package("sqlcipher") set_homepage("") set_description("SQLCipher is a standalone fork of the SQLite database library that adds 256 bit AES encryption of database files and other security features") set_urls("$(version).tar.gz") add_versions("4.6.0", "879fb030c36bc5138029af6aa3ae3f36c28c58e920af05ac7ca78a5915b2fa3c") add_versions("4.5.3", "5c9d672eba6be4d05a9a8170f70170e537ae735a09c3de444a8ad629b595d5e2") add_configs("encrypt", { description = "enable encrypt", default = true, type = "boolean"}) add_configs("temp_store", { description = "use an in-ram database for temporary tables", default = "2", values = {"0", "1", "2" , "3"}}) add_configs("threadsafe", { description = "sqltie thread safe mode", default = "1", values = {"0", "1", "2"}}) if is_plat("iphoneos") then add_frameworks("Security") else add_deps("openssl") end if is_host("linux", "macosx") then add_deps("tclsh") end if is_plat("macosx", "linux", "cross") then add_syslinks("pthread", "dl", "m") elseif is_plat("android") then add_syslinks("dl", "m", "z") end on_load(function (package) if package:is_plat("windows") and package:config("shared") then package:add("defines", "SQLITE_API=__declspec(dllimport)") end if package:config("encrypt") then package:add("defines", "SQLITE_HAS_CODEC=1") end end) on_install("windows", function (package) local openssl = package:dep("openssl"):fetch() assert(openssl, "Failed fetch openssl library!") local rtcc_include = "" for _, dir in ipairs(openssl.sysincludedirs or openssl.includedirs) do rtcc_include = rtcc_include .. " -I" .. dir end local libpaths = "" for _, dir in ipairs(openssl.linkdirs) do libpaths = libpaths .. " /LIBPATH:" .. dir end local temp_store = " -DSQLITE_TEMP_STORE=" .. package:config("temp_store") local thread_safe = " -DSQLITE_THREADSAFE=" .. package:config("threadsafe") io.replace("Makefile.msc", "TCC = $(TCC) -DSQLITE_TEMP_STORE=1", "TCC = $(TCC) -DSQLITE_HAS_CODEC" .. rtcc_include .. temp_store, {plain = true}) io.replace("Makefile.msc", "TCC = $(TCC) -DSQLITE_THREADSAFE=1", "TCC = $(TCC)" .. thread_safe, {plain = true}) io.replace("Makefile.msc", "RCC = $(RCC) -DSQLITE_TEMP_STORE=1", "RCC = $(RCC) -DSQLITE_HAS_CODEC" .. rtcc_include .. temp_store, {plain = true}) io.replace("Makefile.msc", "RCC = $(RCC) -DSQLITE_THREADSAFE=1", "RCC = $(RCC)" .. thread_safe, {plain = true}) import("") local envs = nmake.buildenvs(package) envs.NO_TCL = 1 envs.SESSION = 0 envs.SQLITE3DLL = "sqlcipher.dll" envs.SQLITE3LIB = "sqlcipher.lib" envs.SQLITE3EXE = "sqlcipher.exe" envs.SQLITE3EXEPDB = "/pdb:sqlcipher.pdb" envs.LTLIBS = "advapi32.lib user32.lib ws2_32.lib crypt32.lib wsock32.lib libcrypto.lib libssl.lib" envs.LTLIBPATHS = libpaths envs.PLATFORM = package:arch(), {"-f", "Makefile.msc"}, {envs = envs}) os.cp("sqlcipher.dll", package:installdir("bin")) os.cp("sqlcipher.pdb", package:installdir("bin")) os.cp("sqlcipher.exe", package:installdir("bin")) os.cp("sqlcipher.lib", package:installdir("lib")) os.cp("sqlite3.h", package:installdir("include")) os.cp("sqlite3ext.h", package:installdir("include")) end) on_install("linux", "macosx", "iphoneos", "cross", function (package) os.vrunv("./configure", {"--with-crypto-lib=none"}) import("").build(package, {"sqlite3.c"}) local configs = {} if package:config("shared") then configs.kind = "shared" end configs.encrypt = package:config("encrypt") configs.threadsafe = threadsafe configs.temp_store = temp_store os.cp(path.join(package:scriptdir(), "port", "xmake.lua"), "xmake.lua") import("").install(package, configs) end) on_test(function (package) assert(package:has_cfuncs("sqlite3_open_v2", {includes = "sqlite3.h"})) end)