips_image_new_from_file", {includes = "vips/vips.h"})) end)